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RE: I Came Across A Group Of Hostile Demons On Youtube Last Night! - Beware of "Conspiracy Factualist" and company!
there's probably a grand difference between religious nuts/wingnuts or government conspiracy theorists ... i found @truthbeyondlies to be most open for discussion so far, thats why i keep them around too, one-sided dictators who hold the sole truth and preach it instead of lay it on the table for disccusion are like spelling nazis : if einstein came up wit special relativity to them, they would bust him for spelling it "ligt"
hahah, i was going for the classic quote but this one had more to it :p
o yea before i get the question mark i had many times before : i call them "wingnuts" because

left-right-wingnuts (i dont do dictionary much)
and a picture says more than 1000 words too
what you said resonates well and point well taken, very good insight actually :)
I grew up in a similar environment :) haha
Both sides are jacked... but one is worse than the other currently :P