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RE: Mountains, I Love U

in #nature6 years ago

Hi Daniela, this is another really nice post. The areas you walk in are spectacular and I can see how they would bring you peace and solace...Except when you think your car is stolen. I’ve had that happen to me and it’s not pleasant. At least it was there though and you could get home with not problems.

What’s the purpose of of the huts and why would they be left unfinished for so long?


This is one of the two really crowded trails in Rila(along with The Seven Rila Lakes), because there are lifts on them, which makes them easy accessible :( So plenty of tourists means they need more huts. Nature there is really suffering. And really no one knows why it is not finished yet - it was started 32 years ago and the construction was stopped and renewed several times. I guess it’s because lack of money. On some tv shows they call this hut - the new bermuda triangle. Big mystery :D We have many paradoxes here in Bulgaria.

Thank you for your comment and sorry for the late response. I was hiking :D I returned to this place the next day after I posted this and make it to the top. It was already full of people, this three weeks were enough for the tourist season to start.

Thanks for your reply D, much appreciated. No need to apologise for the late reply at all...Hiking takes priority! :)

Ъпсурдистан (Bulgaristan [turkish])
мястото, където Природата не може да бъде завзета :)
с древни Висши Същества, които охраняват планетата...

Това езеро е започнало да се заблатява и в него могат да се видят плуващи пластмасови чашки. Щях да се разплача като го видях. Същото се случва и на 7те. Та дано висшите същества да ги спасят!

Не съм върл дъновист, но в една от лекциите на Учителя или перифразирано от Георги Изворски, не си спомням точно, но посланието беше, че щом се заблатяват езерата - това показва нивото на съзнание на хората сега! :)
Понеже Рила нали всички знаем какво е... или явно някой не са наясно (тези с чашките)
Недей да плачеш, по-добре да се настроим бойно!! :)))
Беше казано също, че и отново ще се изчистят, когато осъзнаем, че ние сме пазителите на Природата! :)
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