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RE: Wild Transmuted Energies, and a moment of Riding the Dragon

Oh my beautiful friend. That's soooo hard, to grieve for a friend and whooosh - those waves of emotion - ouch. And yes, you just gotta ride the pain and the goodness and everything in between - like relish the pain in the same way you relish joy.

Sounds like a big week for you and be kind to yourself as you're riding these waves as you sell house and move and pack and change - all of that is gonna be quite the ride!!! So know it'll be full on, and crazy, and wild, and beautiful too. xxx

Love you so much xxx


Thanks K, this was a nice comment to wake to. It took me forever to fall asleep last night I was so keyed up!
The energy work is crazy business and yah I love it but I only get small breaks till my soul or kundalini or whatevs the f it is starts moving again, then it's back to work. Glad to have support and good friends, you are right, self care is always key! I will try to take space for myself today and this weekend.
Relish the pain in the same way as the joy, soooooo spot on.

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