MYTC was founded with the idea to help small and medium businesses trade and barter globally using a decentralized trading platform.
With many existing trading services, users are restricted in a number of ways:
- access to members of other platforms is limited;
- they are charged excessively high fees;
- they have to go through a centralized ledger;
- users cannot always trade without members; and
- businesses are restricted by only being able to trade with entities that they know, or are located close-by.
MYTC seeks to change all that. They intend to create a decentralized platform for small/ medium enterprises to use a common currency to conduct reciprocal trades and barters. MYTC seeks to help small businesses improve themselves through the use of digital cash on the revolutionary block chain technology.
How Does Trade Token Work?
Business owners love bartering/trading because it saves them cash; moves excess stock or idle inventory and fills up their downtime or spare capacity. Chances are you have conducted a one-to-one barter/trade deal in the past and the outcome was win-win. However, while these direct barter/trade deals can be effective, they lack flexibility, which limits how often they may occur. The challenge with a direct one-on-one barter is you might want something that one business has but they may not want what you have. By creating a cryptocurrency of barter/trade tokens you can barter-trade conveniently with a growing list of members worldwide. Trade Token has created a flexible, secure and fully accountable way for businesses to barter/trade their goods and services with businesses all around the country and the world. By using Trade Token, you earn barter/trade tokens for the goods and services you sell and this value is recorded electronically in your member account (similar to a bank account). You then spend your credit balance on goods or services from any other Trade Token member. It offers you completely flexible trading because:
► you don’t have to purchase from the same business that purchases from you
► you can spend with anyone locally, nationally and internationally
► you can sell now and buy later, or buy now and sell later.
Other Ways Trade Token Help Merchants:
Gain New Customers: Trade Token promotes your business to other local, national and international businesses who are all potential customers. Every new customer brought to you by the Trade Token community brings new income on top of what you’re already receiving, which will help to increase your profit margins.
Improve Your Cash Flow: Trade Token adds another dimension to your enterprise by giving you the freedom to accept barter/trade tokens to attract new customers and increase your sales.
Move Excess Stock and Idle Inventory: Trade Token is the easiest way to sell your excess or slow-moving stock without heavy discounting. If your business experiences seasonal markets, barter/trade provides a profitable way to use the inventory on a regular basis.
Help Bringing Customers to You: then use this additional income to pay for needed goods or services within your business, saving your valuable cash flow for other expenses and purchases.
Enhance Productivity: Trade Token helps companies put inventory, equipment and employees to more effective use, converting downtime and spare capacity into extra revenue by utilizing the Trade Token network as an additional business/revenue source. How often do you have staff that are underutilized, tables or hotel rooms unoccupied? When you are dealing just in ‘time’ - once it is gone, it is gone. By accepting the extra business that Trade Token brings, you don’t miss out on creating value.
Purchasing Discount: When you purchase with Trade Token you are effectively spending with your excess product or service. Therefore, you buy at a discount based on your profit margin. For instance, if it costs you 35c in the dollar to produce your goods or services then for every $100 trade you spend, it really only costs you $35. So, you are in fact buying at a 65% discount!
Expand Distribution Channels: Trade Token members can cost-effectively expand their business reach by promoting within Trade Token virtual network, the online business website where members actively promote their business and conduct business transactions. Essentially, business to business networking is an universal online hub where companies gather to barter or trade their goods and services between one another. The process is very simple and saves businesses from spending money, meaning they can free up finances for other operational costs. The way this all works is by utilizing Trade Token, which you earn from selling your services to other companies. These Tokens are recorded electronically on member’s account. You can then spend this balance essentially like real currency, to in turn purchase the services of another business.
Total Community Involvement and Support: With the growing community of crypto currency enthusiast and market adoption of cryptocurrency, these businesses/enterprises who are members of My Trade Token will enjoy an increase in customers through the acceptance of Trade Token holders locally, nationally and internationally.
- MYTC Token is a cryptocurrency which serves to provide a private, secure trading network with transaction costs which is much lower than existing trade merchant payment systems.
- MYTC Token as a cryptocurrency will be able to act as a store of value
- MYTC Token as a cryptocurrency is supported by the merchants and members who are part of the trading network.
- MYTC will let merchants’ complete business successfully even if they don’t belong to the same platform. Our Token will break existing boundaries and let small and medium business expand and create relationships faster.
- MYTC Token circulates within the network, these trade tokens are accepted by both small to medium businesses that buy and sell between them and their direct customers; the community.
