The 3 components you absolutely MUST have to succeed in Network Marketing

It goes without saying that any Network Marketing company that you are seriously considering joining:

  1. Must be owned and managed by people that are honest, experienced and very good at reading future trends
  2. Be financially stable, be well capitalized and preferably be debt-free.
    Once you have ‘checked off’ those absolute MUST HAVE prerequisites I want to share with you are few more key factors that will play a massive part in whether you make ‘play money’ with your opportunity or make ‘real money’ – money that can dramatically boost your financial security.

Are you ready to learn what they are? Let’s go…

  1. A super simple sizzle product that does not need much explaining and the results can be seen or felt almost immediately. We will discuss the psychological reasons for this later on.
  2. You must have a complete ‘franchise-like’ prospecting system that you can plug everyone into that gives them a simple, zero-rejection way to generate their own leads, and always have new, fresh people to build relationships with and expose their business to.
  3. A generous Compensation Plan that pays people a nice amount up front to keep them motivated in the short term, and also allows you to make a lot of money passively over the long term.
    Of these 3 the first 2 are the most important because WITHOUT them you will find it hard to recruit and keep enough people to really make a lot of money from the Compensation Plan anyway.

We will dig a lot deeper into the importance of the product and system soon but first let’s discuss…

Prospect Psychology 101 – just what are people ACTUALLY thinking when you are showing them the business?
I want you to really pay attention to about what you are going to read next. It is crucial information and not 1 in 10 Network Marketing professionals will ever explain this to you, and chances are they do not understand it themselves.

When you are showing your business to your prospect, sure they look at the products and they look at the compensation plan…

BUT more than that they look at HOW you present the business to them and ask themselves:

“Could I present the business the same way this person is showing me?” In other words “Could I do this?”
If the answer they give themselves is “No” then 9 times out of 10 they will say “No” to joining your business. Or they will join to get you off their back and then do nothing and cancel soon after.

It doesn’t matter how incredibly mind-blowing your product is, or how insanely generous your compensation plan is. You could be selling gold bricks for $1 – they won’t join you.

Promise yourself today to seek out and use the simplest, easiest way to present your business.
The sooner you have a prospecting style and presentation that another person can easily see themselves being able to do the faster your business will grow.

Ideally an 8 year old kid should be able to experience your pitch and say to themselves “Yep I could do this!”
Now lets circle back and apply this psychology to the first Key factor we discussed at the top:

A super simple sizzle product that does not need much explaining and the results can be seen or felt almost immediately.
I am a firm believer that most Network Marketing companies have great products however in saying that some are just soooo much easier to demonstrate and sell than others.

Generally speaking..

  1. If your product is something new and unfamiliar to the prospect – it will be tough to sell.
  2. If your product requires extensive education and perhaps even training before they can understand it – then it will be tough to sell.
  3. If your product is something that you WOULD NOT buy if there was no way of making money from it – then it will be tough to sell.

If your product is new and unfamiliar then your prospect is thinking ‘Ugh this thing looks good but I have never seen it before and nobody I know is using it so I will play it safe and watch it for awhile to see how it goes – so for now NO‘

If your product requires extensive education and training before they can understand it your prospect is thinking “I don’t have enough time as it is without having to learn all that stuff and being able to remember what to say when I am explaining it to another person. And I definitely CANNOT see any of my friends learning this stuff – therefore NO‘

If you would never buy the product yourself if there wasn’t a compensation plan attached to it then your prospect is thinking “I could never convince my family and friends to buy this $50 bottle of vitamins when you can get something similar at Costco for $12. It just doesn’t feel right – therefore NO‘

The best products are ones that cause the least brain power, sales skill and explaining to sell – a product that in less than 1 minute a prospect can look at it and say to themselves ‘Yeah I can see a whole bunch of people wanting to use this!’

A good example of this would be a sachet of instant coffee that tastes great, makes you feel mentally alert and allows you to lose weight and inches without exercising or changing your diet.

A coffee product that has a ton of REAL before and after pictures of people who have loads of weight JUST by drinking the coffee.

Why would this Coffee product work so well?

  1. The product is ultra familiar – everybody on earth knows about coffee, and most people feel they need to lose weight. It is vanity-driven.
  2. The coffee product DOES NOT require much training or education – everyone knows how to mix instant coffee into hot water. And everyone can point a prospect to a quick video to understand why they will lose weight with it.
  3. It is a product that has mass market appeal. Many people would buy this product because they don’t have time to exercise enough, love coffee and want to lose weight without starving themselves.

Now let’s move on to the second item on our list of Key Factors…
You must have a complete ‘franchise-like’ prospecting system that you can plug everyone into that gives them a simple, zero-rejection way to generate their own leads, and always have new, fresh people to build relationships with and expose their business to.
I cannot stress this enough…

“Having a lack of live leads and people to talk to about your business is one of THE top reasons why most people quit Network Marketing.”
You may have the most exciting product and network marketing business opportunity the world has ever seen… but if you do not tell anyone about it… if you do not have a way to expose your business and products to a steady stream of new prospects on a daily basis… your business is dead in the water.

Savvy prospects (the ones you want in your business) know this and will want to know what system you have in place for them to generate leads, that they can also pass on to their downline to grow their business,

If your answer to these prospects is the old and tired ‘Make a list of your friends and family’ then your prospect is likely saying to themselves:

  1. “All my friends are deadbeats, only interested in getting drunk and watching the football – therefore I have to say

  2. “I have just moved and don’t know anybody here yet. If you don’t have a systematic way I can find people online or
    in Social Media – then I have to say NO.

  1. “I have approached all my friends and family with the last deal I went into that went bad and lost them money –
    therefore I have to say NO.”

  2. “I want to prove to my friends that this works first before I go to them so if you don’t have another way for me to
    generate leads – then NO.”

  3. “No regular business would last more then 5 minutes if they had to rely purely on friends and family as customers. I
    want a way to market this professionally and generate my own leads outside of people I know. If you don’t have that
    then I will have to go elsewhere – so NO.”

If the company or team within the company DOES NOT have a SYSTEMATIC way for you to generate your own leads daily then you either have to find a company that does (virtually none) or you WILL HAVE to use a reputable 3rd party system that was designed by Network Marketers to be used by Network Marketers.
If you aspire to create a true residual, leveraged-income from the efforts of those in your sales team then you must give yourself the very best odds of success.

When your new recruits come to you and say “Ok so I joined now what?” you MUST have a system to give them or else chances are high they too, will become another MLM statistic.

You MUST have:
A super simple sizzle product that does not need explaining and the results can be seen or felt almost immediately.
You must have a complete ‘franchise-like’ prospecting system that you plug everyone into that gives them simple, zero-rejection way to generate their own leads, and always have new, fresh people to build relationships with and expose their business to.
A generous Compensation Plan that pays people a nice amount up front to keep them motivated in the short term, and also allows you to make a lot of money passively over the long term.

If your team or company does not have a complete Zero-Rejection Prospecting System to generate leads daily then I invite you to Universal Hustle Affiliato. Email us @ [email protected]




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