NavCoin News — October 2019
This months newsletter focuses on NavCoin Core progress, NavCoin on the DigiByte & Friends podcast, and NavPay’s resubmission to the iOS store.
NavCoin Core Update
Since the release of NavCoin Core 4.7.0 Purple Zebra last month there have been seven pull requests which have been reviewed and merged into master.
Some of the interesting additions are;
PR#605 — A graphical interface for users to voluntarily split a percentage of their stakes either to one of their own addresses, the community fund, a bounty program, or to directly sponsor a core developer.
PR#587 — The capability to generate raw script addresses which starts to make advanced OP_CODE scripting easier for anyone to create through the command line.
There are still three pending PR’s which need review before the release of the next patch version of NavCoin Core 4.7.1, so there is no definite date on the patch release as of yet.
Beyond this, testing and refinement of the DAO extensions has started in earnest. Beyond the regular set of NavCoin Core Developers, salmonskinroll has been a massive help to testing pull requests lately and specifically the DAO. He has been doing some great work to help the developers find and fix issues, claiming multiple bounty payments as a result.
As per the requirements of his accepted community fund proposal, proletesseract has committed two days per week minimum to work on the DAO with aguycalled and mxaddict. This will firstly result in an expansion of the python test suite as we try and cover all the eventual logical possibilities and resolve any bugs found during that process. Ultimately the DAO extension is the NavCoin Core Developers primary focus as we work towards releasing 4.7.1 and keeping other wheels moving.
DigiByte & Friends 01 — NavCoin, Staking & DAO’s
NavCoin Developer proletesseract was invited as a guest on the inaugural episode of the DigitByte and friends podcast. The conversation spans a range of topics starting with the history of NavCoin and aims to educate blockchain enthusiasts on the topics of Staking, on-chain Governance and Decentralised Autonomous Organisations. If those are some topics which you want to learn more about in the context of NavCoin or just blockchain in general then make sure you check out the video.
The video premiered on the 25th of September and was accompanied by a live chat with Craig & Josiah. For the full experience watch it on youtube and open the chat replay to checkout the conversation as well.
NavPay Re-Submitted to iOS
During the podcast with Josiah we found out that DigiByte has managed to get their iOS application approved in the Apple App Store. NavPay has previously been submitted but was rejected due NavCoin not being on the “approved” list of virtual currencies available in the app store. It is our understanding this restriction has been lifted, so proletesseract with the help of anquii worked to get the latest verison of NavPay to compile against the latest requirements of the iOS store and NavPay has been successfully resubmitted for iOS.
There is no guarantee this application will be successful and it’s likely that it will take some time to get it approved if it’s even possible at all, but at least we have the wheels moving again for this dedicated NavCoin wallet on iOS.
Community News Contributions
This month is the first without dedicated funding to support NavCoin’s social media channels and Community News. You can read more about the transition in the article NavCoin News & Social Media by proletesseract.
The main idea for the community news is that it is now a federated publication that relies on content submissions from the community.
This month there we unfortunately no community submissions so the monthly news only consists of what parts of the NavCoin project proletesseract has been directly involved in. In reality there have been a lot more going on in the community than this news letter reflects.
If you’re doing anything newsworthy within the community it is now your responsibility to write it up and submit it by filling out this Google form.
Community Fund Update
There is currently 25,662 NAV available in the community fund with 3 pending proposals and 3 pending payment requests being voted on.
To check out the full list of proposals and payment requests, visit the community fund page of the block explorer.
And remember, anyone can submit a funding proposal which gets voted on by the network. To learn more about how the community fund works and kickstart your next crypto project, head on over to the NavCoin Community Fund page.
That’s all for this month. Don’t forget that you can receive the monthly news by email. If you would like to be added to the mailing list, please sign up here:
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