What is NESARA National Economic Security and Reformation Act? What was Executive Order 11110 under JFK? How does the American Sovereignty Restoration Act of 2020 help?
I am being shadow banned. Some can see so will keep going!
I operate under TestingTheNarrative on Youtube, Gab, Parler, NaturalNews, Bitchute and various other platforms. #WeThePeople are all working together in various places. Thank you to all who are actively #FightingTheGoodFight
Because of You being willing to work with us we are heading towards. . .
People get frightened (understandable so) when they don't understand something even if their current way of life is clearly. compromised. Perhaps they are afraid of the unknown, therefore; would rather keep plugging along in a fallen system because it is familiar and All they have ever known. God wishes far better for His creation. The nefarious of a global cabal have ruled with predatory practices against the rest of humanity for far too long.
The Global Reset!
This drop is Very Important, also summarizes all we have been fighting for all along!
A Jubliee! Remember we said Biblical Proportions!
Would elitists benefit from this or will it tip their power structure in the favor of #WeThePeople?
Why do they hate POTUS so much? Does he threaten their way of profiting and controlling us?
No tax on food or medicine. No used items such as used homes. ..no taxed.
Will increase benefits to senior citizens.
It returns Constitutional Law to the courts in all legal matters.
We will be returned back to Constitutional Law.
Monitors elections and prevents illegal election activities of special interest groups. #GoodbyeGeorgeSTactics
Creates a New U.S. Treasury called Rainbow currency that is backed by precious metals. Silver has been steadily rising.
Real Estate will likely go down, but rise back up.
This is all worth it to see the hold of the Central Banking system go away.
Forbids the sale of American Birth Cert records. Think about that. ..bonds by the U.S. Dept of Transportation. #NoMoreChattel, #GoodbyeStrawman, #GoodbyeAdmiraltyLaw?
Eliminates the Federal Reserve system. During the transition the FED will be allowed to operate side by side with the U.S. treasury for one year in order to remove all Federal Reserve Notes from the money supply.
You have already seen the coin shortage.
We were primed to go to NESARA in 2001. ..but 9/11. Inside job or foreign threat? Your call!
Building 7 reported 8 min. prior to falling implosion rather than explosion? How about the entity with the need for some of the Highest Security in the land. . .the Pentagon so easily attacked with no heads up from those tasked with watching it? Does that not give pause?
A passport makes it through and it just happens to be one of the terrorist's passports when much of the rubble in the area turned molten? What's up with that? Were these methods used on a movie set? Asking for a friend!
Do you remember George Bush (Poppy) New World Order Speech?
So think about that. . .the Fight Back to NESARA and GESARA which would take the control out of the elitist globalists who control much of the entities of society and put their puppets into play in virtually every sector and every level of government?
Rhinos, NWO puppets where they take people willing to be compromised from both sides of the Political Fence to "Play" us. Are they playing people Now?
Bill Gates called the globalist represented at his "Pandemic Exercises". . remember, he called them that, "Players!" I ask you, Who are they playing? Who is allowing themselves to be played to put a symbol of submission on? If not familiar, I Dare you, look it up on your device. . .Event 201!
Just Part of Their Description on Bill Gate's page. Go look for yourself!
confronting difficult, true-to-life dilemmas associated with response to a hypothetical, but scientifically plausible, pandemic. 15 global business, government, and public health leaders were players in the simulation exercise
Do people really trust them just because they use the phrase. ..High Level? Sad. Wake Up!
NESARA will restore financial privacy.
Will retrain all judges and attorneys in Constitutional Law.
Ceases all government U.S. Military action worldwide.
Will release enormous sums of money for humanitarian purposes. Without many of these fraudulent virtue signaling "charities, institutions, foundations (think ClintonFoundation) money will be freed up from funneling it only into their own causes and people they support, I.e. the controllers!
Will enable the release of over 6,000 patents!
