All Doves Are Grey…
On my way to the post office to pick up some shipments, I spotted this brownish dove. I have never seen any dove with this color in Oslo before. It looks somewhat similar to the others and not really brown. I could not spot a ring, so it is probably not a domestic dove. Perhaps it is an albino dove? Any ornithologists on Steemit?
Best dove ever
yes.. you are right..
Very cute dove I like how he stands out.
lol aren’t these pigeons? Anyway, if you say dove, than dove it is. This brownish dove is in fact unique though.
Pigeons and doves both belong to the Columbidae Family, but I believe they can be used interchangeably. I prefer the word dove though (word play lol:).
Good point! It’s just what I got used to. There are coming to our backyard to feed both of them, that’s why I call them doves and pigeons. Actually I just took a picture of them.

They are doves..
White is pigeon and the small on the right is dove.
The actual name for a pigeon is rock dove. ;)
My first guess would be a"bydue" (Columba livia var. domestica), since these can come in lots of different color variations, but it seem to lack the black spot/stripe on the back, so it is probably another species. But it does not really fit the other species in Norway neither.. I hope someone else manages to identify it, because now I am curious to find out what it is.
If you don't get an answer here, then it might be worth making a post on Spør en biolog, and they can probably tell you.
You are probably correct, and it does look a lot like the others except the aberrant color pattern. But thanks for the link, and I will probably post the pictures and see if I get some answers.
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Actually I have never seen dove in that color before! Probably an albino dove!
Thanks for the pics . Many times we find something different or unique .
This stands out. Why then would people look at others that are different and hate. Never judge anyone because of what they are,but rather because of who they are. True beauty is from within not your appearance.
pigeon is a magic animal in my city. It was a long time ago, people believe it make they are healthy. But, what do you think about?
Aquí en Venezuela, hay variedad. las grises, blancas, pintaditas de negro y blanco y marrón. Buen Post.
Awesome pictures so cool to see them all enjoying ;)
I think its just a feral pigeon. Or maybe a young pigeon..In the UK we have wood pigeons and their young are brownish...
I think you will find though it is a feral pigeon like the others..