Crypto adoption for nomies : NEAR HACKATHON SESSION

in #nearprotocol4 years ago

Do you want to start by introducing yourself and also the title. Yeah. Hi everybody, welcome to today's conversation I know it's been a very long conference so this one will be hopefully educational but entertaining at the slightest.
I am Jade Darwaza CEO XE media where we have the two agencies so I am the Normie In this case, but our company, which I'll go into works with a bunch of creators, we're very heavily basically your economy.
How to market your product to nomies
So today we teach you guys how to market your web3 product to people like me. We're going to get started. Since you already started.
So the way this is gonna work is, I'm going to use a little bit who I am. We're gonna talk about a concept about building a bridge with your customers and in your platform we're gonna talk about building a bridge to onboard, your creators.
So I just want to say that explaining a web3 product to a web2 audience was probably just as hard as what I was explaining to my parents, I was out of high school to do YouTube in 2016. So, this is a little bit about me, my company's actually media. We're a web2 influencer agency working with the largest tick tock animators so brand partnerships, these are some of our clients have 11 million followers, you know, before that cool bio I just told you about.
I was making videos in my parent's garage I don't know why all entrepreneurs start the garage, but I had no meetings like I dropped out of school moved to LA, and my parents just didn't understand the Creator economy, you know, now it's like the hottest thing, where everyone understands right and this is what reminds me of where crypto is right now. It kind of reminds me when I was first telling people and doing creator colony stuff that they thought I was psyched out because I was an early adopter and making content, and building a media agency. I was one of the fastest social media entrepreneur at the time, gathering audience, we had 50,000 This is actually real footage of me trying to explain my parents, dropping out of school to pursue this creator digital economy.
So, the reason why I bring this up is because the way you know if you guys have platforms or products and web3. Same thing with me trying to explain to my parents, five years ago right and parents just didn't understand or have experience with making money on YouTube so they just didn't think it was possible. That is not my image, your customers, and creators are just like my parents in this situation they couldn't connect to what they care on how their aerials, release your product. So today we're talking about the solution, you know I trade the shame from what to empowering my parents believe me but also building a following around that educating people around the issue in the economy. And as to web3, we can still use the same technique so I'll share a little bit about what I'm doing there.
So the solution to build a bridge okay major customers relate, is to build a bridge. So I'm going to give you a quick example of a web2 bridge just between my dad. My dad was a software company. He just cares about lead generation. So that's where my data is, and the bridge is trying to explain you to is nothing more than lead generation for a product or agency, and then outcome like my data understanding right that, Oh, you know, dropping out of school for changes just focusing on lead generation.
So today we're gonna talk about how to build a similar bridge for your product. Now whether you're an artist, or developer or founder, I think that we're first gonna talk about creator onboarding so how to onboard people to our platform, but I think I'm also super important to talk to educate your creators on how to onboard people consumers and creators and customers to.
So let's first start with how to build a bridge to onboard creators. So your roadmap should be two places I'm not going to go into this to detail but it is separately marketing to your creators and marketing to your customers are completely different.
So we're first gonna start with creators and the first steps to building a bridge with your creators, and the first step is asking yourself what demographic is your Creator and I'm going to go into the different types of creators, the Second thing is the problems you're solving for that creator. And the third is how far is this creator away from web3, and then we're gonna talk about building that bridge. So I'm going to quickly just talk a little bit about the different types of creators.
I know that when you think of creators is kind of a small level but they're not built the same. And I think that's very important, you know, I've been talking to a lot of social token platforms in my agency, we're web3 company right but with a cleaner excited to say this but there are two or3 new every product I'm working on, but with a bunch of problems I'm talking to, I guess there's like this assumption that all feeders are the same. And just because someone has 11 million followers that does not mean it's a good idea to onboard them and let me explain why.
So when you're looking at certain artists or musicians or let's say creators they are people with high bandwidth and low bandwidth to have large audiences, or small audiences, people in the middle, right. So high bandwidth creators or people that have a following, that are very consumed by it. Typically people that have long form content like documentaries, podcasts and YouTubers write long form content.
So you know that they have a little bit of a higher intention, and a bit more of a bigger buying intention, right, because maybe they're a little bit older, or they have a higher bandwidth to consume content now, low bandwidth Creators, I would say are not necessarily a bad thing, it's just, they're typically have a larger audience. But maybe it's just less, less connected maybe they don't really have a discord yet maybe they're just a meet with hundreds ******* and then we look at Charlie, for example, but it is really important to kind of differentiate that because when you're onboarding creators, you really want to strive for people that are engaged with your community and people that have audiences that are also gauge. And obviously when sizing, small to large, there's some people have high bandwidth audiences that are smaller, I would consider this a lot of the web3 community right now, right, like, think, do you find communities C clap morning brew.
