Kais first big boy hike & the healing power of turmeric

in #nature6 years ago

The day started like any other day. We all got up and got ready to hit the market and go have some outdoor time. Usually our spot is the park as of course Kai loves to play and get crazy. As we rode our bikes and navigated through the city I quickly realized we weren't going to the park.


It didn't take long till I figured out what his plans for us were. I saw the mountain getting closer and closer and I was getting more and more excited for we hadn't been on this trail in far too long!


Finally we pulled up to the base of the mountain and parked our bikes under some gorgeous trees that framed the trail entrance and my excitement went into high gear while I took in Kais face full of adventure and joy. He nearly leapt out of his bike seat he was so excited to explore! Once we got him unstrapped and on the trail he took off running with the biggest smile spread across his face! Every leaf and bug had he attention and he was thrilled to navigate the rocky bits.


It was all incredible till we were about a quarter of the way up, when I heard the loud dramatic cartoon like rip, followed quickly by a nice cool breeze on my butt. Eeeeeek! My favorite pants ripped exposing one butt cheeck! And to make things even better... I wasn't wearing underwear! Oh well I thought, it was just a little bit of cheek, so I did my best to ignore it, refocused on Kais joy and continued up up up.


All of a sudden, when we were close to our stopping point I felt the breeze feel a bit more... ummmm... breezy... on all my delicate lady bits! Upon further investigation apparently my pants ripped more, a lot more and turned into funny looking chaps leaving my entire bottom half exposed! Aaaaaaah! I was like a bad messy dream!


Stressing about it of course wouldn't help so I took off my top and fashioned a skirt out of it and wore my sports bra like a top all while trying to pretend like my outfit was intensional. Bahaha.


We finally got to our destination, a gorgeous little temple nestled on the jungly mountainside with waterfalls and trees galore and all the self consciousness I was feeling over my newly created outfit was a thing of the past and all I could think about was getting my toes in that beautiful fresh water! So I pulled off Kais shoes, tossed them to the side with mine and leapt to the water.


Now what I had forgotten since we haven't been up there so long was that the rocks were incredibly slippery and so the second my foot touched the wet mossy rock I knew I messed up. I of course had little time to react so I just tucked Kai into me and absorbed the fall into my knee and elbow. Ouch is an understatement. Thankfully Kai was unharmed but I was definitely feeling the pain.


I soaked my wounds in the cool water for awhile while Keni and Kai played then decided it was time to call it a day as I was feeling pretty rough around the edges.


We all enjoyed our hike down the mountain. Kai giggling and skipping and loving every second of it definitely helped take my mind off the disaster that I was feeling like. All in all it was a successful exciting yet slightly messy adventure.


When we got home I quickly applied vetiver oil and ice packs to my wounds and allowed the rest of the day to recover. So in the spirit of recovering from an impact wound I made a big vegetable curry one pot wonder with extra turmeric as turmeric is a super food beneficial for your whole body and overall health. One of its big gifts is anti inflammation! Exactly what I need!


Along with turmeric being anti inflammatory and being valuable in treating chronic inflammation and pain it also has been proven to be helpful in treating things such as arthritis, depression, diabetes, cancer, aging and skin issues, brain health and memory just to name a few. Oh and there are tons of things you can create with this incredible root, my favorite being curry of course . And what better way to end such an eventful day then with a big bowl of mamas home made vegetable curry! Here's my recipe I shared awhile back! Hope you all enjoy!



Quite the little adventure, and a nice story too. Good job taking it all in stride!

Hahaha! Always gotta roll with things. No point in fighting what's already happened. Glad you enjoyed my story! Thank for stopping by and leaving a little love on my page!

I know that it is so un-Thai, but what if you wore regular shoes next time ? :)

Well you see I normally would but I currently don't have any. A storm stole one of my shoes. I actually wrote a post about it cause I was so heart broken. Lol. So yea for now it's flip flops. Make do with what you got.

Beautiful nature and your big boy. Thanks, @iamjamie

Awwwww! Thank you so much! Sending you heaps of love! Thanx for stopping by and supporting me!

Please take care Jamie. My mother makes me drink Turmeric Latte whenever I feel sick or wounded for some reason. It really helps with the healing. We add this spice in most of the curries we make at home. Also, in our weddings, there is an interesting ceremony when Bride and Groom are massaged with Turmeric paste on the D-Day. ;)

Check this picture from the morning of my wedding day. Look what my family did to me. Hehe!

BTW I am in love with Kai. :) Such a cutie patotie.
Look at that grin! Proof that he enjoyed a lot. :-D

Oh my goodness what a beautiful photo! What a fun and super healthy tradition! So cool! Thanx for telling me about it! And yes I too like to add it to everything I can! Turmeric lattes/ golden milk is so delicious and super healing! Your mom is a smart woman!

And thank you so much for loving our sweet boy! He's such a joy! Will share more picture soon! Lots of love to you and your family!

Thank you so much @iamjamie. Glad you liked it. Lots of love to all you from my side as well. Keep smiling. :)

Sounds like quite the adventure! And quite the experience for you and your butt cheeks! haha but sounds like you handled everything the Universe threw at you with grace and ease!

Did you guys hike up to Wat Pha Lat? That's one of my favorite temples. Quite the journey for little Kai! Awesome adventure, thanks for sharing!

I have to admit I have no idea of the names of most anything out here! Eeeek! It's the temple at the half way point going up pilgrims trail 😊

And thank you so much for saying I handled it gracefully! I felt like such a hot mess! Lol! But no point in getting upset over something you can not change right. Just gotta roll with it. And yes it was quite the hike for him but surprisingly he would have kept going if we let him! He's such a crazy ball of energy!

Thank you so much for dropping by and taking the time to read and comment! I feel so blessed! Sending you buckets of love! 😘

well done on your epic hike, it looks very beautiful. Ripped pants it happens to the best of us, not so nice about the injuries though, hope you are feeling better today xx

It was so beautiful! And I feeling much better! Thanx so much! Lots of love to you!

Very fun day you all had!! And the pics are great! The breezy cheeks is just too funny

Bahahaha! It's funnier now than it was then!

You gotta laugh at yourself, right 😆😘

Always! 😘

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