Teenager's point of view: How to save animals from extinction

in #nature7 years ago

I sat down and thought about what’s happening around the world. I thought about how the world’s evolving and how the population of human’s are going up. We’re discovering more about the world each day. We all need to go to school, get a job, get married, have kids, and then die. This is the summary of an average person’s life. We mind our own business and usually don't try to get into any trouble.
Then I thought about how selfish I am to only think about the importance of human life and how we are the ones in trouble when it’s actually, Mother Nature. Tree’s are being cut down, water is getting polluted and so is the air. Animals are being killed, their homes are being destroyed, and they are eating our junk we throw on the side of the road.
I was about to get up and shake off all those thoughts when I asked myself, “Do you care enough to do something about this or are you ‘too busy’ and would rather have someone else make a change for the better.” Well, what if that someone else never comes.
I come here to propose a solution for the animal kingdom, more specifically the tiger species. I have picked the tiger, because they’re cunning animals that are the largest member of the cat family. They’re powerful nocturnal animals that will travel miles for mammals twice their size to eat.
Sadly it’s predicted that around 2022 the great majestic tiger will be extinct, unless we take action. Our children and grandchildren won’t be able to absorb the great value and importance of this creature in the future if we keep taking the path we’re on now. There haven’t been many successful ways to help the tiger population, except keeping them in wildlife reserves where they are protected. In the wild arrogant people can kill them whenever and how ever they want unexpected.
“Most conservationists agree that strong protection of wildlife reserves has been the key to the endangered tiger’s survival so far.” (Source: Kosnoff, Craig. "Protect Tiger Habitat." Tigers in Crisis. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Nov. 2016.)
Yes, we can continue keeping tigers in wildlife facilities, but not all. They are naturally wild creatures who have deadly instincts that could kill a person with a single playful move. They cannot all be kept in an enclosed space their whole life. How will feel if you are kept in the same city your whole life?
There are a few people who want to harm these animals, but there are more kind people who wouldn't dare hurt these animals with a feather. The tigers are even more vulnerable, because most of their living space is gone; they’re left out in the open with no cover to hide.
I believe that since there are so many people in the world, we all can make a change. The people of the world should do something and stand up together for all animals.
Robots, electronics and such are used for many things. We can use them to watch over the tigers and see if there are any intruders who have plans to harm them. We can stick small cameras on their collar’s to watch them. We can stick camera’s around their habitats. We can fly drones through the forests to keep an eye out for on coming danger. Eventually we might create robots that are realistic animals that can be used in the woods with cameras on them.
A thing to do is create a commercial. Inform them that if the tiger population lowers to a point of extinction then it will leave a very big scar in the environment which will cause bigger problem for other organisms. Preferably a very emotional one that will form tears in people’s eyes as they watch it. It has to be so intriguing that a person will ignore the skip button and continue watching.
Here are good steps to preserving the tiger population:

  1. Educate the locals (Create posters)

  2. Stop poaching and don't encourage poachers (Do not purchase their furs and teeth. Look at those products and think to yourself, that was once part of a beautiful animal and now it’s gone, dead, for money.)

  3. Severe punishment for poachers (Get the governments attention to make stricter laws)

  4. Ban the goods made of tiger skin (Enforce laws and run poachers our if business)

  5. Protect forests (Keep an eye out)

  6. Donate money to tiger conservation organizations (So they can keep an eye out for tigers)
    Source: Chawla, Arpanjot Singh. "Steps to save Tigers." (Steps to save Tigers. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Nov. 2016.)

    We the people have power, if we work together we can achieve anything. We might even convince our governments to pass stricter laws for these endangered animals survival.
    The world would benefit from this solution, because we need tigers to balance our ecosystems. If tigers are extinct then it will cause a huge chain reaction in return, which is very dangerous for all life on this planet.
    There is nothing standing in our way! Laws and policies are standing in ways of people who try illegal ways to harm these animals.
    In order for this solution to happen we need people; we need anyone, everyone. A single act can make a huge reaction. This is a great idea, because of the potential everyone has to change the world and the course of history from a bad ending.
    If you are not succeeding in something, someone around the world is. Keep making an effort, make mistakes that’s how you learn.
    Money shouldn't be a problem, you can make posters with simple paper and markers. You can donate a small amount or give away a lot. You save a bunch of money by not buying expensive animal parts. You can even ask for donations yourself to give to programs to help tigers and other animals! From all of people’s donations organizations should be able to afford drones, camera and such to help make sure nothing goes wrong to the tiger’s.
    The ways you can do this are endless, because we’re all different people with different minds and ideas. All together we will all find a way to help the tiger population and turn this world towards the better.
    This may seem a bit vague, but once this all happens and starts you will not deny this is actually spreading awareness and helping the population of tigers and other amazing animals. Extinction is forever and we can’t let it happen!

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