Clouds... Gifts Created by the Wind...

Hola fellow Steemians! Today in the Alpujarras…
It is windy. Very windy. Very Very Windy. Not long after we moved in to our miracle home, we learnt that said miracle home stands in one of Mother Nature’s natural wind tunnels. I guess the fact there is a series of wind turbines further down the valley didn’t really click, until the wind got up. We did comment though that a nice breeze in the stifling summers would be lovely. But the wind is now so ‘up’ that I’m feeling like I’m sitting in the house in the film The Wizard of Oz, and wondering if me and Sir Maxelot, our beloved rescue greyhound, will be swept up and dropped somewhere further up into the Sierra Lujar.

One thing that I love though about this winter weather, is its wildness. I can’t help but love the freedom of the wind… the power of the wind and the cleansing and clearing that it brings energetically to my mind, body and soul.


I’m also fascinated by the special lenticular clouds that form in this area of Spain. I had never seen clouds like them before… and my first reaction was… they look like space ships! They are smooth, oval shaped and unlike ‘normal’ clouds… they don’t move. They do however change shape and can often look as if they are tiered. Apparently it’s all to do with the wind moving over the shape of the mountains… cooling and the condensation then forming the clouds. But while they started to form this evening, and gave me a couple of spectacularly dramatic photos, the wind is now so ferocious that they have disappeared. Local knowledge also says that when lenticular clouds appear, it’ll rain in 3 days. So I’ll keep you posted on that one.



This post actually marks a new beginning for Namaste This.

A whole new chapter began just before Christmas, which ironically also marked the end of our first year here in the Alpujarras. The 23rd December 2018 was the turning point when My Gorgeous Man had to return to work in the corporate world because basically, the international move, life, buying cars, buying our off-grid home that needed water and electricity brought into the ‘one large room with a bathroom on the side on the side of a mountain’… had brought us to our financial knees. So while we had packed up our life in Edinburgh, put most of it into unsuspecting parent’s attics and followed our hearts to drive THE drive into a whole new life in Southern Spain, not really knowing how it would work out… we absolutely manifested miracles along the way, but we’ve also been surfing and facing and overcoming the challenges of ‘this’ reality.

Some of you may have read the stories, dramas, highs and lows that I’ve shared on my Namaste This blog website for the last 18 months … and from now on I’m sharing these blogs directly from Namaste This to the Steemit Platform too… and posting even more escapades on my Namaste This Blog Facebook page. So forgive me if I repeat myself, but I’m bringing everything into alignment for the real writing to begin. And that includes THE book. Yup... it's the one I've been promising to start for a very long time indeed 😅


So welcome to my new aligned beginnings. And welcome to the world of Namaste This… where following your heart is the name of the game, but keeping it real means no fluff is attached. In my line of work as an incorporating channel and healer in the world of all things spiritual… it’s a slippery tightrope to balance your way along… but luckily, I have an inappropriately dark sense of humour and super strong glue on my shoes… which is ultra important when you can’t get the fire to light… you’re missing Strictly Come Dancing… your windswept hair gets totally tangled and trapped in the low olive tree branches that your dog insists on pulling you under, your internet allowance runs out at just the perfectly wrong moment, the solar power system trips and everything goes black… and you still can’t get over how much you enjoyed wild feral pees when you lived without water for 7 weeks.

Yup… off-grid life is not for the faint hearted. It’s for bravehearts. Or city slickers with rose tinted glasses that didn’t know what they were in for. All boxes well and truly ticked… and that t-shirt is already threadbare.

Hasta Luego my lovely friends… I have homework to do tonight… my Spanish class tomorrow is apparently going to be talking about all things Feminism… so I need to get my vocabulary ready when I step up on the Divine Feminine soap box. Wish my teacher luck…


Sally xx

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Haha ah yes I can identify with a bunch of things there having a very similar lifestyle in Spain. Thankfully the solar system is totally dependable right now and seems to make more power than we need /use at this time of year.
We occasionally see these lenticular clouds they are very beautiful as you say. Your photos are fabulous I must say. I hope one day you will be installing wind turbines to make the most of your wind, it sóunds powerful enough that you could make all that power you need and sell a load back to the grid as well. Your book sóunds like a great idea. I did the same thing a few years back and lost the almost complete manuscript when a computer failed so do back up that work as you go. 😉❤️🌈🦋🌴💛🍀

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