
Thanks for the upvote. I didn't give much of a description of the SCOBY, but it stands for Symbiotic Colony of Yeast and Bacteria. And yes, it does look weird, but it brews a delicious fizzy drink.

Ooh, that sounds like something that's worthy of a post all it's own! :) It's curious to me how our culture (here in America, perhaps not elsewhere) has rejected microbial cultures. Somewhere we've collectively decided that all microbes are bad simply because there are a few that are bad. By far, most of those little critters are very beneficial.


I'll add "All About SCOBYs" to my future posting list :) Regarding microbes, if we can collectively understand that "we" are a collection of microbes this will change in the west. When I learned about how integral our microbiome is to our health, I stopped thinking about them as separate than myself, and incorporated them into my concept of "self". This was a major paradigm shift in how I view both myself and others. The earth is not earth without all the living things, and they belong to the collective definition of earth, much like the microbes inside belong to our collective definition of self. Going a step further, we are not just of the earth, we are part of the earth herself. Blessings Nate.

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