Planning My Best for 2019

Truth be told, I’m not very good at resolutions. Any resolutions I make usually end up the same as when I am asked to do commissions. That is, I end up hating the process and therefore the task becomes burdensome.

So, when @riverflows gave me a nudge to participate in @naturalmedicine’s contest, I cringed a little…. how would I ever stay the course?

A resolution is a firm commitment to do or not do something, whereas an intention is an aim or plan to do an intended thing. The latter seems easier for me to achieve because then I feel less bound by the obligation of the action and thus it becomes more of a challenge or pleasure to do than saying “I have to do it”.

Essentially, they are one an the same, just with a different definition of commitment.

But believe me, when I commit to something, I pledge to it 100 percent!

Life is about always growing, always changing, always improving

I believe that if we don’t learn from our past then what is our existence for.

Looking at the past helps me to determine what has worked, what hasn’t, and what my next steps will be.

In the last few years, it has been my focus in life to be healthier as I age.

Therefore, I had to really take a look and see what it was I had in mind which would essentially bring me better health in all aspects of my life and in my being while encompassing my past efforts.

Body, Mind, Spirit

The points I always tend to address include body, mind, and spirit. To this end, these are my intentions for this year and for the future, because taking care of ourselves should be a life long commitment.


photo © Heather Johnsgaard

Last year I converted over to a whole food plant-based diet. I changed everything overnight, stayed the course and have never looked back. For me, it was the best decision I have ever made and I have thoroughly enjoyed it every step of the way.

As of late though, I have gotten lazy. The once keen interest to learn new ways of eating had me out buying a stand mixer, instant pot, and mandoline… two of which I have yet to use. And I feverishly searched out new recipes and tried a ton. It was a lot of fun.

But, it appears most of us will revert to about seven to nine basic recipes in our diet that we use over and over again. Once I garnered a few that I truly enjoyed and were not too time consuming to make, I petered off in the exploration of my new found cuisine.

Which brings me to my first intention, or resolution if you will, to continue exploring new and exciting recipes that will expand the healthy nutrition I have enjoyed this past year.

With this new found nutrition, I have felt 100 times better, both physically and emotionally, and I have every intention of this continuing…. but I know it can be better.


photo © Heather Johnsgaard

Which leads me into my second intention, an intention that I have considered for a long time but never seem to find the time to sit down and do, and that is to really research herbs and spices for my cuisine.

I don’t always follow recipes to a “T”, as I am more of a “throw it all in” kind of gal. I will usually follow a recipe once to get the idea and flavour, and then I will alter it to my liking.

But, I am not always familiar with all the suitable flavours that enhance or detract from a food item, and I most often stick to a simple few that I have relied on for years… so, it is time to experiment again.

Once I have identified the use in cuisine, I will then delve into the medicinal parts, although, I am sure both parts will be learned together, hand in hand, at the same time… bonus points!

Later, as spring and summer approaches, I will look into growing my own… discovering what grows well in my area and what will continue to grow in the house over our cold winter months, without overtaking my window ledges.

photo © Heather Johnsgaard

Clearing Out

photo © Heather Johnsgaard
This year will also be a year of purging!

Over the last few years, I have slowly been simplifying within my home and life, donating as much as possible to goodwill, and ridding myself of anything deemed unnecessary.

This has made me freer and less stressed from having so much “stuff” around and at the same time, doing a good deed.

Recently, my husband and I have made some decisions for our near future, our pending retirement.

In this regard, I intend to do some major clean up both in and out of the house. By this, I mean purging what we have not yet used…. lumber that had been stored outside and has become too weathered to use; tidying up other messy areas around the yard, which in essence is the garden where pots and containers have started piling up… use them or lose them. Ridding myself of items I intended to upcycle, these I will either thrift or send to recycling. And to dismantle any unusable buildings on our property.

The Unseen

I need to look at things that are not in the limelight, however, they are still a burden on my life.

A burdensome life is not a healthy life

This includes ridding myself of all the email lists I have signed on to and continue receiving mail from; this is a drain emotionally because I don’t even read half of them, but my mail basket has become over ridden… definitely causing stress as the number of unread mail adds up.

Always a challenge for me, and one I keep on my list every year, is learning to say "no" just to please someone else... I need to remember to please myself too.

Practicing Calmness

photo © Heather Johnsgaard

Another intention for this year is to really focus on actively practicing some yoga and meditation. I enjoy doing both, but time and life often gets in the way and I tend to put it aside in favour of other tasks… I need to make it one of my focuses this year.

The act of meditation is calming and allows me to reflect upon all areas of my life and provides a clear vision to where I want to go, what I want to be or do, and what I need to get there.

Experimenting with Expansion

design & photo © Heather Johnsgaard

This year I am happy to say I will be expanding my horizons, and I shall be opening a new shop with Homesteaders Coop.

To this end, I intend to try and create something new, at a minimum of once a month, to stock the shop.

Creativity is a relaxing past time for me, but I can't keep everything I make, nor would I want to.

I believe the Homesteaders Coop is a fantastic opportunity and such a novel outlet for vendors with the option for variable payment options for the buyers.

What better way to share my wares than with the Steemit communities, I am looking forward to the new venture immensely despite a few butterflies!

Speaking Out

I do believe that when we set our intentions and speak them out loud, that the universe listens and eventually it will come to be. Over the years I have spoken aloud many things and it is uncanny how the subject of my spoken words seem to appear everywhere I go and in everything I see thereafter. It is even more rewarding to experience them being achieved just by having uttered to the winds.

All of these actions are set forth to improve my mind, body and spirit. In essence, they all fit together well, like peas in a pod, sweet and nourishing and simple.

