Plastic waste brings death to tens of thousands of marine animals
Every year millions of tons of plastic waste pollute oceans, rivers, lakes and waters around the world. An end to the littering is not in sight. What can you do about it?
Plastic is an essential part of everyday life. But the rubbish of no longer used plastic items such as bags, dishes, cutlery, furniture, foils has long burdened the environment - especially the oceans. It is estimated that over 140 million tons of plastic are floating in the world's oceans, and more are being produced each year. Environmentalists and conservationists have been complaining about this development for years. Now the G20 countries want to set up an action plan against littering.
How dangerous is this garbage in the seas?
"In the most remote areas, such as the Arctic and Antarctic, where you look, you can see plastic garbage," says Sandra Schöttner of Greenpeace. For fish, shellfish, seafood microplastics is a threat. Plastic particles have been detected in cod, tuna and other fish. Years ago, the BUND criticized that animals with full plastic stomach starved to death. About 100,000 marine animals die of littering every year.
Is that also dangerous for humans?
Plastic waste is not harmless, contained chlorinated hydrocarbons, hardeners or softeners, says Katja Ziebarth, marine protection officer of the BUND Bremen. These small parts would be filtered by worms, shells, crabs, which then served as food for the fish. The effects on humans are not yet researched. The topic has only been in the focus of science for a few years. "But it can be assumed that microplastics will end up on our plates again via the food chain," says Schöttner.
Is the plastic waste in the seas mined?
The plastic waste will, according to experts, still occupy many hundreds if not a thousand years. Plastic decomposes, but remains in the smallest particles, so-called microplastics. Most of the plastic waste in the sea is invisible. About 15 percent are on the surface, only 5 percent reach the beaches. A Lower Saxony research project of the Institute for Chemistry and Biology of the Sea (ICBM) in Wilhelmshaven has been dealing with plastic waste in the North Sea since August 2016. These are so-called macroplastic parts from a size of five millimeters and their propagation in the southern North Sea.
Are all countries affected equally? How can be remedied?
It is a worldwide problem. Every year around 300 million tons of plastic waste are produced around the world, says Jörg-Olaf Wolff from the ICBM. It is important to look into all regions of the world. "As a first step to stop further littering, not so much plastic needs to be produced anymore, and liquid, gel and waxy micro-plastics should disappear from the cosmetics industry," says Greenpeace expert Schöttner.