She Once Loved - Short Story
She started walking home, so shaken by the events that just played out and simply trying to make sense of it all that she didn't even notice that it had started to rain at first. Her feet mechanical placed themselves one after the other until she finally reached a park bench where she decided to sit down. She looked up at the storm brewing sky as the tears started streaming down her face. She had her heart broken one too many times.
‘I once loved freely and without reserve’ she thought to herself as the tears and rain indistinguishably rolled over her cheeks.
And then it all became clear to her.
The end of this relationship did not amount to the end of her love, and she knew that she would find love one day, real love, pure love, the kind of love that she knew deep down inside her, that she deserved.
Another thing that she decided in that moment, was that she was not going to wait until that day before she starts loving again because she knew that she deserved to be loved just as much as she is willing to give love. You see that moment she decided to start loving herself for the wonderful person she is, she started giving herself credit for her accomplishments regardless of how big they were, and she started appreciating herself a little more every day from that moment on.
Her soul felt a hundred times lighter than it did even before the recent relationship had started. She looked up at the sky once more as she wiped the tears from her eyes and noticed that the rain had stopped, and the sky was clear once more. When she got up from that park-bench she left all the memories of hurt caused by people she had loved in the past behind her and started her way back home.
Hello,, ho are you