How I Creatively Support My Mental Health
Sometimes for no good reason I just want to curl up into a tight ball and sleep. I have to drag myself into action but drag I must.
Terrible feelings wash over me, heavy and unkind. I know I am hurting myself and yet I don't feel like I have any control over the matter. I see what I see and feel how I feel. No amount of telling myself (or others telling me) otherwise changes it.
The onset of Autumn and frost has a way of sending me into a dark place for a little while. Perhaps it's the darkening of the days or the sight of everything turning crunchy and brown. This is the season where things begin to fade, decompose, sink back into the earth or go dormant. It is such a beautiful time of year, so many miracles and things to marvel at and yet I am quietly screaming.
Rather than shutting off my brain and hiding away beneath the covers as I used to do, I am learning to open myself to whatever life brings.
The Guest House
This being human is a guest house.
Every morning a new arrival.
A joy, a depression, a meanness,
some momentary awareness comes
as an unexpected visitor.
Welcome and entertain them all!
Even if they are a crowd of sorrows,
who violently sweep your house
empty of its furniture,
still, treat each guest honorably.
He may be clearing you out
for some new delight.
The dark thought, the shame, the malice.
meet them at the door laughing and invite them in.
Be grateful for whatever comes.
because each has been sent
as a guide from beyond.
— Jellaludin Rumi,
@trucklife-family said something to me that I've been carrying in my heart as I work through this tricky time. She has written a beautiful post titled: Earth Deeds- What I am Doing To Be Of Service To The Earthwhere she talks about celebrating the seasons, by creating beautiful rituals that involve both adults and children. You should read it.
I told @trucklife-family that I was struggling and I received the most encouraging, uplifting reply. A true gift of words and meaning.
just remember this is our time to begin our journey inwards too, to nurture ourselves and plant our seeds so that come spring they will be ready to be brought to life xxx
Being able to share openly and having a tribe to connect with IS CHANGING MY LIFE! I've carried these words with me for days now and everything is starting to feel lighter, taste sweeter and feel better as a result. I think a lot of people don't realize just how powerful their words are.
@naturalmedicine posed a challenge this week: Thoughts for Steem: Thrive! How Do You Creatively Support Your Mental Health? NATURAL MEDICINE CONTEST
we're asking you to take a step beyond survival into what helps you thrive? What are the actions and pathways you walk that help you creatively support your mental health?
I'll tell you one of the key ways in which I support my mental health.
I've come to the conclusion that sharing, writing and being part of a supportive community has become the key way in which I support my mental well being. I am no literary magician but I've become free flowing with the pen these days and my heart and mind is lighter for having done so.
My new-found confidence to reveal uncomfortable truths paired with reading and appreciating other peoples honest stories has change me.
For the first time there is a community of people that understand and care about the same things that I do. There is kindness and compassion flowing back and forth and I live for that. I have been gifted with a sense of belonging. There isn't this need to be "just fine and dandy with a tight smile". I can actually be honest with how I feel without expecting to experience judgement, avoidance or shame.
I don't have an in-person community or sisterhood anymore. We moved to a rural setting in a place where we don't know anyone. Old friends with their busy town lives have no time to talk. It made me quite sad for a while to feel forgotten. You don't realize how important community is until you become completely isolated from it.
Love, Love. Love
Thank you to @naturalmedicine because I've really found a tribe and perfect community here. Thank your for the fresh insights, new perspective, encouragement and warmth. Thank you @ecotrain and @earthtribe for welcoming me into the fold, I am eager to get to know you all better. It means a lot to be part of such supportive, earth centred groups. I think that it is quite magical and perhaps cosmically intentional that we have all landed here together.
I also have to say a thank you to Wren @mountainjewel because she is the entire reason I began to open up more. Words can't even do justice to express how grateful I am to know Wren. It is such a privilege to read all that she shares.
I am also grateful for my supportive love @xwalkran who drags me back up for air when I start to sink. I appreciate that he is willing to catch me (over and over and over again). I am fortunate to have someone who can see in me the things I don't know how to see. We have this beautiful place, this homestead of our dreams but we both know that alone, it would be too lonely a place.
I also need to shout out to @riverflows, @mtnmeadowmomma, @goldenoakfarm, @thelaundrylady and many others too that have been so kind, warm and insightful.
Here's a little something that I spotted on the interweb because I think I need to close this post with a lopsided grin. Life is good, even when it dosen't feel so.

Building a greener, more beautiful world one seed at a time.
