Yeeayyy!!! My Cushion Covers Go to Australia [ENG-IND]

in #needleworkmonday6 years ago (edited)


Hi my dear friends,

I’m glad to be able to make a re with you my recent joy. Last week I was feeling unwell, that made me sad, but at the same time, I was also happy last week because I managed to finish sewing 28 pieces cushion covers to be shipped to Australia.

Halo teman-teman, senang sekali hari ini bisa menulis satu tulisan tentang sesuatu yang bikin saya bahagia sekali. Minggu lalu saya kurang sehat, jadi bikin saya sedih, tapi minggu lalu juga senang karena saya berhasil menyelesaikan jejahitan saya, membuat 28 buah sarung bantal sofa untuk dikirimkan ke Australia.

I was very excited because it was my first time shipping one of my sewing crafts overseas. The cushion covers are for a friend of mine who happens to get married with an Australian and settled there. I really like this particular customer because she really appreciates homemade, handmade products, and give me freedom to choose the fabric patterns as long as the colors are what she wants.

Saya sangat senang karena ini pertama kalinya hasil karya saya dikirim ke luar negeri. Pembelinya sebenarnya teman saya sendiri yang kebetulan menikah dengan orang Australia dan menetap di sana. Saya sangat suka konsumen saya ini karena beliau sangat menghargai karya handmade dan homemade. Beliau hanya memberitahu warna dan model yang diinginkan, motifnya terserah saya.


There are 4 sets of the cover in which eact set consists of 7 covers measuring 42x42cm. My friend told me the colors and the models she wanted. It turned out that it really took time to find fabrics with nice patterns in local fabric stores. In the small town where I live, there aren’t many choices but I was glad I was able to find some good patterns, even though they aren’t that gorgeous, but it’s not bad.

Ada 4 set sarung bantal yang masing-masing terdiri dari 7 buah berukuran 42x42cm. Mencari kain yang bagus di kota saya tinggal sangat sulit, maklum kota kecil, jadi tidak banyak pilihan. Tapi akhirnya setelah mencari selama 2 hari, saya menemukan kain yang cukup bagus, ya meskipun tidak kece maksimal, tapi bolehlah.


The covers have zippers at the back and it did not take long to make them, actually, but I needed some extra time to make the embellishment such as the buttons and the laces. I particularly like the laces as they give a girly touch to the covers.

Sarung bantalnya sendiri ada resleting di bagian belakang. Membuatnya sebenarnya tidak terlalu lama. Tapi saya perlu waktu ekstra untuk memasang hiasannya seperti kancing dan renda. Saya sangat suka renda ini karena membuat sarung bantal kelihatan feminin.



If you are interested to make the zipped cushion cover, you can click this link. I wrote a tutorial on how to make a zipped cushion cover the super easy way. You just need two straight stiches to deal with the zipper thing.

Kalau teman-teman tertarik membuat sarung bantal berresleting , teman-teman bisa ikuti tutorial yang saya buat ini di sini. Tutorialnya sangat mudah, hanya perlu dua jahitan lurus dan masalah resleting sudah beres.



By the way, I was about to pass out when I learnt about the shipping cost. It cost 57 USD for less than 2,5kg. That's a lot of money for me. But my friend did not mind paying such expensive cost :D.

Ngomong-ngomong, saya nyaris pingsan saat tahu ongkos kirim ke Australia, 57 dolar Amerika untuk berat yang kurang dari 2,5 kg. Kurang lebih 784rb. Itu duit banyak sekali buat saya.Tapi teman saya tidak keberatan membayar ongkir gila itu :D


Okay, that would be all for now, thanks for stopping by and reading this post.

Oke, teman-teman, sekian saja, terima kasih sudah singgah dan membaca postingan ini.

Please follow @horazwiwik


Your pillow covers are lovely! My favorites are the gray leaf and gingham ones with the lace on the sides. I agree about the lace adding a pretty feminine touch, and I like the fabric covered buttons as well :) I'd have passed out over that shipping cost as well; yikes!!

Thank you for your lovely comment 😊. My favorite is the orange one, it looks fresh and kinda suitable for summer.

Hahaha, the overseas shipping cost is just insane 😂

Hi @horazwiwik. I love lace, they are details that enhance any piece, they are original. I liked the grays. Greetings from Venezuela.

Thank you @jicrochet. Indeed, laces make any simple piece of work look extravagant! Greetings from Indonesia 😊

Kak bagussss sekali 😍😍😍, suka sama model dan motif2nya

Makasih ya.... Alhamdulillah hasil akhirnya disukai 😄

Wow, keren bantal2nya! Saya juga pingin dagang bantal2 handmade. Tapi disini harus bayar pajak....

Makasih banyak @fathin-shihab. Hah? Jual bantal buatan rumahan juga harus bayar pajak? Mekanismenya seperti apa? Kapan pajak dibayarkan?

Apa setiap jual beli apapun dikenai pajak juga?

mungkin kalau jual sama teman tidak ketahuan. Tapi kalau misalnya bikin iklan dan kita ketahuan dagang, harus bayar pajak. Makanya disini orang tidak begitu berani dagang bikinan HomeMade.

Misalnya kita jualnya lewat sosial media apa juga dikenakan pajak?

Wah, ribet juga ya apa apa dikenakan pajak. Eh, tapi pajak nanti dikembalikan ke masyarakat juga sih :D

dikembalikan ke masyarakat, tapi tidak tau berapa. .. Mungkin kalau jualan tdk ketahuan, kita tidak akan kena. Kurang jelas juga sih. Tapi terkadang ada orang yg pura2 mau beli dagangan kita, ternyata orangnya 'spy" dan kita harus bayar denda/pajak.

Wow, keren bantal2nya! Saya juga pingin dagang bantal2 handmade. Tapi disini harus bayar pajak....

I can see why your friend let you pick out the designs. Your work is amazing! The matching buttons add the perfect finishing touch too.

Thanks for your lovely comment, @anise. I am glad that my friend trusts me for the fabric options, it makes me stress free😂

I love your pillow cover designs especially with the touch of buttons! Yikes that is very expensive!! I see why she trusts you with the designs because you are great at what you do ;)

Many thanks @crosheille, I am very glad to have a customer who really trusts me. It givea me more freedom to create stuff.

Absolutely!! 😊

These cushion covers are so beautiful, the orange and yellow check colour with the V lace is my favourite, however that price for shipping is so great. I have a friend who also moved to Australia and I want to send her clothes I make for her but the shipping cost discourages me. Hopefully others in Australia would like them and want you to make for them as well.

Thanks for your lovely comment @wondermaey, indeed, the orange one is also my favorite. It looks very fresh and perfect for summer days.

Hahaha, I am sure the shipping cost is more expensive than the price of the clothes itself. Thanks, hopefully I will get overseas customers in the near future :)


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