Waking up to the Reality of our Own Ability to Create Income Our Own Way

in #neville-goddard7 years ago (edited)

Hello All
This is a message about following your own instincts and carving your own path toward generating your income, however you do it in your life.

I have been in the corporate world since around 26, and started using the services of corporate job recruiters since 31. When I read Zero to One by Peter Thiel several years ago ( cofounder of Paypal ), and came across his statement regarding recruitment companies - basically that they should not exist, and that companies should handle hiring internally - I must have looked like I had some kind of disorder, in the way I was nodding my head violently. I may have been in a Barnes and Noble at the time. ( no offense if you are a recruiter )

I just finished a 9-month contract gig, a couple of months ago, overhauling the public facing website of a large company, and I'd bet that at least 20-30 bucks of the hourly rate that they were paying the recruitment agency, was peeled off the top, before the rest came to me.

I suppose that there's a point at which you tell yourself to surrender at the realities of how entrenched Recruitment Agencies are, in the world of industry, and that they are as plentiful as spiders are in Australia so you need to work with them, however that point in time should actually never arrive.
If you've got a skill that you love to express ( and I love what I do, but not in a 9 to 5 schedule, sitting on a chair that someone else provides me ), you should be able to express it in a manner that creates happiness for you, for the most part.

As the late Wayne Dyer would say, think from the end


However, to return to the subject of the logistics of how you express your skill... if you can't find a way to trade your skill for income in the types of companies you think you want to work for, without having to use Agencies, then start programming your mind to the belief that you can earn the kind of cash you want, and consider that it doesn't matter what kind of company you work for.. and then drop your preferences for companies ( or clients, since you want to think of yourself as your own employer).

Get out of the "group think" mentality that you must respond to everyone that sees your LinkedIn profile, and then offers you "the greatest opportunity if you will just give me a call to go over this".

Fastest Way to End Result of "that" Lifestyle - Assume the Feeling of It, Allowing Inspired Hunches to drive Action

The End that you desire is you doing shit you really love, and raking in a nice chunk of change in return. Let go of the How's. If you've ever read Neville Goddard, whom Wayne Dyer was hugely inspired by, you'd know that this material world is mostly a product of our past beliefs and moods and feelings that we've invested our faith into. We were taught by society that reality can never be better than what we're observing with our eyes.

If you forget about the How's of how to arrive at an objective, and just spend 10, 15 minutes a day ( in scattered times throughout the day preferably ) assuming the version of desired reality is already here, then your belief that you can achieve it goes up.

The reason it goes up, is because your fear-based chattering isn't constantly stopping you to ask: "wait.. how the fk do we do that ?".

You've relinquished the How's, which means you're all of a sudden, for the first time in your life, are now listening to your Knowing Self inside, telling you to ignore the incessant emails and voice mails from that recruiter who found you on LinkedIn ( sometimes I wonder why I have a L.I. account ).

If I consistently rest in the blissful feeling of having the perfect clients giving me the perfect projects, it can't not come. BTW, the reason why I took this 9-month gig was due to being a newbie to Boise ( moved from CA ), so I was craving social activity. Never again.. bad reason. Made me exceedingly miserable. I'll just simply manifest a social life as a separate objective.

The bottom line is you never need a middleman agency company that takes part of your income unless you believe you do.

If you haven't read either Power of Awareness by Neville, or Wishes Fulfilled by Wayne Dyer, much recommended. I have a youtube channel that I've basically centered around Neville ( and Abe-Hicks ), and will share more info on that later.

Please forgive this regular post before my Introduce myself post. I'll get to that one. I was super restless tonight, kind of wired, and just wanted to blurt this out.


Great post! Inspiring. What is your Youtube channel?

Thanks! My channel is at: www.youtube.com/HighFrequencyPerspectives. I'm not very active on it.. it's so time consuming to do them. Lately just working on web apps, learning mobile app dev, etc.. and reading Neville and other writers of course

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