Wildcrafting | Homesteading | Frugal Living | Preserving Food| From Scratch Cooking
You can also find me at: |
Photo copyright: @walkerland
Having a good and solid support system (people) is so crucial.
I noticed over the last week how it is getting darker and darker earlier in the evenings now. And I was on the same path as you... my mood darkened some too.
Seasons do seem to impact us but it makes sense because we are part of nature and the changes. Our instincts are tuned in.
Love your last quote!
I have atypical Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) and this cloudy weather for the last 2 years kicks my butt! I realized this week I had forgotten to start using my dawn simulator in the morning. I used to use a very good SAD light, but the Lyme's light issues reared its ugly head. I can only tolerate the simulator now. But it does help! And it's cheap! It can pull me out of the sinking this time of year induces.
I know the isolation homesteading brings on. Not many doing what we are doing here... But I've been a loner most of my life, so I expect it doesn't hit me as hard as it does you. I am glad you have found the community so supportive!
It made me giggle. There was absolutely a time in my life when this held true.
I've never heard of a dawn simulator, sounds really interesting. I'll have to check that out. I used to have a lovely SAD light at my desk when we lived in the dark wintry North, it was great because my staff that sat close to me in our "fish bowl" also got the benefit. they really do work.
When I started on this platform I had no idea of how much I would come to love it. Just amazing. So glad to have connected with you here.
Me too! I so look forward to a @walkerland post!
this is really beautiful and it made me a bit emotional but in such a good way, I am so happy to be with you in this global sister hood, human hood, yeah to you beautiful and all that you do xxx
Thank you @trucklife-family ♥♥♥
I love the expressions of gratitude that you share. I really feel you in the help that you receive from the people you have met on the platform, my life has changed too, and I think the connections that grow in these online communities/tribes are so deep and real and meaningful.
Take care ♡
I am so happy to read this and agree completely. Thank you! 💗
I like the tag #ihaveanxietytoo. It's almost like the #metoo tag for the mental health community- and like that tag, I think it's great for bringing some light to mental health concerns that have been in the dark and brushed under the rug for too long
I love that Rumi poem so much. And you!! The community wouldn't be the same with you in it @walkerland... 🌷🌷🌷
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♥ I think I need to pin that poem up to remind me when I forget. Thank you @riverflows. ♥
I read this a few days ago. I had loaded it while literally at a mountain peak in New Mexico with service and read it without service in the valley below. You definitely made me cry with your words. As mountains do, I was reassessing and looking at my life and wondering at my actions, impact and being in the world... how my soul was playing out. Your words hit me like a ton of bricks and gave me a lot of hope and encouragement. Thank you. Thank you for being you and for being here. You’re a very special person. We’ve just come out of the mountains today and I’m feeling that reintegration knowing that the people surrounding me, who are really here with me, are the ones to walk with. Thanks for being here!! 💙😘 I’m so beyond touched!
Thank you for this. I am completely awash in emotion just reading this and don't even know what to say. I am so glad that you've taken the time you needed to just be in the mountains.
On another note: I missed you! I was so happy to see your name pop up again today. I was just reading a book about sacred places in native north America and for some reason I kept thinking of you while I read through it.
❤️❤️❤️ big warm hugs!! Yeah! I am definitely drawn toward sacred places- I’m curious where you were reading about! XO!
It was the manitou springs in Colorado "place of gathering" that my mind fluttered over to you when reading although when I picked up this book I also thought of you. I found it at a flea market in Saskatchewan - it was the only thing I bought when I was there.
It's this amazing network of twenty six mineral fountains. A fascinating story. I'm stuck in the kitchen but I'll happily tell you more about it tomorrow!
I am VERY interested, sounds wondrous! Enjoy your kitchen time and I look forward to hearing more about it at your convenience! I am so fascinated and intrigued, even drawn, toward things like this... ✨✨
Any person/tribe that came in peace was welcome to stay there. It was a respected place of peace and healing. Many tribes made an annual pilgrimage to this site, making spiritual offerings. The waters were named after a great spirit Manitou by the Ute tribe. There are also caves above these springs that howl and moan and sounding like the voice of a great spirit.
I can close my eyes and picture what it would have been like to stand there and feel all of this energy and peace.
Sadly, upon further reading I discovered that it became a popular tourist destination at some point and would you believe they've capped the springs and made fountains. Its so sad when they go and destroy the natural ambiance. That said I am sure much of it is still magnificent and some of that energy must remain.