A Drawstring Diaper Bag for @crosheille [ENG-IND]

in #needleworkmonday6 years ago (edited)


Hi my dear friends,

So it all started a few weeks ago when I posted about drawstring lunch bags I made. Apparently, @crosheille was very interested in one of the lunch bag, saying that it would be cute to bring some baby stuff around as she would have a baby girl soon. I said I’d love to give the bag but the shipping cost would be yikes for me!!

Hai semua, jadi ceritanya bermula dari postingan saya beberapa minggu lalu di mana saya menulis tentang tas bekal yang saya buat. Ternyata teman kita @crosheille sangat tertarik dengan salah satu tas karena membayangkan untuk membawa beberapa perlengkapan bayi perempuanya yang akan segera lahir. Saya bilang saya mau kasih tasnya, tapi hohoho... ongkir ke Amerikanya sangat mencekik hehehe

Later @crosheille said she would not mind paying the shipping cost using SBD because she loves the bag very much. I thought that would be a great idea. And I am very excited to give this bag because besides it is as a gift for her coming baby girl, also it is as a gratitute for founding the tag #needleworkmonday in which I find so much joy to be able to meet fellow talented crafters from all over the world. I’m so glad I can connect with a community in which we can share the same hobby. Before I joined this tag, I felt weird whenever I wrote about sewing stuff in Steemit. I mean like, everybody is talking about fancy and sophisticated stuff such as traveling and crypto world. But sewing??? It is just a ‘mama – thing ‘ hahaha... I always wonder if there is any one who really reads what I wrote.

Lalu @crosheille punya ide untuk mengganti ongkir menggunakan SBD karena dia sangat suka dengan tasnya. Saya terus terang sangat antusias membuat tas ini untuk dia karena selain untuk kado kelahiran bayinya nanti, juga sebagai tanda terima kasih sudah menciptakan tagar #needleworkmonday di mana saya menemukan kebahagiaan karena bisa berjumpa dengan para crafter berbakat dari seluruh penjuru dunia. Saya sangat senang bisa menemukan komunitas di mana saya bisa berbagi hobi yang sama. Sebelum menemukan tagar ini, saya merasa aneh setiap kali menulis tentang apapun yang berhubungan dengan menjahit di Steemit. Maksud saya, semua orang menulis tentang hal-hal keren dan rumit seperti tentang traveling dan kripto. Lha ini menjahit??? Ini kan kerjaannya emak-emak hahaha... Saya selalu bertanya-tanya apa ada yang betul-betul membaca tulisan saya hehehe...

Back to the bag. So we just realized that the bag would be too small to carry some baby stuff because remember, it is a lunch bag! So I offered @crosheille a simple diaper bag that I usually make. The model is almost the same as the lunch bag, and she agreed. I then sent several fabric options to choose from and I think she instantly fell in love with the elephant print hahaha...

Oke, kembali ke tas, jadi kami baru sadar kalau tasnya itu terlalu kecil untuk bawa keperluan bayi karena ya maklum itu kan aslinya tas bekal. Jadi saya menawarkan tas perlegkapan bayi sederhana yang biasa saya buat. Modelnya hampir sama dengan tas bekal, dan dia setuju. Saya lalu mengirimkan beberapa motif kain dan sepertinya dia langsung jatuh cinta dengan motif gajah ini hahaha....

Here are a few photos of the process.


Ini beberapa foto proses pembuatannya.


Basically, there are 4 parts of the bag as shown in this picture.

Pada dasarnya ada 4 bagian tas seperti di foto ini.


The next step is to combine the outer, cover, and lining by stitching at the mouth of the bag.

Langkah berikutnya adalah menggabungkan kain luar, kain dalam, dan penutup serutnya dengan menjahit di bagian mulut tas.


After that, I insert the batting to give the bag volume and shape. Topstitching the mouth of the bag is the final step.

Setelah itu saya memasukkan pelapis busa jilbab agar tasnya bervolume dan berbentuk. Langkah akhir adalah menjahit tindas di bagian mulut tas.


The bag has two pockets at its sides to bring small items.

Tas ini ada kantong di sisinya untuk membawa benda-benda kecil.


Instead of zipper, a drawstring is used and it has cute small tulips at the end of the strings.

Sebagai pengganti resleting, tali serut dipakai dan di ujungnya dikasih tulip kecil yang sangat imut.



I sent the bag today to USA and it cost 17 USD for less than 250 grams of package. I hope it will reach @crosheille in one week and I do hope she will like it.

Saya mengirimkan tasnya hari ini ke Amerika dan ongkos untuk berat kurang dari 250gram adalah 17 dollar Amerika. Semoga paketnya sampai dalam waktu seminggu dan semoga dia menyukainya.

Thanks for stopping by and reading this post.

Terima kasih sudah singgah dan membaca tulisan ini.