What makes us different to the others,
we are not just another exchange idea We believe firmly in supporting small/medium enterprises and the community that supports them, hence our focus is to build an ecosystem where it will facilitate this. Our model is to provide a technology that will enable small medium business to gain a competitive advantage through greater reach of customers and other trading/bartering partners. We believe that the growth of any businesses stems from the support of communities thus we believe that businesses should provide their goods and services through the use of technology a transparent transaction to their customers. We believe businesses are paying too much fees to banks and institutions to perform their everyday trading and increasing commission fees for transactions. Our Token will reduce bureaucracy and transactions fees significantly, as our primary focus is our customer’s growth.
MYTC Token as a cryptocurrency is supported by both merchants/businesses providing the goods and services and the community purchasing them within that ecosystem. This ensures that they both rely on each other for their own benefit. Contributors know that MYTC Token is supported by the stored different trade/barter dollars which is issued to these merchants/businesses for MYTC Token. And merchants are aware that the community keeps our token liquid in public exchanges. The value of MYTC derives from both the trade/barter dollars and the circulation of MYTC token within the ecosystem.
Pre Token Generation Event
Pre-TGE will be launched to help expand the team of developers to work on the project and further purchase in our marketing campaign for the upcoming TGE. The funds will help to finalize our prototype faster to be presented to all stakeholders. The funds will also help to fund the MYTC core development, even before the end of our TGE. Our target for the pre-TGE is 1,500 ETH, and the hard cap is set to 5,000 ETH. If you want to be part of our preliminary token offering please subscribe on our website (, to receive notifications and updates about our crowd sale and project milestones. An email will be sent the 48 hours (2 days) before the first day of the sale as a reminder. Our pre-TGE will start on 1st August (Pre-TGE) ending midnight 31st August Midnight (GMT) Remember the number of tokens for the pre-TGE is limited, once the hard cap is reached we will not be able to offer the tokens for the same price with the same level of bonus. At the start date we will provide the address of the pre-TGE contract on our website. Please make sure you send Ethereum token using your ERC20 wallets. Do not send any tokens directly from your exchange.
► Token Name: MYTC
► Block chain: Ethereum ERC20 token
► Start Date: 1st August 2018 12:00 (GTM)
► Duration: 31 days
► Pre TGE Soft Cap: 1,500 ETH
► Pre TGE Hard Cap: 5,000 ETH
► Price: 1 ETH = 10,000 MYTC
► Payment Method: ETH
► Min Purchase: 0.1 ETH
► Total Token Supply: 50,000,000 MYTC
Token Generation Event (TGE)
The crowd sale will fund the initial development and adoption of the MYTC ecosystem and platform. TGE shall commence 1st September and will last 30 days or whenever the hard cap of 17,800 ЕТH is reached. The contract address will be announced at on the first day of the crowd sale.
► Start Date: 1st September 2018, 12:00 (GTM)
► Duration: 30 days
► TGE Soft Cap: 3,500 ETH
► TGE Hard Cap: 17,800 ETH
► Payment Method: ETH
► Min Purchase: 0.1 ETH
► Total Token Supply: 112,000,000 MYTC
MYTC Token Allocation
The total amount of MYTC token created will be 300,000,000
► 18% will go the MYTC Team and will be vested for 9 months
► 3% will go the MYTC advisory committee as well as bounties and marketing
► 25% will go in reserve and escrowed to be offered to merchants who would like to further expand their footprints and support the MYTC ecosystem.
► 54% will be offered and made available to the public
Remaining or unsold tokens will be rolled over in future releases to give an opportunity to future merchants to join our ecosystem. Our smart contract is set to never mint any additional tokens. This will ensure that token holders will never lose value when new tokens enter the market. Total amount of tokens is 300,000,000 MYTC. There will be a hard cap set to 17,800 ETH at TGE. If the hard cap is reached, the tokens become immediately transferrable. Remaining Tokens will be rolled out immediately for sale to merchants. This will ensure that merchants have the chance to enter and further support the MYTC ecosystem.
Unsold tokens from PreTGE and TGE events, will be rolled over into our reserved tokens account. This account will allow merchants to trade MYTC tokens within our platform, making the onboarding process easier for businesses to commence trading with MYTC. While MYTC is gaining popularity, this also allows for continued project funding. MYTC will only issue reserved tokens when its gaining positive traction in the market place and there is a demand for MYTC as new merchants and trade/bartering partners sign on.
MYTC Market Capitalization
MYTC will never issue or mint any more tokens after the crowd sale. Once 300,000,000 tokens have been issued, minting will be ended. This is to protect MYTC token holders from loss of value through inflation. MYTC Token total market cap shall be driven by the demand of society multiplied by the maximum number of tokens produced (300,000,000 Tokens).
