The Nephilim

in #nephilim8 years ago

The Nephilim is a topic of research from the Bible to archeological digs. One of the most well-known and certainly controversial researchers on the Nephilim is Steven Quayle. 

Steven Quayle is best known as a preparedness promoter. He focuses on preparedness and survival skills because he feels that is one of our greatest weaknesses. Quayle has been a long time guest on popular alternative radio shows like Coast to Coast.  

Back in college, Quayle was dissatisfied with the archeological accountings of human’s past. He began to investigate the world wide accounting of the 10’-36’ giant skeletons. Although there is rock hard evidence in many museums around the world of giants, Quayle believes that the widespread information is being hidden. He has dedicated over 3 decades to studying these giants and bringing forth the cover-up of our history to light. 

 Genesis 6:1- 4 (Torah) 

“And it came to pass when man commenced to multiply upon the face of the earth, and daughters were born to them, that the benei elokim saw the daughters of man when they were beautifying themselves, and they took for themselves wives from whomever they chose. And the L‑rd said, “Let My spirit not quarrel forever concerning man, because he is also flesh, and his days shall be a hundred and twenty years." The nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the benei elokim would come to the daughters of man, and they would bear for them; they are the mighty men, who were of old, the men of renown.” 

He states the Nephilim is in many texts from around the world, not just the Bible. He is not looking at these texts from a religious perspective, more from a history aspect. Back in the biblical days, Quayle believes that, at least in the Middle East, 50-60% of all people they encountered were giants.  

What Quayle believes is that the Nephillim are the giants we have found here on Earth. He states that the Sumerian King was a giant and their counting system was based on 6. Giants were well-known to have 6 fingers and 6 toes. 

The Nephilim are horribly vicious, wicked, violent, and aggressive beings. History also shows that the giants were the ones that started cannibalism. When they did not have enough resources for food, they began to eat humans.  

Quayle talks about a gene (Nephilim) that is said to determine if someone is a criminal. He believes the human gnome project is intended to bring the giants back to life. He feels scientists are especially scared of the supernatural aspects of how giants came to be here on this planet. 

 Quayle believes that the bottom line is that:

  • The Nephilim / giants will walk the Earth once again 
  • Their DNA has already been cultivated  
  • Our world is becoming more violent which is the environment that the Nephilim needs

Quayle implores people to not look at the supernatural but to look at the history and see how the Nephilim have impacted our past and will impact our future.     


Hi Wyomingrick, interesting post but unfortunately the image is no longer showing. You may want to update the post with the image URL again. I've noticed this happened on a few of my posts and I'm not sure why.

Hi Content Junkie, seems I am unable to update or fix the photo. I keep getting error messages.

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