How can money have value
This question requires a detailed response. Money is a medium of exchange that holds its value , is easily divisible, and is trusted by both giver and receiver.
Money has been many things over millenia, sea shells, tally sticks, tobacco, gold silver, and currently debt, or fiat currency.
Money is not actually “printed all the time “ our current monetary system is based on debt. Since 1971 when President Nixon closed the gold window the global monetary system.
Since 1971 all new money introduced into the economy is in the form of debt. You go to the bank, request a loan , they evaluate your credit risk and get you to sign the loan contract, your signature then permits the bank to create that amount of money and place it in your account. Hey presto.. money has been created and you proceed to spend it on goods and services, the economy continues to grow as debt grows. That is fine until such time as the total amount of outstanding debt becomes too great a burden for the underlying economy to service and companies and individuals start to default. That happened in 2008. In order to prevent total collapse central banks bought failed debt instruments from the banks at their theoretical full value , with freshly printed money, or QE. so even though trillions have been printed, it only replaced collapsing debt that would have caused every bank to fail.
We are now entering the final stage of the monetary collapse that started 8 years ago, we are entering the end game where whole nations will default on their dollar debts. Savers and pension funds alongside bondholders will be wiped out because further QE is becoming problematic as the banks have already sold all their junk back to government, or us, the taxpayers.
Paper money systems have failed repeatedly since the first attempt at such a system , established by The Kublai Khan, mongol emporer in the 12th century, they tend to collapse after around 40 years, we are currently 45 years past 1971 and Nixons disastrous policy of floating exchange rates and a debt based system as proposed by Milton Freidman.
Never before was the entire globe so connected or so dependent on a single debt based system, when it collapses, as it must mathematically, the entire global economy will be shattered.
So thus far , no money has actually been “printed “ … that is the final gambit that may be tried prior to collapse, issuing free cash to everyone or outright money printing, at that point in time it's game over, time to buy bullets and gold stored in a remote farmhouse whilst the apocalypse unfolds.
Have a nice day.
You have a minor misspelling in the following sentence:
It should be millennia instead of millenia.Thanks pal