Winter Garden - - This time you can see a video!
Yep here we go with another one of my winter garden posts! You'll see in this video that there isn't much to this system. It really is mostly a passive growing method.
Like I've shown in previous posts like Starting Seeds and Building our System. With a little ingenuity and research you can build your own without much effort.
I would love to eventually put it all on one of those metal shelf unit with the wire racks. But this winter what we had is what we had... I always kind of make sure I don't spend too much money when I experiment with new things. When I see that it would be worthwhile (like this hydroponic system proved to be) than I spend more time and money to build something that can be replicated!
In the end all this is about not having to go to the stores for food that we have no idea what it really is. Lettuce greens aren't much to rave about in terms of natural medicine, but the reason we eat our salads at the end of our meals in France is because the leaves can sort of act a bit like a pipe cleaner for our intestines. I don't know if this is true, but it is what my family always said and it makes sense actually. But of course right after salad, we'll have cheese, more bread and then something sweet, so who know if the pipes really get cleaned!
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