NDJT EPISODE 2: Teasing You Left Right Front Back Center
Hello steemians am @percyhamburg and i have decided to join the NDJT EPISODE 2. hope its not late yet doh.
Thanks to @mimy for making this contest real and
I hope my answers interests all my readers.
Question 1:At what age did you have your first kiss?
Answer: At age 14 with my first crush
Question 2:What is the cheapest gift you have ever received?
Answer: lol at my 15th birthday some1 wrapped two sactchet purewater and packaged it in a box as a gift for me.. It was so much funny and hilarious.
Question 3:What is the most expensive gift you have ever received from a partner.
Answer: still on 15th birthday got a laptop (HP intel core i6) from a secret crush..tleast that's what he wrote
Q 4: Which would you rather go without? Brassiere or Make-up for three days.
Answer: I could do without the bra and be free from the thing,i need my make-up everyday .a gal got to look good to sell you know😉
Question 5: Qualities of your ideal man or woman?
Answer: My ideal man got to be real with me no pretence and should be tall,hardworking,cute and not a woman-beater.
Question 6:What would you do with one million naira.
Answer: Currently as a steemian i divide the money and then I will buy steem-power with half and invest the other in my farming buisness.
Question 7: Would you love to get married to a virgin?
Answer: virgin or not I would love my man to be good in bed WWE bed wrestling he shouldn't dull me😉.
Question 8:Three names of girls and three guys who you think are virgins on steemit.
Answer: Guys @oilprinzz , @onyi @urchice
Answer: Girls. @kamsi , @melindaa, @joy
Question 9: Construct a sentence with the following words: Bed, prayer, God, Love, Bible, Suck, Sex.
Answer: After not allowing him to Suck me, he forced me into having Sex, I felt terrible that night in my Bed and was having crazy thoughts especially of the trauma and i was at the edge of almost commuting suicide.it was then I saw my Bible and remembered God and his Love for me. I knelt down and made a short Prayer.
Question 10: What virtue do you think is your greatest?
Answer: Patience and kindness
Question 11: One thing you learnt from NDJT EPISODE 1
Answer: was aware and I wasn't part of the first one.
Question 12: Give your interpretation of the theme of NDJT EPISODE 2: TEASING YOU LEFT RIGHT FRONT BACK AND CENTER
Answer: This is really for fun and it have implied lots of people that are participating to tell funny truths and hidden secrets in funny and straight ways.
Lol funny one u have got here baby girl ..good luck😀
Thanks bunch
So if he now break your leg onto WWE wrestling what will we tell your neighbors ko