I'm Digging The Neo Neon Wallet
While I am still hoping to understand more about why Neo cannot be sent in 'fractions' I am appreciating the new Neon Wallet. I don't understand why more coins don't take time to develop wallets. It's the biggest barrier from opening up this entire space to the masses.
For anyone excited about the growth of Neo (Formerly Antshares), the NEON Wallet is even more reason to get excited. The future is bright for this coin. "Staking" your Neo in the Neon Wallet allows you to claim FREE Gas; which is one of the first coins to run off of the Neo platform.
Check out a quick video about NEO now
Want to send me some NEO? Just be sure to send a whole one, and not a fraction of one!
Neo cannot be sent as fractions because they are not a currency like Bitcoin. They are "Shares," as in Shares of the company Neo. That is why their name used to be Antshares and Neo gas was called Antcoins. By owning Neo you actually own a small fraction of the Neo company and that is also why Neo pays you a dividend (Neogas) when you own Neo-shares. You get part of the reward because you are part owner. You could think of them as being similar to buying shares in the stock market and those shares paying you dividends. So the Neocoins (Gas) can be divided but the shares cannot.
The reason you can buy fractions of Neo on an exchange is a bit more complicated.
@Leaky20 you're the MVP - now that makes complete and total sense. They were afterall antshares; I didn't put two and two together. Thanks tremendously for this clarification!!
No problem. It is a bit confusing.Especially since no other crypto currency/ token operates like that (at least to my knowledge). I'm actually surprised that know other company is offering dividends. People love dividends lol
That's very cool. I haven't heard enough about the Neo wallet, but I heard when Antshares was doing very good.