love the jungle (cinta rimba)

in #nature7 years ago



lulled by the busyness of the city, the population and pollution we live in the midst and sometimes want to feel the outdoors with natural vegetation and nature, the jungle is the heaven of the animals there they can live away from the threats of people who want to take his life and destructive nature, let us preserve nature we use to taste not greedy just because want to seek profit ..



terlena dengan kesibukan di kota, populasi dan polusi kita hidup di tengah-tengahnya dan terkadang ingin merasakan alam bebas dengan tumbuh-tumbuhan dan alam yang masih alami, rimba adalah syurga hewan-hewan disana mereka bisa hidup jauh dari ancaman manusia yang ingin merenggut nyawanya dan merusak alamnya, mari kita lestarikan alam kita gunakan secukupnya jangan serakah hanya karena ingin mencari keuntungan..


This great nature, I appreciate your post.actually this post amazing....

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