NeedleWorkMonday - Learning to Sew with Mom ~

in #needleworkmonday6 years ago (edited)


It’s so good to see you again here for #NeedleWorkMonday!! It’s the holiday that gave me a reason to love Monday’s!! 😄

I hope you weren’t thinking I was the “mom” from the title of my post. My mom is the teacher!!! She is currently teaching my daughter and I how to sew.

Here’s a brief:

  • I had a seamstress mom that offered to teach me how to sew at a very young age. I wasn’t interested in learning (didn’t understand what a valuable tool my mom was trying to give me). She tried teaching me in my early adulthood years but I gave up and quit.
  • With no hope in sewing I tried crocheting, fell in love and became addicted.
  • Through crocheting I started becoming interested in learning other needle crafts as well.
  • Being apart of the #NeedleWorkMonday community inspired me to give sewing another try.
  • I started sewing with my daughter and helped her make a friend a pillow. I made my daughter a skirt with a matching crochet pocket for her shirt and it was a lot of fun but...

I have decided I want to learn not only the basics but the ends and outs of sewing. Instead of my daughter and I learning from videos we are learning one on one, up close and personal with my mom. She has set her sewing room up for us like a real class. She will also be teaching a few others as well.



She had these letters waiting for us on each of our sewing machines (yes I’ll get to that soon, she has 5 of them) along with our own folders to keep notes and tests in (yes she plays no games lol). She wants it to feel comfortable but also as if we are really in a professional class. She wants us to work hard and be serious about learning these sewing skills.

I don’t plan on quitting class this time around. I have an 8 year old little girl looking up to me and depending on me to succeed. My daughter is so thrilled that her mommy is being brave and dauntless, facing the dark needle side that used to haunt her years ago. Okay you get the point...I’m nervous! My mom will not let me cut corners or cheat...she’s gonna be on me! 😬



It was hard to get a shot of the whole room but here you can see the work table that my mom uses to demonstrate on. We will also use it when we need to cut, measure, trace patterns etc.

The Machines






My mom has used the same machines for a very long time. The first top left is her oldest machine...we call it heavy metal. It’s the real deal and it’s her favorite one yet. The bottom left is the newest one out of the collection.

You’re probably wondering why I have one highlighted in the middle? Well that one is special. It only belongs to my mom temporarily. It was given to me by a family friend after his mother passed. He wanted someone to have it that was into sewing and crafts. He knew I wasn’t an expert in sewing but I assured him one day I planned to be.

So now you know the other reason this class has to happen. This sewing machine is special to him because it belonged to his late mother. It has a serger, something my mother has wanted for a long time...none of her machines have one. I told her to babysit mine for awhile until I was ready to graduate to it. I currently use a basic Singer machine which will become my daughter’s once I am ready to take mine home. She is teaching me how to use my own machine...SWEET!! 🤗☺️



The first night she went over the functions of our machines and reviewed how to wind the bobbin with my daughter. I did catch on to some things accidentally watching my mother sew when I was younger. I can always remember how to do these basic maneuvers.

She tested us on our straight line sewing and had my daughter practice holding her material as she sewed. She explained the reason she went from



to THIS...


was because she wasn’t stretching and smoothing the material enough along the way.

I am sooooo proud of my daughter. Remember we started her out with this little machine...


The bigger ones were intimidating to her because of the needle. Look at her now! She is doing so well learning on the big machines. Just a heads up those little beginner ones are not the best to learn on. It did stop working for us and we only used it a few times.



My daughter wants to sew her own Barbie clothing. Once she is ready that will be her first project. She will use the material in the above picture which are leftovers from the skirt I made her and the pillow she made her friend.



I must say I’m glad my daughter did not follow in my footsteps when it came to sewing.
She is being given the opportunity of a lifetime to learn an invaluable skill that she can use forever. I’m so proud of her for taking this initiative to learn how to sew and I’m thankful her eagerness is keeping me motivated :)

I will keep you posted on how things are going. This will be a slow and laid back process because we are only able to go once a week which is every Friday. We practice at home and do the homework she gives us so that helps.

