Autumn flowers.
Autumn is the time of year when nature gradually prepares for rest, but does not forget us to please flowers. Among the autumn flowers, we all know well such as asters, dahlias, crocuses, chrysanthemums, blackberry, rudbekiya, majors, helium trees and others.
Here are some photos of autumn flowers in our house.
Georgette - a flower of the family of Asterra, they bloom until the frosts. The first dahlias tubers were brought to Europe from Mexico at the end of the XVIII century. The name of his plant was dandelion in 1803 from botanist Karl Wildenov, who named it in honor of the famous botanist, ethnographer and geographer from St. Petersburg Academician Johann Georgie. There are about thirty species and about 15,000 varieties of dahlias.
Asters - translated from Latin "aster" means "star" - it's one-year or perennial cultures. There are 200 to 500 species. In Europe, the flower of Astara came in the seventeenth century, secretly brought from China by a French monk. In China asters have become a symbol of beauty, elegance, modesty and charm.
Tsiniya (among the people of Majori) Majori are their folk name, on the bags of seeds and in the literature, perhaps you will find their official name - tsiniya. The flower is named after the German scientist, professor of botany Johann Gottfried Zinn.
Qinia is an annual plant that pleases us with a variety of colors and decorates our flower beds in the summer and autumn. Her beautiful flowers can be of any color, from white to dark purple.
Marigolds (Lat. Tagetes) - are a genus of perennial and annual plants belonging to the family of astroids or Compositae. The native land of plants is South and Central America. Relate to medicinal plants. From my own experience I can say that tea made from marigold helps with headache.
Today, the marigold has about 40 species and is cultivated in many countries of the world. In Ukraine, we often find marigolds near Ukrainian houses, gardens and orchards. This is not whimsical flowers.
Although I do not really like their smell.
Chrysanthemum (Latin Chrysanthemum) - annual and perennial plants, also from the family of Asstr. Many species of these flowers have a yellow color inflorescence, so they are called "flower-sun". From the Greek chrysanthemum in translation means "golden flower". In Europe, chrysanthemum appeared in the eighteenth century, but intensively cultivate it began only in the nineteenth century. In time, flowering chrysanthemums are divided into several species, groups of varieties: flowers early, medium and medium late, late.
Colchicum autumnale L. - poisonous perennial plant of the Liznotsvitov family, also known under the popular names of wild saffron. Type entered in the Red Data Book of Ukraine in the status "Invaluable". Medicinal, honey and decorative culture.
It's only nature that can yield such a beauty with some mesmerizing colors.
very very beautifull flower 💕💕
Great pictures. Thumbs up..👍
Beautiful flowers my friend Up&Resteem
Thank you so much)
You are welcome my friend
Great post! Beautiful photos :)
Thank you )