Today (April 11th, 2018) is National Pet Day!
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Your two pets are both lovely and charming. I also have 2 dogs and 2 cats at home. They're besties also. 😊
That's awesome, @kneelyrac! 😊
Awwwww... I love this post! Our dog and our daughter's cats have an interesting relationship where they'll end up asleep together on the dog bed. Tiberius (our dog) wants to be friends so badly, but the cat isn't having it most of the time!
Wonderful post!
That's so awesome, @byn! And how funny - it's the opposite in our house- although Sid is more nonchalant about wanting to be friends, and Sandy isn't having it most of the time. Thanks so much!
It has been lovely meeting the furrier members of your family, just so cute!
Thank you so much, @sweetpea!
Awww they look so adorable. Too cute!
Thank you, @crystalpacheco30!
Where would we be without our furry family members? Thanks for letting us meet them.
Good question, @papacrusher - there's only been a handful of years when we were "between pets" and I can't imagine how we made it through. And you're very welcome -thanks in return for visiting!
I love your furry friends!! As you know, I have a thing for pets, so to see your little Sid (love what it's short for!) and Sandy cuddled up together makes my heart warm. Our dogs and cats used to be one 'clump' all the cute ;)
Thank you, @lynncoyle1! This is actually the exception, not the rule - what you don't see off camera is Jim rubbing Sandy's tummy, which is about the only reason he wasn't running away from Sid - LOL! But he's slowly getting used to it - it helps that Sid is always hanging around him, whether Sandy wants him to or not! 😂
Omg! You have beautiful pets. I both love cats and dogs. :)
Thanks, @cookntell! I'm a bit biased, but I agree -they are adorable! LOL!
Unusual way of finding 4 legged friends who end up sleeping together and stealing our hearts @traciyork
Unusual definitely describes our family, both four legged and two. LOL! Thanks, @joanstewart!
Thanks, @pixresteemer! 💜 📷
Awww so cute. I am a big cat lover but can't keep pets in my flat/apartment block. I'm also fascinated with this new phenomenon of taking cats for a walk. It looks like Sid is wearing a cat lead in that picture? Do you walk him in your local area? Thanks for sharing the story of your pets @traciyork
That's a bummer, @raj808 - I've lived in a couple of places like that, but luckily not for long. I've always been a big cat lover, and in recent years have become more of a dog person.
Yes, Sid is wearing a harness/lead combo, but it's actually made for a dog, not cat - he's a rather large Tom, so the cat ones didn't fit. We don't really walk him, but for the past six years, he's been an indoor cat with outdoor bathroom privileges. Whenever he needs to "do his business' we put the harness on and take him outside. Given how much wildlife we have around our house (coyotes, hawks, and bears, to name a few), it's a much safer option than letting him go out on his own. 😊