
Dude, you need to have a meet up out in your neck of the woods. Supposed to be some good gold out that way. I'll bring all my gear! haha Also, your painting should go out tomorrow. 😎

Yeah, I'm thinking about! We got more gold mines than grocery stores out here. Lol, most of them are MASSIVE and horrifying terrible to the surround landscapes though :P I believe Montana has more top ten superfund sites than any other state. You can come whenever you want, I'll take you on a tour of my dad's microbrewery.

Thanks much, I'm really excited..!

Yeah, I feel ya. Like I said in a reply just above... it tears me up seeing those gold prospecting shows and how they destroy the most serene natural landscapes for a quick buck. I hope they repair the sites once the gold is exhausted. I freaking love Montana though. My wife and I talk about possible moving there when we're older.

Yeah, it's a gorgeous place! The modern gold mining companies have it down to a go in boasting loud about all the jobs, and how ecologically safe your process is. Extract everything you can possibly get while sentiments are high, and then go matter that god knows how much profit got siphoned away to switzerland, or wherever. They don't clean up shit. They can't. It costs too much, they'd never be competitive. Or maybe they're just greedy, I really have no idea, all I know is that there aren't any environmentally (or socially) responsible mining companies in Montana. It's unfortunate. But lucky for us, they mostly go to third world countries now! And rape their ecological and social capital :P

I'm a real upper tonight. Anyway, have you been up here before? Any places you particularly enjoyed?

hey custom! My good friend Lily just made her intro post as LadyLunasi, Would you go say hi?!!! THANKYOU!!!!

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