Nurture vs Nature - Economy vs Ecology
Centralization vs Decentralization - is this the question of the century?
How many bombs dropped, how many bonds bought?
How many religions funded, how many costs hidden
When oh when will we be ridden...
The stories of man,
To harvest of plan.
The price of righteousness - the justification to control others - it is always pathology to fight nature - only the suffering and the energy wasted,
the pollution created,
Is Nature outside of reality?
Is anything outside of nature?
Is natures behavior predictable and repeating?
Is it running from a central governance?
Does its behavior arise from action flowing out of sensation?
Is the intelligence separate from the data?
Is the data - the contrast between two or more points?
Does viewing that from a distance create the illusion of intelligence?
Does adding meaning to the comparison add anything other than noise?
If there is order in nature,
From where does does dis-order arise?
Beauty is what exists
Clarity is what allows us to experience it
We create no thing
We may experience what is
We may add noise and give it meaning
One is reality
The other is dogma
One allows life to proliferate with increasing inter relation ship and diversity
The other removes the relationship - one short circuit at a time. One straight line to remove relationship - one lever to re allocate energy. To apply advantage - to create distance - to delay the inevitable and bring about the very thing that creates motive ation.
Mechanic as I ation - machination - control or allow
That is the only choice, from the amoeba to the amarda
To call it as it is
What would we choose, if we had clarity?
Where does beauty live?
Where does it die?
Is Fear real,
Or was it all a lie?
Love baby Love - its written all over your face - how many of our artists must hang - before we let go, before we allow nature, biology to flow?