Nebula AI is best mining option for entire future
Current market situation
Most of people, who was inspired by Bitcoin revolution, were creating and buying mining facilities without any clue about their future performance or the influence on nature. For example, 159 countries in the world and bitcoin miners consume the same amount of energy. Moreover, confirmation of single transaction take too much electricity (according to researches, family of four is able to use the same amount for several months). It is obvious that mining become less and less effective.
In addition, the decentralization become less and less real. Yeah, we are talking about mining farms, which decrease the chance to mine one block for small miners and threaten real security. You cannot call it decentralization when all farms are placed in one single building, but owned by different people. The main issues of centralized application is single database, which could be hacked or overloaded by hackers. Decentralization should be a solution that is able to prevent suspicious activity, but farms turn it over. So you can see that bitcoin mining is not only ineffective, but also not so profitable as it was before and it damages the all industry.
So what should you do? Slightly amount of people is owning part of mining facilities, so they can just sell their part and try to create own mining farm at their home. It may seem reasonable, but in several years it will not work and there are several reasons for group mining to become future ground of blockchain industry.
First reason is rising electricity prices in most of developed countries. Green energy is on the rise, but wide implementation of this technology might take several decades, while amount of traditional energy sources will keep decrease. Second is the speed of transaction. The newest researches of blockchain technologies shown that distance between mining facilities implies speed, quality and cost price of operation. Third is ability to be useful for the real sector of economy. Bitcoin might be great two years ago, but today we can see a lot of different projects that seems more useful and prospect.
Therefore, group mining could be useful and even reliable, but only in case, when all farm is united within one single ecosystem, which is working in one demanded industry. That is why you better pay attention to Nebula AI right now, before it will be too late.
Why Nebula?
Today person, who want to start mining has two options: buy equipment and create mining farm on this persons own, or to buy a part in future mining facility. Even when you will discover everything about both options, you will understand that second one is more profitable and stable. In addition, you will not need any mining or programming skills and you should not care about electricity bills, because creators of such farms prefer to pick countries with cheap electricity and great climate. Climate matter just because it allows you to save money that could be spent on cooling equipment.
In the same time, most of huge mining facilities are designed for mining of one single cryptocurrency. It is not bad at all, but it is pretty risky. When the demand for this cryptocurrency will decrease, owners of these facilities start losing money. It means that mining of one single cryptocurrency is possible in case if you are sure that demand will be stable for next 5-10 years. You can hope for the best, but we are trying to operate with realistic data. Nebula AI have not only strategy for their facilities, but also a reliable plan.
Nebula AI have been already cooperating with several scientific facilities in Canada and they will be looking for more agreements. Their mining center, as we understand, will also be placed in Canada. They are going to buy completely new equipment, which allows to increase mining effectiveness by 23 times. Moreover, part of these facilities may be rent by some scientific group and, while there are not so much places to study and improve artificial intelligence, demand for NBAI tokes will be slightly higher than in other cryptocurrencies, even more widespread ones. The secret is that you need much more calculating capacity teaching AI than making a transaction.
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