So thank you @naturalmedicine for your contest, and @riverflows for giving me the nudge I needed to set forth my intentions, or resolutions, I look forward to reviewing my results at the end of the year.



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Awesome.... welcome!

Glad to see this post rewarded. I think I might be a fan of your madness, @themadcurator. ;)

Wow! I love natural way to heal our body...I recommend this for #up-gage by @zephalexia

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you very much @jurich60, so very kind of you! 💕

Here's to be healthy in Body, Mind and Spirit!
Here is something that might peek your interest for trying new recipes and to know the medicinal benefits of the herbs that you are putting in your foods -
A book by Pat Crocker "Healing Herbs Cookbook"
My intention when I first bought it was to try a new recipe every day with all the different herbs I had been planting. Alas it didn't quite work out that way for with growing all these different herbs (I got a bit carried away with trying new things) I found I was too tired at the end of the day and would often just fall back on my standard recipes that were simple to make. There are some really wonderful recipes in there and lots of great information about healing herbs too.
She was the woman who first introduced me to experiment with trying pesto made with different herbs other than the standard basil pesto. (there are a few real good pesto recipes in the book)
I wouldn't miss my morning meditation. It is what get's my day off to a good start, being centered and calm, ready to greet the day. I would like to end my day with it too but I'm often too tired and just want to go to bed. (something I'm working on to shut down the computer earlier and fit in some meditation before bed))
Good luck with your new store on Homesteaders Coop! I'm looking forward to seeing what you will have in your store for what I've seen of your handy work you have some pretty fab stuff!

Oh fabulous, I will have to take a look at the book for sure! Thank you for the reference.

I need to not be on the computer at night right before bed either.... sets the wheels a churnin’.... why do we do that, too much else to do in a day I guess.

Thanks about the store... plain stuff to start off with because the intricate stuff takes too much time and my store would be empty if I relied on that!

Thanks for stopping in to comment, I appreciate it!

I'm the worst for collecting stuff, literally I hate throwing out anything that "might" be useful in future - although to be fair the amount of times years later some of that stored up stuff comes is real handy is amazing - but it's also annoying having all that junk clutter while you wait for it to possibly be needed!

I gave up on reading the junk e-mails ages ago - want to see something funny - my mailbox right now!

Screenshot 2019-01-18 at 19.54.48.png

#thealliance #witness

OMGosh, that would give me heart palpitations! I have several computers depending upon where I am and they all get all the mail.... I need to save my important stuff on one and delete the rest.... thankfully, I have now unsubscribed to all of the newsletter and update stuff now so Iam no longer getting more in my mailbox other than what is important.... yay, check one intention of my list 😉

But, I know what you mean about keeping everything; more than once I have had to find emails from a few years before for proof and was glad I kept them!

Thanks so much, I appreciate you stopping by 😊

I don't like to plan. One of the most fundamental rules, of both war and life itself, is that the first casualty is almost invariably the plan. I do understand that for others a plan can be invaluable, but I do not wish to waste my time planning. There are so many other ways I can waste my time instead.

This excellent post was included in our new curation effort The Magnificent Seven -- a collaborative work by @enchantedspirit and @catweasel. You have received a 100% upvote from each of us to show our appreciation for your post. To see your creation showcased here ... and the fine company you keep ... please visit this link.

The Magnificent Seven # 48

We appreciate your support both for our work on this project and for the other creators of exceptional content who make it all possible. (Follow @catweasel to catch our future Magnificent Seven posts. @enchantedspirit says I'm really not as annoying as you might think, but she doesn't mean it.)


I love that:

I do not wish to waste my time planning. There are so many other ways I can waste my time insteadM

This is pretty much me to a "T"... I find planning boring, lol... it's probably why it takes me longer to create because I design on the fly rather than planning it out... and I make changes along the way... I have always believe that the "best laid plans are subject to diversion"!

Thank you so much for your votes @enchantedspirit and @catweasel, it is very much appreciated... I am off to check you out! 💜

Hi @thistle-rock
As a follower of @haccolong this post has been randomly selected and upvoted by @hoaithu's Curation Trail with 19upvotes
This is random free upvote daily when you follow @haccolong
(If you check if you have followed, please wait 5 seconds, usually you have already followed so you get this upvote)

Thank you so much, very much appreciated!

natural way will always be very good . thanks for sharing to us.

Your post has been recommended by @jurich60 for my up-gage challenge

You are welcome to join as well , engage and get rewarded with upvote+steem

Thank you so much, I will definitely check it out... wishing you every success with your challenge 🙂

thanks dear , it's an easy challenge you would love to join every wed and sat. you just need to recommend a freah post of another steemian , and you'll get my upvote on your recent post + steem

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Intentions sound more gentle and loving isn't it? Obviously, a commitment need not feel obliging, but rather a passionate and a very determined way of working at it. I think.
Funny enough..i have unsubscribe from a lot of stuff..not unimportant but there's no time to actually go through them all.

I agree with you totally, much more gentle, I think that is why I never make resolutions, it is almost a recipe for failure for me.... you know, a little thing called procrastination steps in when I “have to do” something, lol.

Yes,unsubscribing is a good feeling!

Thanks for stopping by.

Yeah, procrastination do have some perks, am guilty on that too. What i like about intentions is that you have room to go around things, and makes you more creative as well.

Posted using Partiko Android

Ugh, email lists! I have to do that too! I get so much junk in my inbox it's just gross. Hope you get everything situated as you deem fit hun!

Yeah, technology can be great but can also be a time suck, lol!

I think I can accomplish most of what I have listed..... I intend to try at least ... good intentions can lead to great actions 😉

Ripper job with this one. How's the editing skills...amazing. and you went all out on your vision even though you didn't want to!! See, it's kinda fun to dream!!!

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks @riverflows... I definitely needed the nudge!

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