Please follow @horazwiwik


Oh Yes!!! I instantly fell in love with the elephant print!! 😍 I am sooooo excited about this baby bag! @horazwiwik I can’t thank you enough for this kind gesture you have shown me! I am so humbled by your kindness and willingness to provide me with such a beautiful bag for our baby girl! I am thrilled that you are able to share with us every week and that you are excited about doing so! I too felt weird and I also felt lonely posting about my crochet work until getting together with you all! 💗

It is really neat seeing how my bag came to life!! You are one of the most talented seamstresses I know!! Thank you thank you and thank you!!! 🤗❤️

Whooo Hooo!! 😆😆😆

She is indeed talented! I will have to keep an eye on y'alls needlework mondays. Do y'all share patterns? I have a sewing machine but don't practice enough to put together projects like this.

Hello @lovenfreedom! Yes we share patterns along with tips, tricks, techniques and shortcuts!! We’d love to have you share some of your work. It doesn’t have to be a big project, just whatever you are working on ;)

Yeah, the elephant print is very cute, just perfect for kids and babies.

Hahaha, now we are not feeling lonely anymore. On the other hand, we are much more excited whenever we post something about needlework. Thanks to you for hosting this awesome tag!

Whoo hooo.... (too) :D

My daughter loves the print too and can’t wait to see it!!

Yes it is much more fun and exciting now to post our work!!! It’s become a normal thing in my weekly schedule to do now.

It’s my pleasure!! Thank you for joining in and being apart of it!!! 😃

This is an incredible story. I am excited that Steemit is allowing people from the US and Indonesia to connect.

Hasilmu luar biasa. Saya sangat bangga produk Indonesian sudah dikirim kepada orang AS.

Your Friend,
Bule Dari AS

Hello @sumatranate. Thank you very much for your lovely comment. Me too, I am very excited, this is my first time sending stuff to US. I hope it arrives safely and quickly.

This is sooooo coooool! I can't agree more! Amazing @horazwiwik! You have paved a path of connecting virtual to reality between fellow steemians from different parts of the world! And lovely, lovely bag! So sweet of you to do this!

Thanks a lot @marblely. Isn't it amazing that Steemit enables us to connect virtual to reality? Aw, I am very excited as this is my first time shipping stuff to USA 😁

Okay, this is the coolest thing ever, @horazwiwik! What a wonderful gesture and a great bag. Well done! Happy #NeedleworkMonday to you!

Thanks a lot @crystalize! I am very excited and cannot wait for the day Crosheille gets the package :). Happy #needleworkmonday to you too!

I love everything about this post. I've been contemplating sewing something as a gift for a fellow Steemian and I think you just convinced me to go for it :)))

I agree with you about feeling hesitant to post about sewing! I'm so grateful that @crosheille created the tag to give us all a home and find each other easily! It's like going to the coffee shop all together to chat, instead of throwing a note on a bulletin board and hoping somebody notices it.

That diaper bag is beyond adorable. I'm keeping you in mind if I ever need one as a gift because I'd be willing to pay the shipping too :)

Aw, thanks for the lovely comment! You are very good at sewing and have many options of gifts for others. So just go ahead and sew something and give it to others. The feeling is just awesome 😁.

Yes, you are totally right, we now have a home to can get together easily.

Wow, I am flattered, but this diaper bag is easy to make for someone who has sewing skill like you. You might want to give it a try to make one and share it with us 😊.

This is so beautiful , first off I have never seen a bag using draw strings in that manner, it would make the bag be able to contain more, also that colour is divine @crosheille definitely has good eyes.
Just like that, an art is travelling the world. I love this platform!

Thank you very much. You are right, a drawstring closure enables the bag to contain more than a zip closure. And you know, baby needs lots of stuff 😁

Hello, since I am in this community I read what you write. The bag was very beautiful, I love it. Surely, @crosheille will like it a lot. A great greeting Nice work.

Thanks @jicrochet, I am glad that people read what I write :D. Yeah, I cannot wait for the day Crosheille receives the package :)

Oh I love this!! That is adorable and I know @crosheille's baby girl is going to look so stylish with a HANDMADE diaper bag!!!! That is so sweet of you!

Thank you very much! I do hope she will like it😊😊

I resteemed your post: what a great gesture!!!! You really made a personal gift for @crosheille. And such a beautiful one with so many details. I sadly have no children, but nevertheless love the fabric - you see it's "adult-qualified". Perhaps you should start to make some project bags for the knitters and crocheters with this lovely fabric :-D
And you are so right, steemit seemed like a very technical dominated sphere and writing about fibre, fabric and yarn was not common (and appreciated). So, this community is wonderful <3

Thanks a lot, @neumannsalva. This bag is very simple and I feel humbled that Crosheille is interested in it. Hope she will like it.

This drawstring bag type is suitable for crocheters, I believe as it can contain many yarns and other small stuff.

Hahah, yeah right, so glad now we have a home for our needle work! 😊

The bag turned out great! You do good work!

wow, that bag is super amazing! I have saved your post for later when I will have an attempt at sewing myself a bag for my knitting. I have already bought the fabric, but I'll probably wait until winter before I have time for it. :) Can I ask what the batting is made of? Is it a thin rubber foam? :)

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