Besides MYTC technological advantages, we need a clear go-to-market strategy in order to be able to efficiently establish MYTC as a big player in the market. Our strategy is based on the divide-and-conquer principles, where we’re starting with very specific geographic markets and niches, and taking them one by one until we reach significant volume to get to the next stage. We shall commence with partnerships with different trade/bartering exchanges within Australia and then progress in other regions where those exchanges have partnerships. The benefits that members of these trade exchanges shall inherit from using MYTC Token is that they will have access to a much larger aggregated trading platform (locally and internationally), the members will have the ability to access more spending opportunities with their trade dollars. The members will also enjoy more opportunities to market their products and services to a larger and broader market audience who now has access and wants to spend their MYTC Token with these merchants. There is an estimated 450,000 Small Medium Enterprises (SME) currently bartering in the USA, over 15,000 SME currently bartering in Australia. There are over 150,000 SME bartering in China, and 50,000 SME in South East Asia coupled with central Asia has approximately 100,000 SME bartering/trading. UK and Europe have close to 200,000 SME actively bartering. We are yet to receive statics about India and South Africa and other continents of the world but believe that there are over one million business actively bartering/trading every day of every year generating over $10 Billion per year.
Stage 1: complete core platform and build partnerships with trade/bartering exchanges within Australia focusing on SME (Small Medium Enterprises)
Stage 2: Consolidate our growth in Australia, and expand into other regions that our bartering/trade partners are located in. Areas (south east Asia, UK, USA, China)
Stage 3: consolidate our growth within all regions that our partners are located in and expand into other regions that has not being exposed to trade/bartering. (India, South America, Europe)
Stage 4: Build on and open platform to all size of businesses from small to large.
Stage 5: Build on and open platform to everyone in the global community, encourage other platforms to work with us.
Extended use cases Due to MYTC versatile and modular architecture, it’s possible to adapt it into many other industries and marketplaces where small transactions are completed daily.
Road Map
► November 2017 – Team Building
► December 2017 - Idea Development
► January 2018 - Technical Specification - Strategic partnerships and alliances formed
► February 2018 – Design draft - White Paper creation. - Business company formation.
► March 2018 - Marketing and Token initialization - Website deployment. - Creation of smart contracts. - Creation of ERC20 token.
► April 2018 - Creation of business registry prototype. - Creation of consumer registry prototype.
► May 2018 - White paper release. - Marketing campaign begins.
► June 2018 - Smart Contract development - AUSTRAC registration
► July 2018 - Smart Contract deployment - White paper final version release. - Bounty campaign begins.
► August 2018 - PreTGE begins.
► September 2018 - Commencement of Token Generation Event. - Development and release of MVP. - Commencement of MYTC Core development. Global decentralized bartering system 24
► October 2018 - Completion of TGE. - Beta version platform development; testing exchange APIs. - Begin cryptocurrency exchange registration. - Tokens release for bounties. - Prototype development, with integration to our first external bartering platform
► November 2018 – MYTC Core deployment. - Begin platform development version 1. - Team expansion.
► 2018 (4th Quarter) - Extensive Marketing of MYTC and MYTC Token - Independent Security Test of platform. - Commencement of mobile apps (IOS and Android) development version 1. - Independent Security Test of mobile applications (iOS and android). - Sign partnership agreement with Australian exchanges
► 2019 (1st Quarter) - Release of app (iOS and android) version 1.0 - Release first version of MYTC platform.
► 2019 (2nd Quarter) – Update and enhance mobile apps (iOS and android) - Platform Release Version 2.0 - Consolidate partnerships with Different Australian barter/trade exchanges
► 2019 (3rd Quarter) – Expand office into Thailand - Expand offices into Vietnam
► 2019 (4th Quarter) – Expand offices into Singapore - Expand offices into Malaysia
► 2020 – Expand offices into USA
► 2021 – Expand offices into UK
► 2022 – Expand office into China
► 2023 – Expand offices into Europe
If a MYTC Token holder moves to another country, it is not necessary for them to close their account and exit the system. The MYTC Ecosystem will be a global Platform that allows users to migrate between applications and instantly transact with their MYTC tokens. The transparent governance framework at the Ecosystems center will be inclusive by design, enabling an easy interface by Application Hosts. This will drive early adoption and allows seamless interfacing with bartering/trading markets around the world, bringing innovation and a wide range of network benefits to Consumers. We believe that blockchain technology will be of next frontier of the internet and the future of a cashless society allowing for the exchanges of everyday goods and services. With our token generation event, we will be able to assist businesses/enterprises who support their immediate community who ultimately support the economy. We have a belief of using innovative technology to help small medium enterprises think and act globally whilst serving the community.
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