Plitvice Lakes,Croatia
The National Park consists of 16 lakes,wich are stepwise and descend into each other in a series of 5460 meters as the crow flies.
The largest lake is the Kozjak from 81.5 hectares,wich is the deepest in 47 m.
That's me in the last visit to Plitvice Lakes
Prošćansko is the second largest and stretches from south to north in the length of 2.5 km.
Plitvice Lakes is visited by a milion tourist a year. They are situated in a superb location,halfway to the Adriatic Sea,so that when you go to sea,you have to stand on our Plitvice Lakes.
You're guaranteed a good time, great food in the restaurants andmotels, very politely and cultural staff that you are serving.We highly recommend it to everyone and welcome back! :)
The most beautifull