These are just some examples, but you know these are communities or that are existing like this one right. The reason why we're here to spend is because maybe there's less friction because it's not weird. Whoever marketing to normies which is this upper layer right. People that are larger audiences we surpassed this access is when you start to have to go into re-education.
So obviously this conversation is not about how to market to these people, that is self selected this is about how to target this upper layer. So that's the first thing understanding and I'll talk a little bit about what's the best market tool but like not all creators are equal, you have to build a strategy that makes sense with your platform right, you're talking targeting high bandwidth large audiences or low bandwidth, local audiences and obviously you want to stay away from small and low bandwidth as much as possible.
Step two thing is to ask yourself you know once you understand like Where do my creators how to live, or this case you know your audience is everywhere. It's just something to keep in mind, the next question is, understanding what do creators care about how can I position my product. So they care about it. As someone who has making YouTube videos for over 10 years. I just know that there's two things we really care about how to increase engagement and this engagement leads to long term monetization.
The third thing to understand is how much friction is there from web two to3. So for the high bandwidth audiences okay anything in defi or anything with business finance like Gary Vaynerchunk basically, there's less friction, because this audience is more native to technology and easier to adapt. Right. But the reason why we're having this conversation is we can't build an economy and a community without including the larger conversation which is the mainstream market. So, I would say the hardest to kind of go into adoption is low bandwidth audiences right, ******* for example, I don't know anybody I'm frenzy. So, anybody knows who this is, but it was a meme ******** for like maybe3 months. So as creators and artists, maybe we want to maybe reserve that for a later stage once. Weather is more adopted, you know my best recommendation is you want to find the sweet spot of a larger audience you know say the goal of this conversation is to increase creators beyond this b2b community.
You want to find a sweet spot. People have high bandwidth and a medium sized audience that allows you to offer creators, so let's just say for example we have to ***************** Swift's of the world, that maybe have the large audience, but a little bit overwhelming to adopt web3, the best speed slaughter creators I have large audiences around the medium bandwidth that enables a bit of growth from the speed of the community, so I can call her daddy podcast on there, she's definitely a small creator, they have their number one podcast in the world right but slightly different tik-toker, into the space that maybe has 100 million followers.
He's ********** 11 million followers and his audience is really tight knit animation, and he's a number of animators so we put him under slightly lower than maybe a mainstream creator, but it's still this mainstream market that hasn't been well overlapped and maybe the mass market.
So the reason why is because the farther away from this graph, the more friction it is to adopt your product and I think this is the biggest thing founders need to realize when looking at adopting creators, they're not all the same. So a really good example of a bridge for building for create this is a web3 incubator that I'm co founding outside ****** we are first starting with the idea of like you know our creators that we're working with are tick tock animators, so they number one care about funding their own projects and ********. So the rich we have to build was kind of explaining that like we're not going to try to pitch. Social tokens in like all the technical aspects, but we're just gonna say hey, this can help you maybe crowdfund an NFT so you can find the show we just keep drilling in. This is one path for you to find your TV show, and then of course, we started creating a joint program to launch that token or NFT.
So, it's really great to just figure out first what the creator is, what do they care about some people don't care about monetization some people care about engagement and building a page that bridges that over.
So just sort of give you a little bit of some insights too because I know a lot of platforms here, especially protocols, you know, when you think of a marketing strategy. This is kind of, you know, this is my background so what we're doing at creative is really going with a four stage funnel right so we're starting with that top of the funnel, creating YouTube tutorials around the creator economy and making money. So, my channel has greater 50,000 subscribers so it's a mainstream audience right, its not all of them that convert but it's one way to kind of start to hit the mainstream. And then seconds out we're talking about a lot of stuff in a creator newsletter which kind of funnels more explicit people in, so that those have a discord to them onboard to our platform.
So I really think about this bridge, first of all, when you're, when you're building your marketing and messaging, and then from there, once you understand, oh, this is what our creator wants this is what the problem is solving. Slowly and slowly building content. In this case, for us, YouTube, and ***** newsletter to get people to the bottom of the funnel which for you might be onboarding people to your platform. So to recap, you guys to screenshot this for each industry is completely different right so tick tock bloggers I knew that they don't really care about just making quick money, they care about long term revenue and network with other creators, so each industry has its own nuance and it's different If you're a founder to interview a lot of creators, I'm gonna move over to building a bridge to your customers, but feel free to keep asking questions, I'm going to try and make this 10 minutes left and we can kind of answer questions together.
