Looking Elegant with Homemade Framed Evening Bags [ENG-IND]


I like evening bags. They are very pretty and sometimes girly. Even when our dress is plain, a pretty bag can save our look. However, evening bags are mostly pricey and it will cost a lot of money if we have to buy them in so many colors to match our dresses. That's why, when I started learning to sew bags, my focus was making evening bags.

Saya sangat suka tas pesta karena biasanya tampilannya cantik dan feminin. Walau baju yang kita pakai polos, begitu kita pakai tas pesta yang cantik, maka jadi cantik pula penampilan kita. Tapi biasanya tas pesta harganya mahal apalagi kalau harus beli berbagai macam warna agar serasi dengan baju kita. Karena itu, saat saya pertama belajar membuat tas, saya berfokus pada belajar membuat tas pesta.

I remember back then, I spent so many hours on internet to browse how to make evening bags and where I could buy materials. I also bought several books on how to make them. It did not until one year later I found a shop selling what I needed: bag frames! So I tried out the tutorial on the books but only to be disappointed by how unclear the tutorial was. I then made my own pattern to suit my frame. And here is my very first homemade evening bag.

Saya ingat saya menghabiskan sangat banyak waktu di depan internet dan membeli buku-buku untuk belajar cara membuat tas pesta. Baru satu tahun kemudian saya menemukan tempat yang menjual behel tas pesta. Lalu saya mulai mencoba mengikuti tutorial tapi sangat kecewa karena tutorial di buku itu tidak jelas. Kemudian saya membuat sendiri pola yang sesuai dengan behel yang saya beli. Dan inilah tas pesta yang pertama kali saya buat.


Apparently, it did not take long to sew the bag. The only part which needed a lot of time was sewing the beads. But it's really worth it. The beads added so much beauty to the bag, especially the sparkling ones.

Ternyata menjahit tas pesta ini tidak butuh waktu lama. Bagian yang menyita waktu adalah memasang payetnya. Tapi hasilnya sepadan. Payet menambah keelokan tas, apalagi payet yang berkilau.

The second evening bag I made years ago is this one. It has different shape and size of the frame. I also love this bag as the ruffles and beads give a feminine look.

Ini adalah tas pesta kedua yang saya buat beberapa tahun lalu. Bentuk dan ukuran behelnya tidak sama dengan yang pertama. Tapi saya juga suka tas model ini karena ada rempel yang menambah kesan feminin.


So far, I have made several bags of this model. For those with beads, I now ask my neighbor to do it. I just cannot handle it, my back is killing me. However, despite the elegant look, it is very hard to sell this kind of bag. Most people prefer to buy cheap bags imported from China. And for your information, my very first and my second evening bags were sold one year later 😂😂.

Sejauh ini, saya sudah membuat banyak tas pesta dengan model ini. Untuk yang ada payetnya, saya meminta tetangga saya untuk memasangnya. Saya sudah tidak sanggup lagi, punggung saya sakit. Namun demikian, meski tas pesta ini cantik, sangat sulit untuk menjualnya. Banyak orang lebih suka tas impor dari China yang murah. Untuk informasi saja, tas pesta pertama dan kedua saya terjual satu tahun kemudian😂😂.




And this is one of my customers wearing an evening bag I made. What do you think?

Ini adalah salah satu pelanggan saya memakai tas pesta buatan saya. Bagaimana menurut teman-teman?


Thanks for stopping by and reading this post. Have a nice week ahead!

Terima kasih sudah singgah dan membaca tulisan ini. Semoga minggu ini menyenangkan!

Please follow @horazwiwik



These are such elegant bags! What I love about your work is that no one else will have the same bag because they are so unique and original. I can imagine how long the beadwork takes but they sure make it even more beautiful!

I don’t get out much especially to elegant events so I hardly ever purchase evening bags. I do enjoy looking at them though lol! Thanks for sharing this elegance with us~ 😊 Resteemed!

Soo many thanks, @crosheille! Uniqueness is one of the features in handmade products, that's why I am so in love with them 😊.

Hahaha, I like looking at fancy evening bags as well 😊

By the way, I hope you will always stay healthy as I believe the baby is about to come anytime very soon. Can't wait to see her!

That’s why I love handmade items too!! 😊

All your bags are lovely and so special, because they are unique and little artworks. I cannot imagine how much work it is to sew on beads and ribbons! It is sad that there are so many cheap things to buy from China. It is the same here. I have no idea how it is possible to produce a bag for only some € .... I always hope that people someday recognise the real value of owning handcrafted items.
Love the bags!!!

They are cute bags, glad you have been able to sell some! Evening bags are not popular in my area so they are rarely seen unless someone is in costume.

Thanks a lot, @jamethiel! Having evening bags is a must in my place as we have soo many special occasion such as soo many wedding receptions, graduation, etc 😊.

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These are all so lovely!

Thank you very much, @melinda010100

Very elegant bags @horazwiwik. Your beading work is so delicate and refined. I also like the handles to your bags. Your client worked that bag really well, with matching blouse and head scarf :)

Thanks a lot, @marblely! The beading work is killing me actually 😂. Therefore, nowadays I ask someone else to do it for me. About the handles, I love it very much too. I think it is very elegant. I am glad I found a shop selling it 😊

My client in the picture is a fashion lover, loves to match everything from head to toe 😊

I love the bags @horazwiwik... I totally agree though that it's the beading and, generally, the little details that take most of the time and effort... It's all worth it in the end and your customer looks very pleased 😊

Thanks a lot for your comment, @cryptocariad! Yap, beading work is quite tough. I am not doing it anymore nowadays, Instead, I ask others to do it for me. It is good though as I can give them something to do and earn some money.

Honestly the beads do bring out the Beauty in the bags. They are so pretty and unique and your customer wore it well. Thanks for showing us these gorgeous masterpieces

Wow! I love your Bags!!@horazwiwik

These are really so beautiful and that customer of yours seems very happy! Well done!

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