Genuine marijuana from Aceh

in #nature7 years ago

10 The surprising benefits of cannabis for health
During this time marijuana has a pretty bad reputation, especially in health issues. The use of cannabis in inappropriate and indiscriminate doses can cause many health problems. Suppose an addiction, anxiety, or brain damage related to memory. A study even found that the risk of heart attack increased within an hour after a person smoked marijuana.
Even so, it seems unfair to see marijuana only based on adverse effects caused. Cannabis also has a good side and can be utilized in terms of health if used properly. Here are some of the surprising benefits that cannabis can give to health, as reported by Care2

  1. Alzheimer's
    Based on research by Scripps Research Institute, marijuana is known to slow down Alzheimer's disease that attacks the brain. These results have also been published in the journal Molecular Pharmaceutics.
  2. Anxiety
    Researchers from Harvard Medical School found that marijuana has an effect that can help calm one's anxiety. Of course, this is only true with the use of marijuana in the right dosage. The use of cannabis in high doses can actually give the opposite effect of increasing anxiety and paranoid thoughts.
  3. Arthritis
    Marijuana is known to relieve pain and pain, as well as inflammation associated with arthritis disease.
  4. Cancer
    Research published in the journal Molecular Cancer Therapeutics found that the substance cannabidiol contained in cannabis can 'turn off' a gene called "Id-1" used cancer cells to spread throughout the body.
  5. Epilepsy
    In a study at Virginia Commonwealth University, researchers found that marijuana could be used to stop epileptic seizures. However, this study has only been done on animals and has not been tested in humans.
  6. Glaucoma
    Researchers are currently developing new drugs with marijuana ingredients to treat pain caused by glaucoma. This is done after the researchers know that effective cannabis to be used to treat the condition glaucoma. Glaucoma is a condition that increases pressure on the eyeball and can lead to loss of vision ability.
  7. Lung health
    Research in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that cannabis can increase lung capacity. This is contrary to the belief of many people that marijuana can lower lung capacity and ability.
  8. Multiple sclerosis
    Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a disease that attacks central nerves such as the brain's nerves, spinal cord, and optic nerve. A study conducted at the Canadian Medical Association Journal found that cannabioids found in marijuana can reduce symptoms and pain caused by MS.
  9. Nausea
    Cannabis contains at least 60 chemicals called cannabinoids and THC that can give the effect of 'hovering' in its users. Even so, in the right dosage and way, THC can also be used to overcome the feeling of starting, including also in drugs that can cause nausea.
  10. Parkinson's disease
    Research published in medPage Today found that cannabis can be used to treat tremors and improve motor skills in patients affected by Parkinson's disease.
    Those are some of the surprising benefits possessed by cannabis for health. This does not mean you can directly use marijuana if you have one of the above diseases. The use of marijuana must still go through the right procedures and in the appropriate dosage also to get the benefits optimally and prevent the adverse effects that cannabis can provide.






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