Access to suppressed technologies that have been withheld from us in order to keep the globalist controllers profiting off of us by being forced into relying on their forms of tech. This suppression has always been done under the guise of National
This will include Free Energy devices you and I Know are out there if you have ever tinkered around in your workshop with copper, magnetism, Alternating Current! Why didn't the controllers want you to know? Why did they steal and hide NiKola Tesla's research, experiments and inventions? You know why!
Getting off the grid? Who will Not benefit if you are independent of their system?
Antigravity? Sonic healing machines? Patented technologies hidden by using their "national security" ploy.
Worldwide a Gold back system will level the playing field for Fair Trade between countries. . .so why wouldn't progressives be on board with this if they truly want Fair Trade? Is it because their leaders they don't see are compromised have Always profited off of unbalanced trade deals?
Will NESARA and GESARA usher in the anti-christ?
They are already here. . .the anti-christ and minions.
NESARA vs. the New World Order
Will it benefit the NWO to pose as if their counterpart (NESARA) is the NWO? Isn't that what the nefarious have done all along?
What is the Progressive tactic we have watched them use all along? Karl Marx their radical hero. .."Whatever You are doing, Blame the other side!"
Doesn't it stand to reason they will try to convince people NESARA, which threatens their profits and predatory actions is the people's enemy?
You have to see how it stacks up against what you know is Not the truth and certainly doesn't ring with the sound of truth!
For example, there are 6 stages of the NWO. The number doesn't surprise you right?
Stay with me on this. ..
NWO stages
- Stage 1 Create unrest in major U.S. cities CHECK with antifa, blm, masked vs unmaksed.
What have you seen happening in Portland, New York, Chicago, Detroit, St. Louis, Minneapolis to name a few?
This from the C_a Library called the Smoking Gun in which it goes over the Illuminati Card game. Call it Conspiracy Theory if you want, but just remember Who it was that coined that phrase in order to distract and get people to ignore what may show the hand of the nefarious in intelligence agencies and shadow government. They will do anything to protect their careers and agenda!
There is a similar looming uncertainty, distress and fear for life. In fact, much like the poison initially spilling from this churn, the pandemic is also throwing its challenges towards us – in terms of loss of life, global economy slowdown, mass panic and distress, the need to adapt to new business models, to name a few. However, the churn will ultimately enable us to re-structure our priorities, and ways of living and working to define a new world order. It will help us get ‘Amrita’, by making us aware of the fundamental priorities, including – the importance of building a sustainable world, focusing on healthcare and general hygiene, leveraging technology to enable new ways of working.
The common cause of finding a solution to COVID-19 has brought together individuals, institutions, communities, governments and society at large. Looking at such collaborative initiatives, I get a sense of optimism, since my conviction is that the advanced knowledge of technology and ingenuity will help the global population to fight and defeat this viral attack. One may argue that it may take some time before an antidote is found; meanwhile, alternative systems and approaches can be developed, that will not only help manage the current crisis but also create new ways of doing business in future.
The unrest to be preceded by a month of subliminal programming via tv (so your tell a vision box and whose Vision do they always portray?) and other media to condition the people to prepare for civil war in the United States.
Press Releases released by Time Warner (Known to be a Rockefeller Corporation) and 5 other Corporate owned media moguls, who will further inflame the citizens of the United States to further the causes of civil unrest.
Have you seen this played out?
- Stage 2 ready to take affect by summer.
Special agents of the conspiracy masquerading as police may open fire on the people standing to defend the Constitution and their Constitutional rights.
Does this remind you of a certain case where someone who was shown to have worked at the same place Floyd did previously was then kneeling on his neck?
Did this instigate unrest and a targeting of All Police?
Who wants to defund the police? All while using them when they need them for protection.
Does it look like a certain Card?
Other agents will set off bombs.
Remainder of stage 2. ..inner city gangs already fully armed will join in the fray. What were we told from former gang members who lived in Chicago? Who was dropping off weapons?
Stage 3 these riots will continue with many Americans slaughtered in major American Cities.
Why is that? Are there certain places say. ..Chicago, New York, Portland, Seattle, Minneapolis who have Democrat failed leadership?