So, this is for someone that maybe is a creator themselves maybe you're someone who ********, I don't have a platform, but I'd love to know how maybe my mainstream audience by my own up to, like maybe you're a creator, like, No one's buying like things trade. So there's3 steps. Typically as a creator you kind of do know what your audience wants it's typically a version of you. The same method goes for this right you want to know how far is your audience with web3 and then building a bridge.
Now for this conversation, I'm actually going to show you guys exactly our blueprint for onboarding, our web two audience to web3 for one of our creators, named nutshell animations.
So let's just take a look at this, and I'll walk you through how to build a bridge. So Foundation is a ******* project I'm working on it sort of slightly longer to put this together so the question about this, our goal is to transition is 9 million size audience that are super engaged with gaming and animation to web3. And we're not just launching to talk post about like hey guys buy my tea like that's absolutely not the strategy, and I've seen some recruiters do that, that's great for a western audience so let's go into how we're doing this. So we're first analyzing his profile this is your **** while he's **** we weren't international brand collaborations, so we kind of understood a little bit more about his brand but just to recap, his audience shares a common interest are creating together, like his 9 million fans audiences people that consume content but a lot of them are also artists and creatives and they get really inspired by him.
So we're taking this once, and driving it into this course we launched the discord in under a month we were able to transfer 10,000 members to Discord from his 9 million audience size to stream together to create together. If you guys want to join it. I think you can search on Discord but there's a bunch ******, they're like create together there's promotion they're scheming they're streaming is a very vibrant community. So from there, right, this is a free discord we plan to launch paid tiers.
So anyone who subscribes to these features get exclusive access because as you know his community, our mission artists, numerous people that create together, and we create a materials where specific things where if you want to play with Michelle one on one, okay, because he does not just want to make that clear. But this enables creators to monetize on a web to space but also were able to transition people to web3, So we're saying can you spend money with this, with our membership will give you an airdrop tokens and this is starting to build the bridge right because now you have a level of intent, you have people earning. And also it's not like you have people in discord where you can walk through and educate through game ***** we haven't said what the game is where people how to watch metamask how to do all these things so we have a one to one connection, which is distributing on their platform.
So if you're a creator and you're not like staging people you'll have emails from discord, you're gonna receive a lot of friction or just no response in general like, I don't want any invaders but I've worked a lot in the industry where this point feederwatch NFT to her 50 million size audience and out of the 50 NFT she sold like one, which is like, when you think about it, is like, it just shows that like you really need to be patient with educating your audience. So, this conversation is about how you plan to distribute it, but are social tokens, you know with social tokens were able to have other audience or nationals audience exchange it for digital skins and ****** and if you earn that tokens in exchange for one on one time with the Creator.
So an example from animation, we have this like forestation stuff right similar to the onboarding creator but just this time in the mainstream market where identify the sheer value, we have a free discord, low friction, Discord which basically puts people into a paid mindset which has a level of intent to locate top bands, and then engage with what the least of which is essentially bringing people on to set up their wallet and claim these airdrops or tokens as rewards.
I wanted to say Gary Vee does a really good job with this I think you guys should definitely look at what he's doing with Vee friends. My friends, their social profile, and they just got a really great job doing it drop like if you want to see anything in real ****** you want to look at the way the review and the friends get it. They did not watch something immediately, they had a discord nurturing I was really observing how they did it but they would like some community managers were just dropping links on how to set up a wallet and it was very very efficient and I think it's a great case study if you guys want to go look at that right now just look at their sales funnel, and I was just highly recommend to take a look at that.
Q1 :What, why did that celebrity always sell one NFT, where was the disconnect.
What she did is she launched onlyfans is anyone with only fans. She's actually posted her onlyfans content onto an opensea market. She promoted her opensea content on a YouTube channel, and doesn't explain the how to buy it, just as I haven't had it on so many levels. First of all, her audience was on the same as an only fans audience. Her response was, I would say just younger. Second of all the promo video was not explaining how to buy, we're just saying I have an NFT. And the third thing is it's friction right so this is an example of high, maybe middle bandwidth hotline, audience, it just takes more time to explain there's wasn't that level of nurturing, there was a discord email that's why I would say was a friction. I see a bunch of people's in school, thank you guys for the questions. I hope that was helpful and Alex, I think ******* watches is actually really helpful as creators and artists we can learn a lot.
Q2 : So what crypto tokens specifically are you recommending creators on a TV show.
