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RE: Sewing a Japanese wrap-dress… and some complications

in #needleworkmonday5 years ago

I like the dress a lot, and more importantly, I like it on you! If the stiffness bothers you, maybe a few washes will soften it. I like both lengths, but the shorter is definitely sassier.
I think we encounter little things that might nag us when we make our own clothing. I experience that as well. I was looking at two things I made last year. The one I love is made with yarn that pills so badly every time I wear it. I made another with harder wearing yarn, but the shoulders came out weird. Probably because I rewrote the pattern for a smaller gauge yarn and maybe wasn’t careful enough with my numbers. The good news is that I think I have an idea of how to fix it.
We’re designing stuff every time we make something because we are using different materials than pictured.
We have to give ourselves credit for having ideas and executing them. And we learn each time, even when we love what we make.
I love your haircut!


We’re designing stuff every time we make something because we are using different materials than pictured.
We have to give ourselves credit for having ideas and executing them. And we learn each time, even when we love what we make.

I love this! And you are so right, I often forget this. I am so focused on the output and see my mistakes and compare it to the intended output (of the book/pattern) and see more mistakes. I forget how much I learned while doing this and how many more possibilities are there, to make it better.
I have cut the dress yesterday and like the shorter version much more. But I am not completely satisfied with it... I am contemplating to insert darts at the back to give it a more defined waistline. I love the minimalistic style of these Japanese pattern books, but the fit is not the best for my bigger size and moreover for my curvier backside :-D

And with your designs... A pilling yarn is not so nice, I would always fear it will ultimately rip or fray. And with the other design: Shoulders are not easy to calculate (says the woman who sews/knits things that do not fit :-DDD) But I am sure your ultimately your idea will work, as I love all the things you make and they are so artful.
Perhaps you will write about your designing (modifying process one day.
And thank you for the compliments, I so seldom go to a hairdresser (mostly one time per year :-D) I do not like to sit there and stare at myself in the mirror with wet hair and bright light :-DDD And they are often so brutal with long hair. This time the hairdresser was ok, only a bit excessive with the cutting. She snipped much more than I wanted. But I am ok with it.

I think I WILL do a post about designing. I haven’t really been knitting. Swatching but nothing is catching my interest. So yoursuggestion is timely. 🙂

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