Was the UN hoping to usher in their "Peace Keeping Force?" The old. ..create the Chaos, bring in a solution in which the mass public will be willing to give up even More freedom just to have a solution to the created chaos?
Do you remember the logged footage for the UN convoys of military vehicles passing through Chicago? What do you suppose they were preparing for?
They have been brought into various cities on trains and trucks also. Been spotted for many years now.
Bush speech Sept. 11, 1990, so 9/11/1990
Where he talked about the war in Iraq being a rare opportunity to move toward a historic period of cooperation. Out of these troubled times, a New World Order can emerge.
Sept. 21, 1992 Speech to the United Nations Bush announced Foreign Troops would occupy America and train for a New World Order Army.
Is this a good thing?
So he spelled it out and what all has proceeded?
So what did they do with this NWO army?
- Stage 4 If the Riot's Take Over Scenario fails to materialize into a National Emergency and a NWO takeover at that time. . .the NWO advocates will create another crisis to further their agenda.
Have you watched them the (Dem should be leaders) create crisis after crisis? Have they shut down businesses and tried to get people to fall in line. Is it illegal for them to arrest you for not wearing a mask?
Is this an attack on your civil liberty.
The NWO will create another crisis to bring about their agenda. They are desperate for the NWO takeover of the United States. We have been told by many the U.S. is the last needed to fall!
Have we not watched Pelosi, Schiff and many other should be leaders blatant about working for their power and control over the good of We the People?
If all else fails, they may attempt an all out United Nations Invasion of the U.S. using whatever means they can to justify such a United Nations operation.
Remember what they did at a United Nations building in Utah? Will include footage so you can hear and see firsthand.
Do you remember this? Almost a year ago as this was back in August 28, 2019
Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) demanded this week that the United States bring in the United Nations to handle the border crisis on the U.S.-Mexico border, a move that would undermine the United States’ national sovereignty.
Omar made the remarks on Tuesday while speaking to her constituents during an immigration forum in south Minneapolis.
Omar, who was accused this week of having an affair with a married man, lectured the audience about losing the “moral high ground” on the issue of immigration.
“We should do what any other country does by dealing with this situation in a serious way,” Omar said. “So, we have to bring in the United Nations high commissioner on refugees, an agency that has the expertise and the training to handle massive flows of refugees humanely.”
Talked about replacing Police Officers with "Peace Officers." Would you Ever trust them?
Because we have been warned. . .
I Thessalonians 5:3
For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.
For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.
Who has stopped them from sending in UN troops? Then on the other side who was boasting about being a Part of the UN?
Is it any wonder why they screech and push such hate upon the president who cancelled out their diabolical plot? Goodbye Stage 4. Trump pulled us out of the United Nations. Excellent call President Donald J. Trump
- Stage 5 Then a well planned crash of the Stock Market will occur. Did they not try to pull this one? do you remember some Very Telling numbers? Were they able to Plan a a deadly virus in an attempt to bring the economy down and crash the markets again? Which country were we told by our co-patriots around the world was the last that needed to fall and We Better Stand?
In a June 23, 2020 article from Business Insider it states... "warns that extreme valuations suggest a 66% drop.
Now can they attain yet another level of control if they can convince everyone to get vaccinated? How about Hydrogel? What do you see in the Microsoft patent WO2020060606A1?
Poem on Bill Gates what is luciferase? How about Microsoft patent WO2020060606 and HR6666
- Stage 6 The Constitution of the United States is then suspended. The people are now living under Martial Law in a totally fascist state.
Have you seen fascism in the groups of those should be Dem leaders claim are against fascism? That is because they subscribe once again to Karl Marx, their hero who stated, "Whatever You are doing Blame the other side!" Have you seen them use this over and over?
Their main goals all along have been to disarm citizens and suspend our Constitution.
How far have they been allowed to further these main goals?
Scary isn't it?
What have they been desperately trying to destroy and erase? History? Reality?
Global reset?
