What In The World Is Really Going On!!??

in #nature6 years ago (edited)

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Earth Falling Apart?

Hawaii. Guatemala. Japan. Sure it's not a boat load of volcanic eruptions on paper but this is only the tip of the iceberg in what seems to be an increase in volcanic activity around the world. On one hand this stuff is interesting to follow and then on the other it's sad knowing that many lives have been impacted in a negative way because of it. I really wonder if this is just all coincidence or is this apart of something bigger that will be a reality for us on the Earth. To be honest I believe it is the latter. Here is my take on it and I also wold love to hear your thoughts about what's going on as well. Peace. 

Why do you think all the volcanic and tectonic activity is seeming to increase?

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I heard the Pompeii city was destructed within a day, but I wish it will not happen again ever!


The earth is constantly changing. So this is all part of it. We have had ice ages, all land masses were one super continent at one time. I believe it was called Pangea. Anyway this goes for everything. We too are still evolving along with all other life. The earth will be ever changing. It just happens very slowly so it is hard to notice it if at all. Volcanoes erupting on the other hand are very hard to miss. That's why you have drawn attention to it. It is something we can actually see happening. As always @humanearl great post my friend.

I haven't been keeping track, but it does seem like there's been an increase in the number, frequency, and magnitude of the natural disasters that have been happening around the world. With worldwide news, it could be partly that we hear about events that we otherwise wouldn't.

Every natural disasters depend on humans worst activities. Some peoples too selfish. They don't mind their next generations.

Well yes astime is passing by the environment for us are really going downward and by that the lives of many are really getting worse !In saying so not only the Volcanoes there are places where there are Floods going on and many Lives are in jeopardy it is also increasing every year.
Hope some solutions comes out or else mankind are going to suffer the most in the coming years !

I wonder if there really is an increase in volcanic activity or is just in the news more? Kilauea has been erupting since 1983.

The increased use of technology has made us a global society. We now have instant access to information about what is happening in other areas of the world.

this has increased a lot over the years hopefully not much destruction will cause

I've heard before about destructed. I think peoples must need to be careful for protect environment. Then after automatically nature protect everyone.

Gaia (our Earth) is evolving as are we. There are big shifts happening on all the different levels. Physical, mental, emotional... Earth consciousness is changing and our collective human consciousness is changing as well. This seems to be one of the peaks of the shift that are more obvious.

really a great queto

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