Thanks for checking out our Sewing Class!

All photos are my own and were taken with our Cannon EOS Rebel T6.














Logo/Banner created by @rigaronib!


I learned sewing from my elder sister but haven't sewed for 20 years. Now I'm seeing all those upcycling an alteration projects here and consider buying a sewing machine again. Might make a great christmas present for myself ;)

I wish you good luck and a lot of fun with your family sewing class!

Ooooh, which one will you buy?

Probably this one:

It's quite simple but not the cheapest one of the company because it has a needle threader - my eyes will thank me for that ;) It costs 159€ but they often have returns which they sell at 119. Some models of this company are similar to Janome - but I'm not that savvy of sewing machines.

That would be great @muscara! So is sewing like swimming or riding a bike? Once you learn you can’t forget? I’m sure once you pick it back up you’ll be non stoppable! 😄 Do you have a machine in mind already?

Thanks so much! It’s been a lot of fun already!

I hope that sewing isn't like riding a bike. Because if they tell you that you can't forget how to ride a bike: all lies. Bold, barefaced lies.

Because of course we never looked for my mother's glasses after she decided to try out my new bicycle. It was autumn, all these lovely leaves everwhere and she took a dive into the biggest heap of them. Needle in a haystack anyone? That was the first (and the last) time I saw my mother on a bike. (She was okay, nothing hurt but her pride and the brake lever of said bike).

Oh no!!! I hate to hear that moment made her stay away from bikes. I’m so glad she wasn’t hurt. Yikes!

How fabulous. What a great NEEDLE OFFICE and I want a daughter to sew together with 😂😂
Love the project👍

Thank you! It’s pretty nice and feels so professional. My mom has really done it up in there. Awwww!!! Are you done having children?

Haha dear not done with having but to old to have them In My opinion 45 and 4 kids is a really Nice accomplishment! But the boys dont want to sew and My daughter is starting to wish for things but needs me to sew its she buys her clothes at Second hand stores juppieee i love that she takes after me💪😉

I agree! That is such a great accomplishment. I had no idea you were 45! Are you tricking me? No way you look 45! I thought you were still in your 30’s like me! You go hott Mama!! 😄😎🤩

That’s great about your daughter!! 😃

Thats a great compliment YES I am a ‘73er

One day your daughter can design her own clothes. How cool is that? I love seeing your posts first thing on Mondays. Like you I never bothered to learn to sew from my Mom. I remember watching her sew my Barbie Doll clothes.

All the women sewed her mother made all Grandpa's western shirts. I am from Texas. And my father's mom made all my clothes for many years.
Later in high school my best friend's mom was a seamstress.

Now you are making me want to take a sewing class. My machine is in storage and I don't think I could even thread a bobbin.

I am going to be putting together squares for a knitted afaghan.
Like you I enjoy all needlework. You know it is great your daughter is taking classes with you. :)

Oh yes she would definitely love designing her own clothing. Thank you I’m so glad you love seeing the #needleworkmonday posts! Your support is greatly appreciated!

Haa I guess we both watched our moms sew from the sidelines.

You should go and grab it from storage! Let’s take those baby steps together! 😄 I keep telling myself “one class at a time”. I know it will take awhile and a lot of work but it’s so worth it. The way prices are rising for clothing I’d rather make my own.

Oh nice an Afghan!! I hope you post it for #needleworkmonday to share with us! You can even show us your process along the way! 😉

Thanks so much for your kind words ~

If you remember feel free to tag me on Mondays so I can find your post easier. I might miss it. I just see what pops up. :)

Okay I’ll have to remember that! Thank you! 😉

I upvoted your post.

Cheers to you.

Posted using condenser site.

This is absolutely fabulous , especially learning at this skill from your own mom. How exciting to learn side-by-side with your daughter, well for her anyway. I Bob the way you take the time to do a step-by-step on the entire process, leaving no room in here for me to make any errors myself. I think that's why that you explained everything, if I do not know how to sew, I would be able to read this and accomplish much with it.

