Are Custom Orders Worth It?

in #needleworkmonday6 years ago (edited)

One of the listings in my Etsy shop is for a custom order of my quilted patchwork placemats. I had one order for them before Christmas, which went very smoothly because 1. the customer had very little preferences and 2. they ordered well before Christmas, and I wasn't working on anything else at the time.

Lately I had another order, and while I encountered no major show-stoppers, it made me rethink that listing.

The specially personalized placemat in the set

Don't get me wrong, the customer was nothing but pleasant and complimentary to work with. The experience just showed me things that could go wrong!

The biggest thing that did "go wrong" was my stress and anxiety levels, and admittedly those are my own issues to manage. That was the result of a perfect storm of events: I received the order right before the Husband departed on a nearly 6-day golf trip out of town...and my left thumb, right forefinger, and right middle finger tips all cracked open. Deep, painful cracks that took forever to heal, and to top it off, the thumb became infected. Sewing (and every other task) was absolute, miserable torture as I plugged on through the physical pain not to mention the distractions from holding down the fort alone.

It's healed from the infection and already on the overall mend in this photo.

It's a weird feeling to have something that normally brings you a lot of joy, become something that you dread.

But I persevered! The customer suggested some fabric themes that I didn't have--luckily she didn't mind that--she also asked for one that I did have, but she didn't care for it. I got worried as she happily threw out ideas, as I did online searching and wondered how much running around I'd have to do (not to mention how much money I'd spend), but in the end she settled on what I had on hand. Whew!! I sewed my very last chicken square into the corner of a placemat, got the placemat nearly finished, and then she asked if the chicken could be in the middle (eek!), but she didn't mind when I said it was already sewed (whew!)

The personalization was another "uh oh" moment. I'd sent her this photo of a flower panel I had:
...and she said she wanted the zinnia block as her personal placemat. I didn't realize that she didn't realize the flower names were printed on the fabric, so when she asked if her name could be put "in the middle", first we had to figure out the misunderstanding, and then I had to figure out how else to make the placemat!

My solution on the fly: Cut out a smaller square from the panel than originally intended, and surround it with corresponding colors. Throw in a couple plain black blocks, and cut blocks out of the matching flower border on the panel, and voila, a patchwork version that could still be personalized.


Once again I was lucky that the customer heartily approved of the idea when I sent these pictures to her!

Bear in mind that this entire time, my sewing room was also occupied by psycho panting dogs and hyper-chattering children, as I described in this post a few days ago. No distractions or anything, you know!

Finally, I got to the point of embroidering the customer's name! Hooray! But guess what happened?!


There's a first time for everything, including a broken needle! I dug through the pile of stuff that came with my embroidery machine, and mercifully, they'd included extra needles. Whew!!! Now I know how to change out a needle, and am back in business!

The Husband came home late that same afternoon, so that evening, I poured wine and continued to work.


Spilling wine would've been the cherry on top of the rough week, so luckily that didn't happen.

I'm not sure whether to credit two rather large glasses of wine, or the Husband's return, but that was the most fun I'd had all week in sewing, hahahahaha.

At last I was done!!


I've seen people on Etsy forums say they stopped offering custom orders after dealing with difficult customers, and after this experience I'm really on the fence. On one hand, she was fun to work with, and having to re-create the zinnia placemat design gave me inspiration for how to make placemats out of the rest of that flower fabric. But on the other hand, I'd normally have never tried to fit that much sewing into a week when the Husband was gone. It definitely overloaded my plate without any choice on my part.

I was lucky that this customer wasn't overly picky and wasn't in a rush, and it was kind of a freak thing that that perfect storm of circumstances all happened at once. But still...maybe best to avoid a repeat by taking down that listing and doing custom work via message request only, so I can tell people before they buy that it takes me awhile to make something, and that I'm not going to great lengths to get certain specialty fabrics (or that they'll have to pay extra for something like that).

Does anybody else have similar experiences with doing custom work? How did it go? What did you decide to do in the end?

Happy NeedleworkMonday to everyone!!


I charge more for my custom pendants than I do for the ones I just randomly make. It's only a bit of a difference in price, but I feel like the anxiety and trouble that comes with a custom order is worth that or more. Maybe lay down some ground rules on your customs? Like it has to be with fabric you have on hand and things like that. You're were very accommodating on that order. Way more than I think I would have the patience for in that situation. Good job!

Now I'm glad I made this post and got that suggestion about "fabric you have on hand"! I had thought about amending the listing to say "2-3 weeks lead time" to give myself wiggle room, but making fabric availability part of it is an awesome idea. Thank you!!! I might say I'm willing to look for different fabric but that the customer is responsible to purchase it. Last thing I need is somebody asking for fabric that costs more per yard than what I charge to make something!

I might raise my custom price too. Right now I'm basically recouping the fabric costs and maybe paying myself at minimum wage for an hour of work, but it takes me a lot longer to make them than that, and all the extra communicating and brainstorming with the customer eats up even more time.

Wow you sure did have to overcome quite a bit while working on this one! Let me say it is Gorgeous! I love the colors, pattern and everything! Those bold colors really compliment each other. I’m glad you persevered and was able to finish the order and make another customer happy.

