Birds Sing to Eggs to Prep Them for Global Warming
Not an Onion article. Scientists have noticed that Zebra Finches would sing a special song to their eggs before they hatched it the incubator's temperature was high. The babies came out smaller. Smaller birds are at an advantage in hotter environments. As adults, these babies also prefer hotter nests, giving them a competitive edge as global warming advances. "Bird brain" should no longer be an insult.
This type of imprinting occurs in mammals too, though no evidence that it is influenced by weather. For example, Dolphin mothers sing their own names to their babies, who come out ready to rock and roll.
Global warming is one of the biggest problem that every living organism is facing. We must plant trees whenever we can like on weekends. It would be great if everybody do that.
The nature doesn't cease, to surprise with the miracles