Savannas || Africa
Image Courtesy: Google
Savanna is an enormous plain with hills and forests. It has different names in the seperate parts of the globe from the equator to tropics.
Savanna is an enormous plain between moisture equator forests and tropical deserts. The biggest savannas are in Africa. It is 40% from it.
The seasons in Africa's savanna are two: wet and dry. In the equator the dry season is shorter - 2-3 months and near the tropics it is longer - 9-10 months, but in the largest part of the savanna the wet and dry seasons are long 5-6 months. In the wet seasons there are heavy rains pouring down. In the dry seasons vegetable life grows very fast.
The grass in savanna grows 2-3 meters up and forests are thin. There are parts where trees are scarce. The most enormous tree is baobab that leaves are fallen down.
In the dry season there are strong evaporation and the tree leaves fall off, and grass and bushes wither. Because of that savanna looks like wheaten. It is often fires to flare up spreading to enormous areas. In the wet season grass grows up, and trees and bushes get green and everything is so nice.
If you have a walk in savanna you can see many animals - zebras, giraffes, elephants. You can also see beasts lying down on the grown. The king of the animals - lian also live in the savanna. and the biggest bird in the world - ostrich too.
Video Courtesy: Youtube(Published by "Ifcgeography")