I haven’t ran into the custom order problem because I don’t have a website and everything I do is over the phone or through email. So the customer and I are automatically on the same page because we talk about all the details. I hope you get some good input back on this question :)

Thanks for sharing more of your lovely work with us! 💕

Thank you @crosheille! You're always so complimentary about everyone's projects and I love it :))) Yes, I'm thinking I should go back to a "let's talk FIRST" system more like what you do. If the customer pays me first, like what happened here, I feel more pressure to jump through hoops!

You’re very welcome!!! 😊

I can understand about how things change once a customer pays you first. I would feel more pressured too.

You came up with workable solutions on the fly in tense circumstances. Awesome! Great job on the project, it is beautiful!

Thank you very much! I'm just grateful that the customer was flexible!!

The end result was amazing. You could also just put those specifications in the listing? Give it a month turnaround instead of a week, say that you will send them photos of your current fabric choices upon request?

Thank you! I appreciate that! I'm leaning toward spelling those things out in the listing now, instead of deleting the whole listing. I do like doing custom work...I just need to give myself more flexibility :)

Just be sure that your hourly rate makes it worth all of the customer’s adjustments, that’s what gets most of us in trouble. All of a sudden it feels like our work is not valued; at least that is something I have experienced in the past. But I have also had great customers who truly value the work, are appreciative, and compensate appropriately. Best of luck 🌺 good work mama!

Yes, this experience taught me how customer adjustments (and ideas) can eat up time...quite the learning curve, trying to figure out how to compensate myself! Thank you so much :)

Those are adorable! You are truly gifted. Sewing for other people can be so stressful, you must have incredible patience. Your project turned out beautifully. I used to have my fingers crack like that when I lived of the reasons I wanted to leave cold winters! Didn't have it happen for the first time ever this year....I truly feel for you, so painful!

Thank you!! You're right, it is more stressful! Maybe that'll get better the more I do it :)

Hi. Wao! You were in a lot of stress. The good thing is that the objective is achieved. Thanks for sharing your experience. I am a project manager, every day I have to talk with clients, and show them the results of what they have requested, ask for a day something, then change it. It happens to me every day, it's part of my job. Sometimes it exhausts me. I love my work. Greetings.

Greetings! I think "sometimes it exhausts me" is putting it nicely! At least you still love your work. I do, too...just have to learn how to manage it better, to make it easier on myself!

Oh wow! That does sound kind of like a pain, but I'm glad it came together in the end. It's super cute and I bet she will love it. I can see how custom orders can be a lot more work and if they order it thinking one thing... What a mess that could end up being. I bet seeing that placemat every day will make her day!! :)

Thank you! That means a lot :) I'm hoping it will make her day, every day. She almost ditched the embroidered name at one point and being a glutton for punishment, instead of saying "ok!" I said "well let me see if I can still work it in." LOL

Lol - that is too funny! I think the embroidered name is really cute and a nice touch! I love it when I volunteer something that adds stress to my life and takes a lot longer than it should!

Goodness, I think I'd have been digging out wine near the beginning with so much on your plate at once. It is gorgeous. I don't think I could do custom work. Just like you said, the stress alone would probably do me in.

I had one small glass of wine each day while he was gone...I just pulled out the stops once he got back! haha! Yeah, the more I think about it, the less custom is appealing to me as a regular thing. I think I'll pull the listing once this last customer (hopefully) leaves a review and then people can just message me if they want something special. That'll give me more flexibility to say No if necessary :)

I think that is a better way to go. You can have it say that they are free to request custom if interested, but not have it as an actual listing. Every time I try to do custom, I fight to get it completed. All creativity goes g'bye.

ughhh.. I feel you.. cracked fingers are no fun at all and though they seem small, they are painful!! I am amazed you still managed to charge on. Great job! And lovely placemats... They are such cheerio colors. Makes you happy just looking at them. Thank you for sharing! You are one strong mommy! Sorry, I have no experience in custom work but I can imagine how painful it can be when things do not go as smoothly as we hope it would. Sometimes, it might be better to just offer standard ones and then if any of your customers write to you personally, you can choose to entertain them or not, depending on your mood, time, finger condition 😆, etc.

"Finger condition" made me chuckle...but it's so true! Amazing how such small wounds can be so painful. You don't realize just how much you touch stuff all day until there's a problem!! Thank you for the compliments--that makes me happy. Makes the craziness worth it too :)

Hehe yah totally worth it. Fingers - try using less strong detergents, moisturize, moisturize, moisturize, wear gloves. Mine also cracks very easily 😁

I really would like to appreciate your talent of making quilted mats, I pass by these in the market or see them online sometimes and I have never stopped to think of the work that goes into making it.
Added to you handling kids alone, having pets I'm guessing a dog is inclusive and your thumb , that could not have been easy.
Thank you for pulling through but be sure tomake sure you don't get weighed down next time, giving more time, more money or even saying no is allowed.
You are human afterall🙂

Exactly! That's why I think after this customer leaves a review, I'm going to remove that listing and just focus on making whatever I want to make, and take as long as I need to make it :)

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