Simulation theory talk #1 What are we to become..
Simulation theory is one of my very favorite things to think about.
To explain it, it could be one of many options.
- The way technology is going, and with video games becoming more and more like real life, maybe in about 200 years we have a way to connect someone to a game that is so real, it would be indecipherable from reality.
So, if we can see this in our foreseeable future, then who is to say that we have not already gotten to this point? Perhaps our technology has developed so much that most jobs and every day tasks are done by computers and we have all become obsolete.
Therefore we have hoodwinked our self, hijacked our sensations to be back in the golden age 2018. When food is "fast" and we are no longer bums begging for sustenance tablets on the wind highways, or trying to keep up with the working class by downloading updates to your Neuralink every 15 minutes to keep up with A.I.
I can only imagine with the furthest reaches of my thoughts what it would have taken for us to wipe our minds and joined this simulation, that is to say that we even had a choice.
Pretty fun to think about. This is just possibility #1
More ideas and thought nuggets to come.
..... to be continued.
Love this! I completely agree with you. This is why having children scares me a bit. The future is an all around mind blast to me. Upvoted bro!
Thanks for telling me about this Trish! feels good to type these things out, it's like a think tank.
Of course! Its my goal to get everyone in the family on steemit! Its such a fun platform!
“I am enough of the artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.” Albert Einstein.gif)
The more advanced we get the more the simulation theory makes sense. And it's starting to gain interest by some scientists as well. Our reality may be digital. Great post!
Yeah it's true. Either we came from nature or we are computer programs.
Or we came from nature which came from a computer program.
I love this post, and simulation theory in general. I wrote a couple a while back that I think you might find really interesting. Check'em out if you like here, and here. There's also another scifiish short story here, and an article about simulation theory with respects to the Mandela effect here, and the cherry on top is this great video by camperkiller commentary all about simulation theory which you can watch here.
Sorry that was spammy as hell. I'm not looking for votes I just really think that you'd like those articles as I really resonated with what you just wrote. It seems like with respects to simulation theory, our minds might be on the same wavelength.
Very cool post william! Good thing to think about!
More likely that we are in a simulation than not in a simulation. 2 words - Quantum Blockchain lol