Is it easy to use anything else yeah I mean, good question. So, my company is in web two so we partnered with more web3 experts like C club and shout out to Cooper gentle people helping me so far in this project but for creating ****** my new web reading computer for Gen Z tiktokers, what were we plan to do is you know we're partnering with certain platforms, we're still researching this, this is completely new. So, this blueprint is going to be updated and I want to kind of have this mindset of like things are gonna change. For now, you know what we're looking at to crowdfund for a TV show for whatever creators. We are looking at Ethereum but we're almost likely going to ****** as NFT's on the Ethereum blockchain. And for example, people can bid on or work on a future for. If you want to get clear direction access, so you can get back from character in the animated film. And you can also give clear direction so that's what we're trying to do with our audience. But this is completely filling out someone else how have you dealt with the legal aspects and issuing tokens for community. I got to give legal advice, *********** .
Q2 :
So if you are struggling right now, where this is very important. Like I've taken content break seven burnout I used to add to video every single day to my audience, and you know it was your break and you come back and watch it, that's weird, right, like that's like we just took a break, and now you're selling me something once. This is why it's so important to club or community leader ********* or whatever you want to call yourself to have some sort of peer to peer interaction. So when you take a break, the community list in ****** terms I'm so sorry this cringy but like, we call it stance. There's definitely fans and stance or people that watch your content voter club. Go to your go watch your stuff. Fans are people that even if you don't post, they're still talking about you. The biggest fan, I would say the Swifties there are crazy. The reason why you want to build stands, when you launch products with higher friction is if your audience is burning, then maybe it's easier because maybe there's less friction, but as a general tech. So, I was ******** to replace for the talk. I'm not sure given discord already I don't really like pushing on Discord but it's a really great peer to peer interaction because you don't have to make the Content enabled to community, you just have to define the intent of that. I have people asking me to come back and clubhouse. I was located community leaders I honestly think the reason why the fans, let's just say, Gary Vee fan for example, is so successful. Gary Vee, for the amount of staff and moderators that are watching this, I really do believe for web3, the success are your projects, your apps or dapps are going to be on the backs of your community leaders ******you can't help everyone, but your community leaders and moderators well so progressional you know we have eight marks for this 10,000 size audience. Empower anyone with even a small community start thinking this way to scale. I want to create an Asian community to create their luxury with this core group and I think the more the merrier because then you, you really start to enable scalability, and enable people to start talking to each other. It's a long story short is you want peer pressure, you want a lot of interaction possible one on one, whereas Clubhouse. I'm not sure how you guys stage your conversations but essentially launch of discord and then I really believe that when you watch your product activity people talk and converse right in all their journey is going to be successful versus just blasting our audience. Social media web two is not a bad thing, it's just it's meant for people to consume web3s for people to own and interact and engage with they think that we should really embrace that in our communities.
Q3: Different level community leaders are actually really difficult to find. What's your recommendation for finding them. This is such a great question. So for ********, we found our moderators through locating top fans on our community, like weather is so cool because it blurs the line between a fan, and an employee and contributor. But we basically want someone with the worst thing you can get someone that's just going to leave the community but understand your community. So like for example I guess you know Andrew, what I would say is like, they will come and build a really strong community whether that's, you know, if you're on Twitter I know a lot of b2b sales on Twitter but for me to talk to the community I used to, for me, provides community. I used to go to meetups, around the world where Paris, London, just to meet up with fans I go that's a little safety how's he doing this I don't know how crazy that was educating people economy in 2016, 2017. And then I met two people in these meetups that were like hey like we want to help. so, it comes from people that only are good community leaders but they ****** understand.
Q4 : How do you compensate them
good question and here we see a mixture of awarded them and tokens, I will have time but if you want to do me a question I can kind of go over that but we do need them to see. Just because we want to reward them but that's because our communities have revenue generated already so good community leaders are hard to find because it's so hard to find people who care about the community leader right when you are recruiting a leader, you have to be authentic, so the last thing I want to say just because we're done with the questions. I hope this is helpful. I really do believe whether you're a founder, a community leader for your own projects, creator or developer, or working in a crypto project, like the way you're tracking my community leaders or the way you are creating the community right it's not horrible if you're not *******, if you're not saying your values broadly, you're not going to attract those people. So there's this level you know on my content on social media talk a lot about how to be a personal brand I do think like, especially these projects that you want your community to reflect you because then you minimize the pressure of people not aligning values. So, if you want to hear you have attorneys, or your community like respond to every comment.
I used to meet people in real life, I used to talk to even you guys I would say my community. I would offer one on one time just follow up like you got to do the craziest things like send Gary's ****** name but like he doesn't really well in response to comments. Many people in your life, you want to go above and beyond so you can attract new leaders to also lead your group. Andrew, Aaron. Everyone Alex and sorry I wasn't gonna really answer your legal questions. But thank you guys for listening, and feel free to, again, ask me any questions on Twitter if you guys are there. Thank you so much.

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