Tanah Gayo Aceh sebutan lain dari Kabupaten Aceh Tengah Dengan Ibukota Takengon. Tanah Gayo punya paranoma alam yang begitu indah sehingga memanjakan para traveling yang pernah singgah disana. Dari Danau laut Tawar yang biru, hamparan hijau sawah sampai sungai yang deras lagi bersih. Tanah Gayo bisa disebut surganya traveler terutama bagi traveler yang punya hobi fotografer.
Di tambah lagi dengan hawa dinginnya suhu ditanah gayo sangat cocok berkunjung kesana saat musim panas tiba.
Gayo Aceh Land is another name from Central Aceh District With the Capital of Takengon. Gayo land has a natural paranoma that is so beautiful that spoil the traveling who ever stopped there. From the blue sea lake Tawar blue, stretch of green paddy fields to the rushing river again clean. Gayo land can be called a traveler's paradise especially for the traveler who has a hobby photographer. In addition to the cold weather temperatures in Gayo is very suitable to visit there when the summer arrives.
Sungai alas, Sungai terpanjang di bumi Sersmbi Mekkah.
The longest river bed in Aceh earth