#needlework - Scarf update : How long should an infinity scarf be ? - 211218
I'm not particularly making this project under any time pressure, but I was just wondering whether there is an ideal length to make a scarf that's then going to become an infinity scarf.
I managed to get another skein of this yarn to finish it properly and currently it's 135 cm long. I'm planning to continue another 20 cm and then join the two ends. This means the 'loop' can probably go twice around the neck (?)
If anyone has any ideas / tips on lengths, it would be great to read your suggestions :D
question by @cryptocariad
hmmm... I've consulted with some mathematicians and they said it's really really hard to define the size of infinity with natural numbers
:D I believe you, @googlyeyes :D
I make them in any length from a short, cowl collar length (like my lace cowl) to waist length (to wear doubled).
Thank you, @fiberfrau :D
I make them short because I don’t like a lot of bulk, but sometimes I regret not making them longer for at least to go twice around. It’s looking great!
I don’t think you can go wrong. If it’s very short, it stays close to the neck. A little longer and it can be tucked inside a jacket or coat. Really long ones that can be doubled or tripled are really cozy and make more of a statement, but I’ve found they work best if they’re at least 9 inches wide.
Cheery colors!!!
Thank you, @kimmac :D - so that's about 23 cm; this one has 20 stitches and it's just 15 cm wide (nearly 6") , but the stitch makes it really bulky.
That's very true, because an 'infinity' scarf can't be that long - hopefully, @steven-patrick
Ohhh I like the colours. I guess an infinity shawl is joined into a circle? If yes than I prefer to make it so long, that I can wrap it two times around my neck. I will now run into the other room and measure my scarf (the orange/green/blue one).... running...it is about 126 cm
Yes, I finished this one at 135 cm I'm so happy about the joint - it hardly shows :D, @neumannsalva. Thanks this one can easily be wrapped twice as you say. Have you finished your scarf ?
yes it is ready and i also have sewn in the ends and worn it extensivly (we have warm and super wet weather with a bit of storm)

But the second sock.... oh sigh..... still not ready. I am in this minute sitting in front of the computer watching bad youtube videos and knitting the sock (secretly)
I find sewing knitted items tough. Will you make a post about the joint?
Sorry to hear about that sock taking longer, @neumannsalva !
I actually forgot to take photos - poor @jen0revision was not well this morning so I sat with her and finished the scarf (assessing how bad she was... she's nearly back to her usual self now).
It's also been really dark and wet here (no change to the usual) not really 'winter' cold...
Oh, and I love the photo and the scarf !
oh nooooo being ill short before Christmas - no fun. I cross my fingers she is getting well (very) soon.
And thank you for the compliment. My husband made it while getting dripping wet :-D Now I will stop the knitting as my fingers hurt.
Hugs from me
Hugs from me too, @neumannsalva
I love the colours and the patterning :) That red, and white, with those tiny patches of oranges and grey and black are very very lovely <3
Hi dear I dit hem twice the lenght of Our corp, but I also Made one that I can wrap 3 times looks cool alot of year under My head 😂 love it