History at a Glance Fasting Stages

in #neoxianfan7 years ago

History at a Glance Fasting Stages:


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Fasting is prescribed in the second year of Hijriyah, and the Prophet sallallaahu'alaihi wa sallam fasted as many as nine times Ramadan, as for the stages required:

First: It is mandatory for the first time to choose whether to fast or feed every day one poor person, and accompanied by the motivation to fast.

Secondly: Compulsory fasting, with the rule that when fasting people fall asleep before breaking then it is forbidden to break the fast until the next night.

Third: Compulsory fasting, starting from the second dawn to sunset, this is what is valid until doomsday.

Among the wisdom phasing obligations that start from the skill of choosing whether to fast or feed every day one poor person is that fasting syari'at more easily accepted by the human soul, then in the end fasting is required, and for those who can not afford to replace it with fidyah , ie feeding every single day left to one poor person. [4] Insha Allah will come fidyah discussion in more detail.

وبالله التوفيق وصلى الله على نبينا محمد وآله وصحبه وسلم

[Note] See Asy-Syarhul Mumti ', 6 / 298-299 and Ash-Shiyaamu fil Islam, p. 51-55.

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