Which one is the better way? The New World Order or NESARA! Why do the globalist despise NESARA?
NESARA, stands for the National Economic Security and Reformation Act. It’s the most ground breaking reformation to sweep not only this country but our planet in its entire history. The act does away with the Federal Reserve Bank, the IRS, the secret government, and much more.
History of NESARA
To understand NESARA’s origins we must go back to the early years of the American Republic. Ever since England lost her most prized jewel the “American Colonies,” the royal crown was looking for ways to take back what was once theirs. The pioneers of our new republic knew the threat that faced the young nation. To ensure its survival a nobility amendment was passed to prevent anyone who had loyalties to the crown from holding public office. The 13th Amendment was approved by congress and the House of Representatives in 1810. It was ratified by all the necessary states into law on March 12, 1819.
#WorkerBees, #NoMoreSlaveSociety, #RefocusPriorities, #GettingRidOfAnEnslavedSociety
Recent Facebook Frames
Here we go! Broke it down before, but nothing brings clarity like looking back on it in hind sight right? The words come from everywhere." Singer Stipe explained to Q Magazine in 1992.
Facebook Frames It’s the End of the World as we know It!
Broke this song down before with All the Parallels to what we have watched Gates and others orchestrate during his “pandemic exercises” with his “Players” and oh how they spell out their plays and just who all they are playing.
Wait. . .aren’t these people just Allowing themselves to be played?
After all who loves drama and shows? You know who Great #GuardiansOfChildren, Amazing #Anons and Persevering #Patriots
Let’s Roll the Song and Stroll down memory lane shall we?
Follow the history briefly in just 3 Frames of what happened when a certain Aeroplane was shot down!
Birthplace of the Corona Program? Then Who was it handed over to after Rand Corporation came up with designs and recommendations? Yes. .. ARPA precursor to DARPA of which the 19th Director of DARPA, Regina Dugan worked for both Google and Facebook. Coincidence? #ThereAreNoCoincidences and you can Feel it Now more than ever right?
Flip through the Frames and see all the connections to what we are seeing Now and the Song It’s the End of the World as we Know it which was first done as a PSA or Public Service Announcement way back in the 80’s.
You won't believe the Cheese connection to Cheesecake and Jellybeans. Jelly Belly anyone?
Fully Sourced!
Then ask yourself. ..How did They KNOW?
Now what will You do with the information you Know?
#ItsTheEndOfTheWorldAsWeKNOWit, #PSA, #PublicServiceAnnouncement
It's the End of the World As we Know it
Facebook Frames
The Plan
Who were the forgotten?
Not anymore!
Where We Go One We Go all!
Can you hear us now?
Check out Event 201 where Bill Gates and the World Economic Forum called all those playing in their Pandemic Tabletop Simulations. ..Players! His words. Now just Who are they Playing?
Don't be Played!
How far Will the public be willing to go to follow this rhetoric? Nothing says I am a willing pawn out in God's Creation like a muzzle and a pair of goggles. Appears they're just messin' with people now. Never thought I'd see the day! Insanity off the charts. I hear in Wisconsin the people don't walk around owned like this. I sure wonder how many are laughing it up watching this go down. When do the Hazmat suits come out?
Yes, you really Are Here on the Time Continuum.
Can you hear us now?
Want us to pass that popcorn?
#HoneyWhereAreTheKidsSwimGoggles #HoneyIShrunkMyBrain
Dr. Fauci says in order to best prevent spreading or catching COVID-19, you should consider using goggles or a face shield.
This is Excellent! Thank you William Stone for this Great link on SpyGate! He does such a Great job! I follow him on Parler!
Dan Bongino SpyGate
LOL. ..Joey bag of doughnuts at Buzzfeed! Every arrogant wannabe journalist who is just a Poser for the DNC. They pretend they aren't biased and their blatant bias is all we can see!
