This is just a brief, "social awareness" post.
Most people, including me, had no idea what Stand Your Ground was until the George Zimmerman case.
It took me a few years to become educated on the subject, and I'm still learning.
Still, I'm aware that my vocal position on this aspect of self-defense law comes off to the layperson as being particularly pro-Republican.
It is true that blue states lean toward Duty to Die and red states lean toward Stand Your Ground.
Still, Nebraska is a Duty to Die state while California actually has some of the strongest Stand Your Ground language in the country. California is the only state of which I'm aware that allows you to pursue a fleeing attacker, and continue your use of deadly defensive force, in certain circumstances.
Again, I understand why people associate these laws with certain parties. I also understand that people aren't unreasonable to associate these laws with certain parties.
Still, this isn't an issue that's cleanly divided along party lines.