Antshares/NEO was in Russia's news, another good sign for the community? HODL!

in #neo7 years ago

China has launched a new cryptocurrency Antshers (Antshares)

In a telegram of the International Society kriptopolitologov (yes, there are such) published analytical note on cryptocurrency Antshares or ANS. This is a new cryptocurrency, which appeared on the market less than a year ago. Despite its "youth", analysts believe this project is very promising. With the company-developer Antshers already cooperate largest corporations in the world of IT, and the Chinese government.

"The main idea of ​​the developers ANS (NEO) is to create a financial system that combines the assets of the real economy, for the majority of Internet users and to achieve this goal, ANS (NEO) uses a completely different underlying order", - stated in the certificate.

Analysts say Anshers is very similar to cryptocurrency Ethereum, but unlike the latter is able to support virtually all known programming languages, which allows a much wider use of it.

"Digital marking generated electronic contract as general baseline data will be used to record information about the assets (such as stocks, loans, securities, financial contracts, bills of exchange and currency). The maximum number of ANS (NEO) is 100 Mill. Units (50 million. Are available for trade and public). ANS Trade occurs only at 5 exchanges (,, BITTREX,, 19800). Trades pair ANS / BTC conducted on only one - BITTREX, all other exchanges trade in RMB.
By analogy with the shares, the owners ANS (NEO) will receive "dividends" as AntCoins (ANC), the generation of which will take place every new (whole) ANS unit. Given slowly declining rate of generation ANC, ranging from 0 to 100 Mill. It will be developed for about 22 years. At the moment it is known that the ANC will be used to settle the debt and pay for additional services. "

Onchain software company actively cooperates with the Chinese authorities on the development of real assets using smart technology contracts, as well as with major IT-companies of the world like Microsoft, Alibaba and Wings.

According to analysts of the International Society kriptopolitologov, Anshers The development in the future may be affected by such factors as:

  1. Government involvement in the regulation of ANS developers. Such regulation could benefit all market participants, subject to their interests. On the other hand, does not rule out the possibility of state intervention in order to control the system. (For example, Bitcoin was originally conceived to create a financial system parallel to the existing at the time and was not related to real assets).
  2.  Business partnership. The main problem is to convince enterprise and business areas to join the new settlement system and data exchange. Usually only a relatively young company, actively practicing innovation, support such cooperation.
  3. the world market output cryptocurrency. Due to the lack of participation in the market, the language barrier and, as a consequence, the issue of trust ANS (NEO) is unlikely to achieve the starting performance Ethereum, with which it is often compared.
  4. Development in the field of digital assets, development and implementation of innovative solutions, the use of unique technologies.

 With all indicators Anshers is quite promising, though risk unit, the authors summarize the analytical reference. Increase the quotation of the currency is able to popularize it - the publication of news about Anshers, application developers about the progress and plans for the future - that is to say "trade on the news."

 "Summing up, we can say that Antshares (NEO), certainly deserves attention as a future competitor Ethereum. If zarekomenduet ANS (NEO) with the best hand, then the currency is waiting for the rapid growth and consolidation in the global kriptovalyutnoy system "in the near future the developer, based on the facts and the previously reached the announced results - analysts say.

Translated from Russian