He's right. ..Never a legitimate reason to investigate President Trump except their Hate pushed by their corporate overlords because they couldn't buy and bribe POTUS as they did the 5 other Presidents before him! They Always use the excuse of "security" to spy on people. This is why they hate Mike Rogers. . .he took a Stand Against their corruption! Private Contractors are how they get around the law! The Sunshine Movement does the same thing to target building an army of children in schools with their agenda. They use private contractors under the cloak and guise of Climate change! This is the group behind them and how AOC is used to further basically a way of channeling funds into the DNC. All blm donations go to Act Blue and are simply paying their elitists. I feel badly for the people who are played by them because they are simply supporting the rich establishment of a corrupt party. https://nexusglobal.org/energy-innovation-environment/
#FIVEYES using other countries intel to spy! They tried to pull out all the stops . . .but why didn't they realize Thinking people would See there was Zero evidence! They get So caught up in their drama and lies they start believing their own rhetoric based on No Evidence! Their arrogance is astounding. . .they don't even Update Glenn Simpson and Mary Jacoby's article from 2007. Jacoby worked at Rose law firm with Clinton years ago. How do progressives fall for their ploys time after time? Sad.
This goes over more info on the UK's Government Communications Headquarters GCHQ for another deep dive https://steempeak.com/trump/@artistiquejewels/keys-to-the-kingdom-trump-s-visit-to-uk-and-important-hq-what-may-gave-him-may-remind-some-of-another-charter-and-the-question
Mary Jacoby is the daughter of Jon Jacoby, who introduced Walter Smiley to the Stephens family of Arkansas.
Smiley is the founder of Systematics which the Stephens family purchased an 80% stake.
Hillary Rodham Clinton was the intellectual property lawyer for Systematics. Part of this "intellectual property" involved a banking transaction software system based on the PROMIS software. https://steemit.com/.../the-history-of-promis-software...
Greatest Spy Story Ever told! Going to share this clip inside of here and credit you! Thanks again! https://steemit.com/russiancollusian/@artistiquejewels/in-the-story-you-tell-your-grandkids-someday-on-a-group-who-tried-to-take-out-a-potus-elected-by-we-the-people-guess-who-it
LOL. ..ripping off mattress tags! Paper trail Huge. . .Mueller's former chief of staff John Carlin! Andrew Weismann chief prosecutor on Enron case. Weismann hates Trump. They're all connected! George Nader. . .Cathrine Rummler was Obama's White House counsel who fed info to Mueller and represented the Dems lead witness in the FISA and impeachment scandal (George Nader). Rummler THE Fixer for Obama.
All ties into Uranium One where they were selling Uranium to the Russians who were helping prop up Iran. What an abuse of power! Rosenstein oversaw all of that with Tenex and a gag order placed so all that the Dem leaders and their cohorts were doing was swept under the carpet so their arrogant mockingbird media could Remain arrogant. Sad.
Here is an article on George Nader
I believe Christopher Stokes had info on Nader a long time ago too.
Thank you Justin Evans for this meme!
#TheGreatDeception on a Loop! Sort of like LifeLog and the social media loops it creates in people's brains. https://www.wired.com/2004/02/pentagon-kills-lifelog-project/
Thank you Robin Peterson Clark for pointing out this Key info. Patrick Delaney pointed this out before also. Really Something!
Fauci's own department at the NIH studied HCQ on SARS-type Coronaviruses (of which CoVid19 is one) and concluded its EFFICACY and SAFETY in treating, preventing and curing CoVid19.
It's all because of all of YOU working together! Thank You!
General Flynn Stated the following. ..
The journalists we have in our media did a disservice to themselves because they displayed an arrogance that is Unprecedented so the American People decided to take over the Idea of INFORMATION and they did it through Social Media! You all helped us bring the info of Open Source from back channels out into the Open! Keep it Up and #CarryOn, #NothingTheydoCanStopWhatIsComing. #TheGreatestStoryEverTold!
#VincentFusca, #JFKjr, #JuanOSavin, #FamilyGhosts, #5G
More connections in comments of Original Post.
We R Winning Let's ROLL!
The Great Reset Hear a senator call people who speak about it Conspiracy Theorists though Verified!