The Number One Reason Smart People Are Now Flocking To Network Marketing
As everyone knows the job market (for good, well-paying work) is continuing to dwindle, and therefore millions of people are being forced to explore other income alternatives.
Network Marketing is seeing a massive uptick in growth and acceptance because regular jobs are now ‘too risky’ and smart people are heavily motivated to reduce that risk.
As you read this now the world is rapidly moving towards being a ‘Performance-based Economy.’
What on earth does that mean?
Companies know that human labor (your wages and salaries) is their biggest cost and they are making moves to reduce that cost and get the “biggest bang for the buck” for what they do pay you.
Being Performance-based means that instead of paying you for time spent at work, companies will pay you for tasks targets completed or quotas met.
Here are some ways you will see this happen:
Technology will destroy many jobs. We have all seen the monster Blockbuster Video chain fall prey to Netflix and online streaming video technology. Another quick example is Amazon is experimenting using Drones to deliver packages to their customers instead of people, so not only are they hurting Walmart’s business but they are taking work away from Logistics companies like FedEx & UPS.
Companies will lower our basic wage/salary and focus on paying us on proven output. An example of this would be paying a Commercial Fisherman by tons of fish caught, or a Bartender by the number of drinks served to customers. Basically if you don’t perform then the company is not obligated to pay you very much.
We will see the increase of businesses like Airbnb and Uber that effectively give regular people the ability to run their own private Accommodation and Taxi service, taking business away from traditional business. These types of companies are purely performance-based, in other words if you don’t drive or accommodate anyone then you DO NOT get paid.
More and more jobs will be moved offshore to developing nations who can perform the work at a fraction of the cost.
If you depend only on a job, you could take a 100% pay cut at any time.
But once you understand this what will you do to generate more income? In order to double your income at your current job, you would likely have to double your hours. Is that even possible to do? Would you even want to work that much more?
There are only so many hours in a day.
What happens if you get sick, can’t work, lose your job, or want to retire? Your income dries up and puts you and your family in financial hardship once more.
Smart people are now seeing Network Marketing as a form of ‘insurance’ against getting a pay cut, being laid off from their work, or suffering from health issues that prevent them working.
They see the writing on the wall.
They are seeing their co-workers, family and friends losing their jobs.
They see that the money they are promised from the government to look after them in their retirement will not go far.
They realize the peril of having all their eggs in one basket, and the constant stress of totally relying on their job to always provide for their family.
They realize that is not acceptable to be a financial ‘basket case’ when others are relying on you, and all the excuses in the world will not put food in the mouths of your kids.
They understand that the plain truth is that if you depend only on a job for money, you could take a 100% pay cut and be turfed out on the street at any time. And that, you must agree, is just too risky for most of us.
Instead, what you will need to do is create a way to generate leveraged income — money that you earn from the efforts of others. Then we start to access the same passive earning power that rich, financially secure people use.
When money comes in passively, this give you freedom and protection against job, economic & health uncertainty. But when 100 percent of your income comes from 100 percent of your efforts alone, that leaves you in a very precarious and scary position.
And so people are waking up to the fact that developing a simple extra income from Network Marketing is now an extremely viable ‘Financial Protection’ option – two incomes are always better than one!
Earning a full-time income from Network Marketing can literally save lives.
My best friend John had put in the time and effort to develop a healthy full-time income from Network Marketing when suddenly his wife Carol was diagnosed with terminal cancer and only given months to live. If Carol died she would leave their 3 adorable little girls without their mother.
John decided to fully devote himself to help Carol recover.
The income from his Network Marketing business flowed in month after month while John flew his wife all over Kenya, Africa to the rest of the world seeking out the best doctors and therapies to keep his beloved wife alive.
When the Doctors told John that there was nothing they could do for his wife he hired a full-time Nanny to take care of his kids and spent 6 months in Mexico with Carol working to get her well again with a natural alternative treatment.
The treatment required John to be extremely hands-on making special food and fresh organic juices around the clock for those 6 months and he had almost zero time to devote to maintaining their Network Marketing business – but his commission checks came in every month despite his forced neglect.
John’s full-time dedication to his wife’s recovery paid off and Carol went into full remission and has now been cancer-free for over a decade. They both know that without their MLM income John would now be raising their children without her.
Network Marketing allowed me to raise 2 children by myself in a totally foreign country…
In my own case I was a full-time single father here in Japan raising 2 very small girls in a totally different country, in another language with no family to support me and NO financial assistance from the government.
As you can fully imagine looking after my 2 young children in a totally foreign country consumed most of my time & energy, and without family support it would have been incredibly difficult to hold down a full time job and juggle my duties as a father.
The Japanese people notoriously work very long hours and there is absolutely no way I wanted to be away from my girls.
For 5 years we lived purely from my Network Marketing income because it was not possible for me to work in a conventional job. Without that constant income my girls and I would have been in a very sad state of affairs.
Why should you consider building a Network Marketing Business?
As you have probably realized, most jobs are not going to give you the lifestyle you desire. Typically you will trade your time for money – a resource that will never come back to you.
An ‘efficiently’ run company will pay you just enough to keep you and get the maximum value from the hours that you work. Job security is an illusion for the most part because as soon as a person or technology can be found to do your job faster and/or cheaper you are replaced.
Living in constant fear of being replaced is no way to live.
You must take control of your own financial future. No government hand-out is going to permanently fix your personal financial situation – it is all up to you.
The light bulb will turn on for you when you recognize that your situation will not improve itself, and that there is a better way – Network marketing.
Having your own Network Marketing business will allow you, as a busy person who already has a career to start a part-time business to supplement your finances, while learning to grow your business to a life-changing level.
Once your income exceeds your expenses you will begin to experience time freedom, and a greatly enhanced ability to live life by your own design.
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Tony Trillions.