Thank you for such a sweet outline of what you are doing and thank you for bringing this to us is in such a detailed manner. I do miss coming over here and see what's going on and I don't know why I let you slip through my cracks. Thank you again and what a great job you guys are doing.

Upped abd steemed

Thank you so much for visiting and commenting! ☺️ It’s so special to me that I am learning from my mom and with my daughter.

I miss coming you way too and need to get back to doing it more! Thank you so much, it’s always good hearing from you~ 💗

💖💕 The same! I never knew this site would get so busy!

I know! It’s so full of action everyday! 💗

I love this! What an excellent homeschooling class. When my mom was in highschool they thoroughly learned sewing in the standard home economics class. I didn't want her to teach me as a teenager either. We were silly :)

Thank you! Yes it is really a great addition to her curriculum. We had to learn a little sewing in school too but definitely not enough to make it stick lol. Haa weren’t we though? If we only knew how valuable this skill really was. 🤦🏽‍♀️ Thank goodness it’s never too late to learn. 😃

This is so special @crosheille! Your mom has gone to a lot of trouble. I am SO excited for you. I remember you said that you regretted not learning when you were young. Good thing your daughter can help you if you struggle ;) Enjoy the sweet generational lessons!

She really has @buckaroo! She has went the extra mile to make this even more special. Thank you! Oh yes how could you forget the longest comment ever written to you? Haaa! 😅 I’m so glad I’m getting a third chance...I cannot blow it. Hopefully one day you’ll read a post about me making a garment of my own :D

Thanks so much for the encouragement and support. You are one of my sewing inspirations ;)


Sewing inspiration?!! Thanks for the compliment. Looking forward to seeing what you are learning to sew @crosheille.

Yes. Longest comment ever. There should be a challenge and prizes for that!

Yes!! You are an inspiration! After I saw those items you made your baby I was more hooked on wanting to learn. You are really great at it! 😉

Haaa! Right there should be one!

I LOVE this!!!!! I started sewing Barbie clothes when I was young, took sewing lessons at the Singer store, modeled my first outfit in a fashion show lol and eventually taught sewing classes myself! What a wonderful opportunity for grandmother, daughter and granddaughter...can't wait to hear updates from you. This is so neat! My daughters weren't interested to learn to sew...perhaps some day!

Thank you!! Oh wow that’s so neat that you have done all of that. It’s encouraging to hear about you making Barbie clothes when you were young. Yes maybe someday your daughters will be interested :)

You are so fortunate to have your mom around to start sewing (again 😆). As you know I also refused to learn sewing (and knitting) as I was younger. My mother was so good in both. She made me Sarah Kay dresses and knitted colourful norwegian sweaters... sigh.
So a hurray to you to pick up sewing again and believe me, it is the dark side (hmmm perhaps only for me , because I fumble my way around 😃)
And you are a great role model for your daughter, because you show her, that one can always learn something new, indifferent of age and expirience. Your projects look very advanced to me, I love the skirt with the crochet pockets 😍
I am curious what yor mother gave you for homework?

I am so grateful to have my mom still around and for her being able and willing to teach me. I’m starting to see there are quite a few that had seamstress moms and that weren’t interested in learning. If we only knew.

Awww thank you! I am glad that you’re never too old to learn and I’m glad my daughter is so excited about this. She’ll probably surpass me because she is one determined little eight year old. Thank you, I made the skirt following a YouTube video as well as the pillow.

She cut out an apron for me to sew and hem up. So right now I am just working on my straight lines and how to hem properly. I’ll be sharing my mistakes and victories along the way ;)

How fun is that!! Lucky you!! ♥

Looking forward to seeing how your daughter does with making the Barbie clothes! Sewing such tinythings seems intimidating to me. I would sew my fingers for sure. But Im not very good at sewing anyway...

Thank you!!! 😄

She is so determined to make some! I look forward to sharing how she does once she gets there. Haaa you’re so funny! My mom is really emphasizing to her the importance of keeping her fingers away from the needle. My mom knew someone that had to be rushed to the emergency room because she sewed her finger!! OUCH!!! 😳

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