You’ve been visited by @porters on behalf of Natural Medicine!
Hey! Great to see you back foraging and posting!
Good reminder to get out there and start seeing what's sprouting.
I tap the birch trees here for a refreshing and nutritious drink.
That is sure a wonderful crop of wild garlic! I haven't found any in our area but my daughter - in - law grows some wicked garlic in her garden! They say the garlic is suppose to be stronger with the cooler climates here in Canada and her's is big and strong!
Oh yes! The morels! They come up a month later here but are fairly plentiful!
I hope to see more of your foraging as the season progresses!
We are also running our fortnightly competition for steem rewards, where you can explore a plant medicine. This fortnight's plants are mullein, ginseng and alder... Plus a wild card where you can choose your own! Find out more Here

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Thank you for that! I tend to only tap for the drink as well, I don't have the time nor the materials to collect enough sap for syrup making! The wild garlic is growing very plentiful around my area, which is welcome as it's one of my favourite wild edibles in the spring!