My first aid kit from @naturalmedicine. Based on a true story.

Hi Steemians, I send you a warm greeting and especially to @naturalmedicine. Once again I am very pleased to be able to share my stories and experiences with you. Without further ado I am going to tell you the story that led me to choose two plants and a liquor as part of my disaster emergency kit.

More than 20 years ago, the Cariaco earthquake occurred, a territory located in Sucre state, Venezuela. One of the faults that caused the earthquake is in the Pilar, about 15 minutes from my parents' home, and about 40 minutes from the epicenter of the earthquake. My family, uncles, cousins and some neighbors we managed to solve the needs of medical attention, through the natural medicine kit of the grandfather.


He was 9 years old when the earthquake happened. My parents spent nights without sleep. We had to stay in a refuge that the grandfather had built with palms, tree branches and light wood. It was not possible to get to the hospitals, the destruction caused by the earthquake was very great, we were under tsunami warning and it was best to stay in the shelter.

The grandfather is a faithful believer in natural medicine and provided us with various home remedies that were timely, for every occasion. He used achiote seed as an anticoagulant and healing agent; snake rum for muscle aches, bumps and sprains; and, the guanabana leaves as relaxing and anti stress.



The school year ended and on July 9, 1997, in the afternoon, my classmates, the teacher and I felt the movement of the earth. The desks moved. The living room walls cracked. The companions shouted. My heart was accelerating. We were scared and we left immediately. Outside the picture was not encouraging, you could see the destruction caused in our school and in much of the community, it was a nightmare, I walked over the rubble, I heard the whisper of people asking for help who were trapped.


That day I remember coming home walking by the hand of my father, my mother to see me hugged me very hard. My sisters cried scared. The walls of my home were about to fall and I was still trembling. The house was not habitable and there was no electricity service, so the grandfather suggested my parents spend the night in the shelter with several of my uncles, cousins and some neighbors. The refuge was supposed to be a safer place, being built of palms and light woods than our houses made of blocks and concrete. So we went to the grandfather's shelter. We were all scared. My only brother had a wound in his hand, my aunt had fractured his right ankle, some neighbors and cousins had big bruises and bruises on the body, and apart we invaded the nerves the aftershocks did not stop the earthquake. The hospitals were far away and with the tsunami warning it was impossible to reach that place.


While the other adults planned the night guards, the food and the distribution of the water, the grandfather began to treat the wounds, injuries and the alteration of the nerves in the following way:

First, he made an achiote paste using his seed. Annatto is an anticoagulant and healing, fights generalized infections and asthma, applied it in my brother's wound to stop the bleeding, just minutes issues for the wound to stop bleeding.

Annatto also known as onoto: it is a common plant in our country, its fruits are used to give color and flavor to meals, however it has excellent medicinal properties, contains antioxidants, has vitamin A, is anti-inflammatory, strengthens the brain, is healing, anticoagulant and prevents cancer.

Preparation of the annatto paste: To make the annatto paste, you only have to take the seed of the fruit, grind it with a piloncillo and apply it to the wound, this paste is good for skin diseases, it is a good scar for burns and an anticoagulant.

Second, for fracture of the ankle of the aunt, the grandfather used the rind of blind snake or "machacaca". He gave two a tablespoon to the aunt to calm the pain and applied the liquor in the injured area, taking his ankle to his position, the same liquor was applied as an ointment to the neighbors and cousins who had parts of his body beaten. Snake rum is recommended in case of fractures.

The blind snake rum "machacaca", this is a common rum made from fermented sugarcane, with the particularity that a blind snake is added in my community called "machacaca". This is an ancestral remedy, used by our aborigines, however this preparation requires a ritual with prayers.

Third, for stress, the grandfather prepared soursop leaves tea and gave to take the younger and women who were nervous. Soursop tea is a relaxant, so many times your medication produces drowsiness effects. It is not recommended to consume more than two cups a day.

Tea of soursop leaves, for its preparation only three leaves of the guanabano are needed, they are cooked with a little water over low heat, until an infusion is obtained. In case of insomnia take the guanabano leaf rub with your hands to extract the smell of the leaf, place the sheet under your pillow and lie down.

If there were any natural catastrophe, nuclear attack, threat zombies, pandemics, or lethal virus, Without thinking twice these three remedies would be included in my natural medicine kit, since these home remedies of the grandfather guaranteed the physical and mental health of the person that he would be with me before that earthquake and my own, without having to resort to the hospital. At home we have the blind snake rum machacaca, and near our home many achiote and guanábana trees.

All the photos were taken on my plot with my LG Mini G2 D620 phone.


We loved your entry and have resteemed it - you are more than definitely in the running to win steem! What an amazing story!

Thank you very much @naturalmedicine, in the most difficult and dangerous moments is where human beings always get the best out of us, nature is wise and over time we learn to count on the available natural resources that we have at hand in any situation of disaster

Your article reminded me of my grandfather. He also prepared that rum with snake and he did it through a ritual that, by the way, he never showed it to anyone, so part of this process was with him. Greetings.

Correct friend, it's like that, grandparents are so wise and know so many natural medicines to heal. Blind snake rum is special in case of fractures and more if the patient suffers from diabetes. There are several indications to effectively perform this treatment, but I assure you that this remedy needs to be prayed to act fully.

Wow this was absolutely amazing. What a testament to the power of natural medicine and grandfather’s preparedness! 100% upvote! 💚🌿 thanks for taking part!

The grandparents leave us many teachings about natural medicine, it is important that we multiply that knowledge for the benefit of the people, we need to converse to the world of that power of healing that the plants have. love your post and do not stop smiling, you are an excellent spokesperson for natural medicine.

This is an incredible and wonderful story! IN the next natural disaster, I want to be hanging with you!! Such simple, useful knowledge shared from the wisdom of experience. REALLY nice post. Following you too, btw! :)

Thank you very much @artemislives for me it would be a pleasure, and I have a question, would you take the blind snake rum ???

Wow that picture of snake rum is awesome! Loved reading your post and learning about your grandfathers tricks 😊 Just a quick question. Are kratom trees abundant in Venezuela?

Posted using Partiko iOS

Great read, id never heard of rum with a snake in it. Thanks for sharing!

Posted using Partiko Android

That would have been awful to live through with all the destruction! How fortunate you have a Grandfather who is so resourceful and that you are able to learn from him to make you stronger and more resilient through disasters. Thanks for sharing!

This is an absolutely wonderful story. I really appreciate the fact that these remedies will be remembered and passed down from generation to generation never being forgotten. Great post!

What a riveting story!! Your grandfather is an amazing man.. knowledgeable, calm under pressure, and willing to help others in need. Thanks for sharing :)

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