The Art of Begging: My Dilemma to give or not to give


Fellow eSTEEMed,

Today, we come across a lot of people as go do our daily activities. Some come to us for help as to cover for their needs for the time being while some ask as a vocation. Begging is the act of asking for money or other items of need (shelter, food, or clothes) and those who partake in this act are called beggars.

Throughout my life and my encounters with beggars, I’ve got to see some so good at the art that they manipulate those giving easily and some are unskilled in the art.

As it is said, beggars have nothing to give than a pleading look or gesture and nothing to lose than humiliation. I wish to discuss on the various types of beggars I’ve met so far and on my dilemma on giving handouts or not.

This-is-my-spot beggar

Got the “this is my spot” from character, Sheldon from the sitcom, The Big Bang Theory who is known to love a spot in his living room shared with his roommate and doesn’t allow any other person there. Just like Sheldon, some beggars are known to stay at a spot, day in day out.

These are people who have taken begging as a vocation. They do not want other beggars around their spot as they deem it as ill luck and are skilled at praising and thanking those who give them handouts. They usually have this pleading look that prompts someone to want to give. They are usually not well dressed (torn clothes and dirty) to help in manipulation and persuasion.

My encounter with one this kind of beggar was when I was still a Jambite looking for admission. I always gave him a cut of my pocket money because he seemed nice and friendly. I continued to give him this cut until someday I forgot and as I walked past him and he called me back asking, “brother, won’t you drop something today?” Well, I was surprised because I gave him because I felt like and not because it was an obligation. I smiled and walked away and didn’t give him any cut again. I guess it was better to save the money.

The circumstantial beggar

This kind of beggar just is usually a one-time beggar. The person who does this is in dire need of the help and has no other means to find what he/she needs. Their begging session usually ends whenever their aims are achieved or have found what they are looking for. They are the kind of beggars that are the most unskillful and one might know from how they ask.

The not so truthful beggar

This beggar has taken up begging as a vocation and added illegality to it. They lie and also try to con those not aware of their whims. An example of this kind of beggar is the one I usually see at the hospital.
As a medical student, going round the hospital and trying to study, different set of individuals will come meet you asking you for help. They want money either for drugs or to carry out a test. When you take a look at the prescription or test slip, you get to find out that they are frauds and not so good at conning. How can one write names of family members in the place meant for the drugs to be written?

The beggar that uses voodoo

These kinds of beggars are the ones I dread the most. They take up begging as a vocation and use charm to manipulate their victims. On several occasions I’ve heard of beggars disappearing with their philanthropic victims and never to be found.

Another type of charm used is the beggar commanding the victim to bring all their valuables and even going the extra mile to tell them to go home and bring more or borrow to come give them.

The second type of charm used, I have witnessed and I don’t ever pray to be a victim of such. These beggars are persuasive to get your attention and when you give it to them, the effects of the charms come into play.

The fine beggar

This kind of a beggar is a master of his game. They are usually well dressed and always have a convincing story to tell to whoever is ready to listen to help them out. At first, you’ll think it’s a circumstantial beggar but you’ll find them later or some other day telling the same story to you and pleading for help.

An example is an old man that came to meet me and told me that he had 700 naira and needed 300 naira more to complete his money needed to travel to a place. He was quite old and I thought he was sincere. I gave him the money, he thanked me and left. I was feeling happy I’ve helped someone in need until I met him at a different location telling me the same story that day. I was shocked and reminded him I just gave him money some minutes ago. He looked at me with disdain and walked away. Some days later, I saw him again telling the same story to a different set of persons.

The beggar that curses

This beggar is one of a kind. They are not usually seen around. I’ve met only two I can remember. The beggar starts praising and praying for who he/she wants to beg from. If the person doesn’t answer to the praises and prayers by giving out, the beggar resorts to curses. The beggar will continue to curse as if it was his right to be paid for the praise and prayers.

The only way to escape this beggar is to give him/her anything he/she wants or walk away. You wouldn’t want to be a victim of this kind of beggar due to the embarrassment.

The persistent Beggar

This kind of beggar is somewhat like the one that curses. But instead of cursing you, the beggar holds on to you and won’t let you go until you give them something.

I have encountered one, she held me for a long distance until I gave her some money before she left me alone. People will be wondering why an old woman would be holding on to you and begging for something. Pray you never to meet this kind of beggar.

The beggar with children

This kind of beggar has a battalion of kids around to send to beg you. They are usually the kind of “this is my spot beggars” and the kids become the “persistent” type of beggar. The kids will rally around people and beg and would hold on to you till you give them whatever they ask for.

Sometimes, the owner of the kids goes around with them asking for help stating the kids haven’t eaten since morning or they need money for studies. Don’t be surprised to see this same set of people again somewhere saying the same stories.

My dilemma

Begging can be quite a lucrative vocation, I’ve heard of famous beggars having mansions and sending their kids to the best schools in town. It scares one on who to give and who is telling the truth and is truly in need.

I love to give but I am sometimes get stuck finding the right person to give. I did use to dream to have a philanthropic organization to help those in need but as the list mentioned above, many of those in need are crooks that are lazy and want free money. I am still very scared of talking to strange people and don’t want to be a victim of voodoo masters.

So my question is how does one know who is right to give and how do you overcome the meetings with any of this kind of beggars? Do leave your comments below and tell us your experience with these different types of beggars.



We also have the cooperate beggars who dress as if they don't need your cash. The come to you seeking for help. Sometimes they will ask for T-fare or will say they just lost their cash to pick pockets so you can give them something.

Funny enough they don't change location, they are always at the same location.

Funny enough they don't change location, they are always at the same location.

If my friends catch this kind of person eh, they'll embarrass his life. My problem is still on who to give.


I don't give money to beggars. I've heard stories of beggars trying to use what you give them against you and sometimes I feel you don't have a reason to beg unless you're handicapped or too sick to work.

I love this write up for its originality and the fact that it is about a phenomenon most Nigerians experience often. Very good.

Hello @nwamaka
A common Nigerian phenomenon it is. How often do you encounter these types of beggars and how do you avoid the not so good ones?

Too often. I just basically move along. Recently women dressed in blouses and white wrappers held me down, started praying for me and thwn asked me for money. I was taken aback

Lool. I run away whenever I see such women. They're traditional diviners but still want money for prayers. Very funny. Sorry about the experience.


I also don't know who to give as I always come across ones that have dogs and I just don't understand how to manage to cope and still be able to feed their dog. I also really question whether I should give to the smokers. I always feel like it would be a waste to give it to them if they're going to spend it on cigars which is damaging to their health when they could spend the money on other foods and clothing.But there's also a part of me that feels like they have no other choice and but to smoke as they have nothing left to do. But overall, I think that most of them are sincere and need our help.

I think that most of them are sincere and need our help.

Well, this is true but after listing all the types you see above, you'll feel reluctant. The money that isn't enough for you, you'll then give for someone to smoke to death. Very sad. I've not seen much with dogs.

You are right about those who uses voodoo to beg for alms, God will protect us from their hands and I suggest we should also be careful. God just delivered me from a warfare becos of a alm I gave

Ah, thank God you are safe from their evil. I'm scared too of them. I walk very fast and do not stop to answer strangers unless I'm with someone.

How can one write names of family members in the place meant for the drugs to be written?

This one weak me ooo 😂.
Sometimes, I feel people are suffering, but seems they are just lazy and greedy. God help us all.

Amen, may we all be helped in our country. I get lazy too sometimes.

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